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I also mostly do when either Harb and Logan is inviting me.

What is this? One man mosh isn’t that bad, because A) it’s easier and B) the enemys will be 4v5 for a couple of time…

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The ETC i had on my team would make you want to have a bot ETC instead. Thats how bad he was. Also the only times he used his Mosh Pit ult was when half his team was dead cause he could not bother helping his team and used caps lock when he finally dared to speak in chat. Screaming DEFEND OR LOSE in all caps while half his team is down just speaks for itself why he only had 34% winrate with him.

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100% I just dont understand where in a game, you try think of a good strat based on experience and the other team but the team doesn’t follow.

I mean, technically we’re all in the same MMR range so on paper we should all be on the same page

And the story continues today. 4 man premade that dont take a single camp and i yet again have to self peel myself as Stukov while Imperius just ignore me whole game and just stats paddle himself.

Guess i will just leave this game until monday cause i had enough of this. Cant be bothered with this. People just stats paddle now and ignore everything like the great brawl kings they all are.

Zero respect towards healers cause they are just a healbot to people that like to stats paddle.

Already on a 9 lose steak already so i will stop now since i already know this will continue and get worse the more games i play.

Weekend games at its best. Games full of brawl kings and stats paddle queens.

This is the reason I stopped playing healer most of the time, but prefer my own path as bruiser, because it’s a mistake to be dependent from potatoes. I always see people in my games, who never do camps, soak, etc. but brawl all the time exclusively. So I use the time and soak and do camps. :smiley: The only negative thing that might happen sometimes that people are mad at you, because you are almost always absent from fights, but this people just don’t see that you are trying to win the game to give them level advantage and avoid level disadvantage.

Most of my team mates were showing picks. Including a BW and Li-Ming. The Malf was originally showing BW.

I say “Lock BW first”. We get a first pick Li-Ming. I don’t think she’s a priority pick on this map but, that’s just me. Our Banner 1st banned Tychus. Tip, Johanna can use blinds to counter minigun. And then at the end, the last player picks KTZ

So the enemy pick Diablo (I would have banned him, but I’m not the banner) And they proceed to destroy our backline all game. Even when I was fighting 2 vs 1 top. My team still lost bot lane, 4 vs 3.


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So after some hours i gave the game a chance again and qued up as Dehaka.

But Matchmaker still wants me to keep losing so here you are. Have fun losing with a 13% 1.3 kda Kerri and a Imperius that has lowest dmg of all.

So now i finally reached 10 games lost in a raw.

Cant be bothered with this.

Im off to play some other games since this matchmaker can only figue out to give me feeders and low winrate players that play like it was a brawl.

This is insane, which league are you playing in? I mean I play between silver - gold and the average player on this elo has a KDA between 2 - 4, that means they have around 3.x. Only a minority of players have a KDA of 1.3, that’s extreme.

Well, I can’t make this up. We got kills and we’re pushing with the boss. The enemy core is taking damage.

Our tank has VERY low health, but jumps in front of the hall of storms at an enemy instead of hitting the core. (And you’ know, staying near BW to get healed)

Obviously he dies.

Then, Zeratul goes for a walk (He wasn’t threatened in any way) not hitting the core.
While our li-Ming had picked Archon, but never aimed her beam at the core. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.

These are the times I hate being Malthael. Because during a core push, you can’t do anything. You’re pretty much a melee minion.

And this is now the 8th game in a row I lose like this. I keep telling myself the potatoes can’t always be on my team. But it looks like it’s a thing.


It’s bad when all his allies are dead, as Frogsaron wrote in his post. It’s then just a self stun with no alive allies to do damage. I’ve also seen E.T.C players slide under enemy towers to do a mosh pit and die in one second. :smile:


You’re having a tough time I can relate to Phaseshifter. This season particularly in Plat feels like when I was climbing up from Bronze. General game sense, from drafts, lack of rotations, death balling mid, ignoring taking and defending camps… ugh!

This is why I’ve just taken a break from ranked for a bit, in QM you can put up with such things.


I think it’s all the returning players. I have no idea why they decided decay didn’t apply under diamond. People get to come back to plat, but are virtually new players.

And if you’re unlucky, they end up on your team instead of the enemy’s.


This might be the best explanation honestly. I’ve often looked at the profiles of very under performing teammates and have noticed they hadn’t played in a year or so. I would have just assumed it was an alt account, but considering the manner in which they played, I think they returned due to covid and having more time on their hands for recreation.

Oh, that screen shot of the Li-Ming with Archon not hitting the core is just so…ugh, I feel your pain.


And then you’ll get me slamming people if I decayed to bronze. It’s a lose-lose. I get angry I decayed (I still hate decay as is) and everyone else suffers too.

I’m trying guys. I’m REALLY trying.

I can’t stop my team mates from suiciding. Another loss. I don’t know what to do anymore.



What does the team do? Doesn’t target her… she’s out healing, giving huge armour, saving people… she can literally save assassins from a 4vs1 fight…

I was quira and had my lvl 20 mass silence ult and I always save it for whitemane and she dies…

But other group members don’t see it. Our Stitches decides to eat orphea, not whitemane who was literally next to her… orphea pops out, 4 on 1 on orphea, whitemane saves her.

We wipe as a group, they rush our core. They win…

How is this not common sense TO EFFING TARGET THE HEALER!!! ANY HEALER!

Try out LoL. 20 char

Last pick Azmodan.

Now why do my team mates think this comp is a good idea?

Well, who could have predicted that we’d lose with that comp?
Another round of suicidal team mates. Now down to Gold 3.

How can they never be on the other team!!!


The consolation from my perspective is that robohealz must be down in gold now which… well I had some experiences with him and unless ihe was just in a really bad mood that one time he doesn’t deserve any higher. The bad news is he’s helping to pull you down with him.

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