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Banning 5 times in a row.

Having the same guy 3x in team three games straight.
He lost us the game 3 times.

No idea if he was just bad, wintrading, trolling or whatever, but this is just too much… T_T

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I’m baffled how someone high silver with account level 900 and 48% current season winrate can have no clue what a healing globe is, actively ignore objective, then follow up with a feed, culminating with a throughput that would be nice in a match 5 levels shorter.

Also, Arthas damage > Li Li heroic heal. Sad.,h-464

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Give him a chance they said. How bad could it be they said. He’ll shake things up they said. 200-220k dead and rising and the President of the U.S is officially endorsed by the Taliban. That sucks. Blizzard’s gonna have a hard time updating if the staff is all hospitalized or dead huh?

I’m calling it: Tassadar is done.
I used to be 70-80% winrate, now I’m down to around 35-40% with him, and I clearly see I cannot carry a match. Yes, Heroes Profile says I was by FAR the match best, I got MVP, but that little something that makes the difference is missing over and over and over and over.

My Tassadar matches backwards: LLLLLWWWLLLLLWWLLL.

(Or just MM is extra nasty with me, which is scientific fact but anyway. I could at least carry a Silver 4 match. Not anymore.)

The shield nerf has actually nerfed his PvE significantly and makes him much less safe. As far as I see, if you play him like Orb Ming (stay behind, Q build with Black Hole) it still can work.

Was fun while he lasted.
DrLogan, you like tea? :slight_smile: With a bit of rum? :wink: Or maybe “water”? :wink:

I was playing Fenix today in a QM to get a better grasp on playing him.
I thought my Hero-Level (Level 3) would have an impact on the Hero-Level of my Opponents, but I was wrong. They wiped the floor with us, leaving us no chance at all to win this. I don’t know if they were smurfs or just good with their Heroes.

You put WATER in tea? WTF?

Does the mmr in qm takes hero levels as consideration? Sounds new to me.

What else could you take to make your tea? And I struggle to see the irony in this text? :thinking:

I can see some correlations in my replay files.
I’m using the Heroes Match Tracker
Link: Heroes Match Tracker
to review some statistics from all my matches.
If I search for matches with own low Hero-Level I can see the trend that the Opponents (and my Teammates) have similar low Hero-Level.
When I look up my highest ranking Heroes, the Hero-Level is similar high.
There are of course discrepancies from time to time, but in general there seems to be a correlation.

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Here is a little Comparison of my different Matches. I picked some Heroes I know I haven’t played much and Heroes I’ve played a lot.
It seems the Matchmaker takes the Player-Level also into account (see the Rexxar-Match)

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I am not sure about it, especially when I see match 5 and 6. How is a Nova 100 comparable to the others? I would say you were rather lucky in most of this games, but it is just random.

You mean Chromie in Match 6? This is one of the outliers, I mentioned earlier.
You can also see, when Players grouped up before the match.

Yes, but also in Match 5 or 7.

The Chromie in Match 5 is grouped up with Valla. I think the Matchmaker handles premades different to single queue Players

I took a few days off from the game, but I’m going to need a much longer break from the game than I thought. Maybe I’m too passionate about the game or about winning matches, but when I lost one game today, I had a surge of uncontrollable anger/frustration and or high blood pressure? It wasn’t a conscious one, but rather a reflex one and no, I didn’t blame it on the game or team at all or wasn’t doing anything. I just felt it rise up fast and out of no-where and I freaked out a little thinking, maybe I’ve been playing in that familiar locked-in state in a way. Normally I probably be raging at my team if I didn’t take a few days break prior.

My salty issue is I need to stop playing any games, particular HOTS, even when I don’t want too. I don’t intend to quit HOTS, but I’m going to take it a lot more easy. I can see why some people get naturally fustrurated at this game or MOBAs in general. I’ll catch ya’ll on the flip side! Remember peeps, it’s ok to take a break from the game once in a while! It might be good for the body! peashe

p.s. Anub, Gaz and Tychus are really fun after the buff yo! :d

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I love solo queue…

I always quit for a few days if I get more than 2-3 trolls in a row.

It doesn’t happen that much, and I blame nothing but bad luck for that (not Blizz’s fault people act like idiots and sit in bush for 20 mins on purpose, or take Leo and keep charging into enemy fort), but it makes me not enjoy the game at all.

Always works for clearing your head. I usually enjoy HotS more a few days later.


AGAIN, I had to end a game by killing the core by myself. It was at 23%, how can anyone even miss that?

Sometimes I feel bad about making my team mates win.


God, I just want this to stop.

I have yet to win a game with Chen on my team.


I had several butchers in team for last few days and we lost all those games.
I also had a firstlock Illidan and also once a Nova.
We also lost those games…