Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!


Looks like it’s never gonna stop :frowning:

I’m feeling incredibely salty that this thread is getting more attention then the GG thread

Sad Panda is sad panda.


Pretty sure it’s always going to be that way.

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Good thing you went raynor but the odds were against you based on everyone else’s picks that game

Neither of the threads are showing up as popular.
I just learned about GG a couple days ago.
I got this as network effect, I was looking at someone’s posts.
I miss Minky :frowning:


You better start cheering people up and remove the negativ aura some people have.

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Actually your comp isn’t as bad as you think. Murky goes for dual soak and the other 4 could roam as 4 and gank the others. Murky is great at dual soak.

Except when against marksmen who make him practically worthless

In his game specifically if butcher literally followed murky everywhere (clear lane for meat then move back if murky tries to proxy farm) then murky gets zero pufferfish value, loses soak as murky is the one moving greater distances, and has no bribe stacks. He’s useless until 10 at the very least, and butcher scales easily

Sure he can do it, but Murky has also a team and they could trap Butcher, if he follows Murky… shouldn’t be too hard to figure it out. Butcher is not a counter to Murky, except Murky player is bad.

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Which then means murkys team has to give more resources to help murky. There’s always a trade off and murkys team is gonna be on the losing side for the whole game

Then you didn’t read my posting correctly. I said that the other 4 could roam as 4 while Murky dual-soak and it shouldn’t be too difficult that the 4 man squad could help their teammate, who dual soaks two lanes, because they are walking around anyway…

You can use murky if you want but for me he’s worthless against any auto attack character who can kill his pufferfish quickly and can clear a lane relatively quickly. As cassia I denied murky pufferfish the whole game and he was dead weight to his team. I’ll even leave lane if he leaves lane to proxy farm. Both of us lose lane farm, but it’s up to my team to not lose the 4 man as they hold their own. As cassia I’d also provide much more power in teamfights than murky even post 10

First of all enemys don’t have a Cassia and my posting were an answer to phaseshifter, you should pay more attention to this setup. It depends on the comp and map, when a Murky is great or not.

And second, even if I take your example with Cassia, my team would be thankful if you let a Cassia to hunt Murky all the time, while the other 4 have to deal with the other team. :smiley: I don’t struggle against a Cassia with Murky, sure she can clear my pufferfish and that’s annoying, but then I switch lane and try to do the same thing so your Cassia have always to do the same and my team, if they are good can trap Cassia, because she follows Murky. If Murky dies it’s not as bad as when Cassia dies as you know. Murky’s plan should be to annoy enemys and disrupt their plans like real murlocs do. :smiley: And at least in the low elo he does it pretty successful.

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We can agree to disagree.

My team would be happy that I deny murky pufferfish all game and he gets none of our camps for free. Why would your team be happy they get a fair 4 v 4 when in a real match murky loses the teamfight eventually in 5 v 5s? You’re assuming you will catch the cassia when the same could be said for the cassias team helping her out. In everything equal, cassia will outperform murky assuming both 4 mans go equal.

That’s easy, because you don’t draft Cassia as a counter for Murky, but for different purposes, that means it wouldn’t be a fair 4v4, when a Cassia is missing, dealing with Murky. Your team should build a team around Murky, if all players are good.

A good team with Murky looks probably very similar to a good team with The Vikings, both have similar strength I would say. Vikings push-ability is surely better, but he is harder to play, but therefore Murkys gank ability is way better thanks to Octograb.

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I’d rather go with Vikings but good luck with murky

And here is the thing it is all about personal taste and it’s alright. :smiley: That’s why we have the diversity of heroes, because everyone prefers different ways and strategys to achieve the same goal: to win and destroy the enemy core.

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Did you report ETC for non participation? Doesn’t looklike he was playing.

Chens selfheal, damage, kills, assists look very appropriate.

Maybe this belong to the Replay Thread, but this game made me really salty.
Our Greymane was a bot, I as Gaz was the sololaner. We had a Xul and a Raynor to ping GM, but no… they rather see him at base or under Aba.
At first I thought these morons turned chat off and that’s why they ignore the “ping gm” chats and the reason why I had to do even that.
But then there’s a camp fight where Raynor instead did a boss and he dares to write in chat that “boss is better than a camp”.
And when I write “so you do see chat”, he says yes, I say “ping gm” and silence once again. And he and Xul died 9 times.
Oh my god, they didn’t deserve to be carried…


I was an early pick, as most of my team mates either wouldn’t pick or didn’t show anything. We lost that game. Then the Murky player was on the other team next game, and we won.

I hate how much of a lottery the game can be.

I was responding to Melke’s comment. This didn’t have anything to do with my comp. But I would disagree that double soaking and roaming cursed hollows is a good idea. Especially with Kerrigan’s W being the only CC we have.

He did. He Q’d into the enemy team every chance he had. When we were lucky we got a kill out of it. But as you can see he rarely survived.

Actually, he was the reason we lost the game. He chased a lot. Late game, we got 2 kills and absolutely had to control both temples because we had no keeps left. He chased 2 targets by himself. I pinged retreat, Tass pinged retreat, Malf pinged retreat, even ETC pinged him. He kept chasing all the way to the other side of the map, and died. And we lost.

Hey you won a game with a bot :+1:

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