Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Right after the Chen rework he was a-s tier. Idk what happened to him but he is low tier now as a bruiser

They nerfed “Eye of the Tiger” and “Accumulating flame

So I got this Guldan on the Spider Queen. He had quite a lot of gems. All the team was pinging or telling in the chat to return the gems during practically the whole game. He had the chat on since he asked Kaeltas if he was a bot after a death for overly overextended position alone. Guldan had numerous occasion to return those gems. But no… He died with 41 gems… We won but it could have been so much easier.

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“You trolled the draft”
A random range assassin main to me after I first picked a tank in the draft.

This season cant even be happening, its just not real.
Yesterday I had a wintrader tank on Volskaya.
His engages were weird, but he died a lot, but somehow we were not losing.
Enemy lost 2 keeps, we lost 2 keeps. Finally, after 24 minutes ew win objective, get the robot and our Arthas gets inside…
Only to walk under our core, afk there, let the robot end and proceeds to afk until enemies kill us all and our core as well.

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No one is reporting bad players (I personally suspect who are wintrading). You can watch master streamer games and if you’re bad at that rank, I have no sympathy and it’s better to falsely report you and let blizzard decide if you are wintrading or not.

Another games for you for you from my stream. There were some games tilting games and one exciting. Enjoy, if you have time and want to see a silver player struggling. :joy:

It appears that both the game and Heroes Profile value damage and mercenary camps as a more important stat than healing.

It’s crazy how much work (risk and APM) it takes to get good healing numbers out of Li Li. Even with 100% trait uptime early on and being our tank (Mei is backline hero so there’s that), I fell behind by 50%, only taking over by level 20.

By the way, Mei. Fine, a ranged tank. Zarya #2. Some peel well, others just throw the zone control.
She is the epitome of the Medallion. Excellent zone control, permanent CC due to low cooldown.

Problem is you can’t report bad players for being bad.
But how the F did they get to upper diamond?

I am not sure if people are trolling that much or the wintrading is so prevalent in hots…

Well her camp ability sucks, but she is a pretty good bruiser healer and through blind a good AD counter and Dragon Lili is no joke at least in low elo. :smiley:

I did like her up until recently (half a year ago?). I have her at level 96, but she is my lowest winrate healer during recent times (49%). Lifetime 53% due to earlier success. I have 5 better performing healers, and global stats are similar.

47.5% winrate is worth 10 adjustment points, and it adds up. I basically stopped playing her and I’m climbing back the ranks I lost because of playing her.
(That means, if I play adequately to my rank, I gradually lose rank. If I play her as main and play the rest suboptimally, I don’t recuperate. She’s set 250 points below my main MMR, slowly falling since April and the entire Silver range is 100.)

That being said, I’m not sure why I’m so bad with her. Not that 8:11 is statistically very significant. I’m actually recording a good winrate of her, maybe it’s me helping her trait too much.

Professional performance from a level 96 (ex-) Li Li main:

Nova happens to be a counter to teammate Li Li.
Q absolutely always heals the Clone. It also doesn’t show up as healing, successfully convincing the team that you’re beyond hopeless. Or, was I simply beyond hopeless? Awkward.

Guess I should change my profile picture, not a Li Li main anymore.
Change Avatar feature doesn’t work, though. Doesn’t load any avatars.


Zag: guys their zerg wave can end ill go and defend play safe!
Us: great idea lets try to push carefully tho since we’re 4
Zag who hearthed to defend and then ran towards us instead of defending: oh geez forgot about zerg wave

We lost that game as our boss had their core at 70%.


Just had the most brutal wombo combo happen. Enemy team was gaz, diablo, imperius, orphea, and lucio in quick match. I was playing tracer and pushing top lane inner wall with leoric and KT on dragon shire in the dumb bridge. Diablo and lucio are defending their mid fort from some mercs, but I can’t see the rest of their team. A few seconds go by and I see a grav bomb pop over the gate, followed by one of gaz’s regular bombs. We start backing out and diablo’s ult spawns under us. We’re just about home free and off the bridge as lucio swings by and boops us right back onto the bridge.

Grav-o sucks us in, his normal bomb stuns us, orphea’s unending hunger spawns on us, diablo’s ult explodes and stuns us, and Imperius in all his glory stabs through the gate and impales us. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh, cry, or applaud.

Orphea came in to try to chomp us, too, but we were already dead.


I would probably go full blind build against a Zeratul. This obliterates him completely.

This is why most player call it the Bridge of death. You don’t want to stay there any longer as necessary.


Remind me on the small path in Cursed Hollow in objective area near the big camp. :joy:

Besides that you still have other possible ways on Cursed Hollow to pass through. On Dragon shire you only have that bridge.

You have more ways to the objective yes, but only two ways to the big camp: from the objective or the defenders route. I don’t see, how it’s different, if you want to that camp, because you might want to steal it… And even when you destroyed the mid tower and fountain it is still risky to get to that camp from behind.

Only Braxis and Hanamura have no real trouble zones, except from the boss zone on Braxis. Or what about the small bridge on Hanamura? :joy:

Salt game of the day:

My team: Diablo, Mei, Sylvanas, Kael’thas and Morales
Enemy team: ETC, Sonya, Raynor, Guldan and Lili
Map: Braxis
Sololane: Sylvanas against Sonya

We lost it, because our Sylvanas feeded and failed against Sonya solo and we couldn’t recover from the feed later on… But in all seriousness what could we do better? I am clueless about this game.

Last video in my stream: Twitch

Salty that it looks like a regular forum user left because they were ridiculed over suggesting something that is indeed happening.

Obviously at the end of the day they choose to leave (it looks like they are indeed leaving for good).

But the fact that people who are normal posters would insist that a regular poster was posting like they were a 0 post account is sad to me.

I’m sure I’ve done the same to others, especially with how poorly I tend to communicate my ideas. But I like to think that more comes out about “one topic and done” or long term residents who have proven themselves to be out there with their ideas/understanding of the game.

Probably just a broken record, but the fact that regular posters immediately called BS on a regular poster who clearly demonstrated a very good grasp of the game just seems wrong.


Well tells you I’ve been out of the loop what the heck happened?

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(on smurf)
Our healer was so bad (5k heals in 8 min and 6 deaths) we just gave up and let the enemy push. Worst thing was he was queued up with someone else