Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

When my team reached lvl 20 our Leoric suddenly walks up to enemy core and just afk for some strange unknown reason. So because of that i had to solo carry as Artanis vs a enemy team that already has enough dmg to kill me twice in a raw.

Lucky the enemy Imperius thought he was unkilleble with his trait build and was trying to 4v1 us. Same goes for Qhira. So we ended up reaching up on them and won. Meanwhile Leo had died 8 times in enemy base while doing nothing but stand infront of core and let it kill him over and over. He ended the game with 2-16 score.

Ended up checking his profile. And surprisly he was just another player with only 1.8 kda total on his whole account.

He even had heroes he had played 50 games with that only had 0.8 kda LOL.

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Objective is up. Our bot keep is low health. Tychus is there.

My entire team goes to chase Tychus. it’s late game, we’re lvl 23, it doesn’t matter.(our keep that is)

I ping my team, go to objective, go to objective. All four of them chase Tychus for 15 seconds. Tychus knows he’s gonna die so he destroys the keep. So they lose the keep, and the objective, and the game.

But they got to kill Tychus…
And now I’m back to Gold!

So friggin sick of this,.

(Oh yeah, and the objective before that when we were 4 vs 2 at their core? They went to destroy another keep instead. Why would we want to destroy the core?)


QM: Cursed Hallow

Their Gaz was top dps and we were dying in choke point objective areas because of his grav bomb ult. We lose 100% of the team fights in choke point areas.

Their base was 60%, our base 100%.

We had 2 tributes, they had 0. They were always grouped up! The tribute came up… We were all alive…

I said in chat “we need to sneak and core it! PLAY SMART, GAZ WILL USE HIS GRAV AGAIN AND KILL US! SACRIFICE A TRIBUTE!!!”… They didn’t listen!!!

So what they do? All go for the tribute, I obviously followed… Gaz uses his grav bomb, gets 3, they die, then I die then our Tass gets away.

They rushed our core…

I said: “team, you got to listen and think logically, they are grouped up, we could have easily rushed their core while they were going for the tribute”



I have adjusted the expectations I have about QM or any mode, especially if I queue up solo. I’m just thrilled when people don’t mindlessly brawl and feed mid, take camps, do basic rotations and turn up for suitable objectives.

I feel your pain, as what I said above is often far too much to expect apparently. It’s also such a joy too when you don’t get any player(s) trolling in a game.

So many horror stories in saltmines recently. Anyway I’m predicting I’ll be coming back here tonight with a story to tell.

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Gazno is op. Just nerf him already. A hard nerf would still make him C tier which isn’t the end of the world

Had a game this morning that just made my eye twitch

A person on my team told me the only way I could play Qhria instead of them was to click first… the fact he thought Qhira is a first pick honestly just proved to me why this dingus had a 45% winrate over 80 ish games

Needless to say the Enemy picked Brightwing and this guy got allmost nothing done and I am just shaking my head the whole time, the Suicidal diablo certainly didn’t help matters either

I wish I had time to wait for another game and that that Qhira player was on the enemy team, because I think they need some tough love, if I see someone stupid enough to do that again they are gettin an Arthas to the face!

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Game be like “oh you messed up and played poorly that one game? Ok well now get 2digit death teamates in every single game for eternity so you learn your lesson”

I’ve started to feel any QM game where I get a Nova is so much more work, or simply a curse.

I want to say to the Nova yesterday, yes we had a boss about to hit our core. But the boss we sent to the enemy’s core got it to under 10% with no shield. You had 2 charges on Precision Strike and I asked you to use it to finish the enemy core that had no shields.

Nope in a game that was already at 32 minutes, you told me I was a “noob” and you used it on the full health boss hitting our 5% shielded core and of course we then lost.

Gazlow wants to speak with you, Tooton.

Dear KT player. It’s probably best not to take convection vs Genji and Tracer and please, please, please stop using Pyro on a full health Johanna!

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0-6, today, this game is bad and should feel bad.

Honestly, I think I know how “forced 50” happens, it’s because of people just refusing to give up because the losing streak compels them to feel like they have to keep going… and keep losing. Thus, “forced 50”.

I’m back as expected. I had 2 great games previously but then this last one.

I was forced on macro duty the whole game because neither Abathur nor Junkrat were interested, camps were being taken by hogger on all sides. Lanes are being pushed by naz and our pressure is in turn being muted by rag. Junkrat barely did any lane defending, and dehaka favoured team fights weirdly too much but understandably since our macro is so poor… when it didn’t need to be in the first place.
I even forgot we had a li ming. She was afk at the start of the match and didn’t contribute much I rarely saw her myself anyway. Not to mention every camp I pinged for assistance to at least deny hogger’s steal, nobody nearby listened.

Was I supposed to have ignored the macro game and just brawled with the others?

This is usual for me.

Poor you, that’s very discouraging, Abathur not interested in macro. :frowning:

Yes and no. Sometimes if you join your team in those deathballs, it just snowballs even faster, sometimes it can help. There is really not perfect answer.

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Big sigh, I see. Thank you anyway! For a moment I was doubting whether I was the odd one out and could barely believe this was an actual game. Nobody was aware of their roles.

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It’s sounds rather like a lose streak for bad plays, because people tend to be tilting after a some defeats than a forced winrate.

And we on it again. Weekend games in a nutshell. 34% winrate ETC in a 3x party joins just to play solo whole game so i had to peel for myself as Stukov in teamfights vs Blaze and KTZ that keep on chasing me while ETC meanwhile plays with minions somewere on the map.

At least Hogger tried to help me with the few peels he has to give. And when he finally arrives and Mosh Pit he does it on only 1 enemy hero when his own team is dead.

I will just pretend we had no tank in that game cause it fell like we had none when ETC only joins to troll and has 3k dmg done after 15 min.

And his two other team mates was no better. Zero help from them too and were just leaving me and Hogger to do everything while they just chased for kills and died just like thier troll ETC.

Could have won that game if that 3 man party just had more brain and less troll. But i guess that wont happen when its weekend now were games gets 100% more infected by trolls and feeders that just joins to waste your time.


Why not party with the other forum regulars?

kek! I’m so sorry, but that made me laugh out loud! I’ve seen quite a few E.T.C players do the one man Mosh Pit.

E.T.C is in free rotation this week, so it’s probably why he was so awful.


My team: Gul, Val, Ana, Mei, Aba
Their team: Diablo, Uther, Art, Tass, Tyc
Map: Hanamura
Match time: 8 minutes

Yup… we lost hard, 5 levels down, couldn’t even deal damage…