Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Why would you lower the resolution of the image so that we need a microscope to see what’s going on?

Please keep the original resolution on your pictures


Ow my bad. Thought it looked larger/readable but I have my page larger


Bruiser build in a comp where we already have a main tank. Im a criminal🤣 (in every fight 2 people were focused by me)

When you get get matched up with an Azmodan and a Naz that both cant solo lane and die to Zera then you know you will lose. Oh and Tass has 1-11 score when game was over. Good riddance if the report email i got today was for him.

2 game gets a Falstad that engage with 30% hp and dies and KT pick Conviction and ends up with 0 stacks at lvl 20 and his friend even admitted KT was a troll so free report on him.

I show #1 pick for map, guy competes and first picks Zul’Jin, enemy proceeds with #1 and #2 hero for the map and frankly, Mei + Raynor = instawin. Mark my words. You have to run around that slow + stun that spans half the screen, during which Raynor takes away your health points from 100 to 0.

At least my wish is granted and I’m showing as worst player of the match for once. Can’t say never anymore.

Just don’t know whether I should just stop playing for a few weeks, play one match each day to middle finger the MM, or sit down and get to Bronze 5 today by intentional throwing (the other middle finger). At least now I know how to, and already in a loss streak of 5, only need 7 to start the penalties. :wink:
“Gold player can’t win in Silver”, season 3, episode 2. Score: 6:24.

(Nah, probably I’m already hard assigned to troll queue as is, due to my earlier loss streak.)

Be playing solo QM as malf.
Matched up with a 4 man team. One of them is a ChoGal who keeps suiciding into enemy team.
Blames me for not providing enough heals though I am very certain that wasnt the problem, I’ve been trying to keep them alive the whole game. Entire team sides with them because of tribalist mentality.
I pray they did not mass report me.

Those stats are painful to look at.

Basically you did the job of 2-3 heroes at once. I hope you at least won that.


Which mode are you even playing that has these players? :joy:

I want to see this :clown_face: fiesta with my own eyes!

What did you report the Tassadar for by the way?

Feeding ofc.

Was he doing it intentionally?

Alarak (unironically): “Jaina, focus Morales.”

Yes, because a Jaina who just about has to get into melee range to unload her kit should absolutely walk right up to a Morales protected by a Diablo and a Jimmy. I did what I could, but there wasn’t much to be done when our solo laner was useless and people kept trying to force bad fights. Sigh


You did not know Jaina is a backline-dive-Mage? Well, now you do :open_mouth:


I have met a few who definitely thought they were the main tank.

Can someone pls advise me how to win game like this?


Butcher spent the whole game writing novels in the chat, how great is he as a player, how much above average are his skills, how bad are his teammates who never help him when he charges 1v3…

…at lvl 16 when he had 19 meat…


Kill the enemy core?

really helpful advice amiright?

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Tychus says 2 minutes in “dont want to play with this nazeebo” then afk’s… well thanks for queuing then?

Next game afk muradin… oof

By switching sides.
Define a new win condition: get out as fast as possible.
In retrospect, I always wonder whether babysitting said player would have enabled him, without crippling the rest.

How in the holy hell did he achieve his rank anyway?

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I checked his profile after the game. He never played ranked, he had 39% winrate overall and it was his first game as Butcher. :frowning:

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died the first 4 times in solo lane and complained about Zera was everywere. Told him to watch his mini map but none of my team members did that. The rest of his deads was casue he ran around with no hp and insteed of go back he died to Zera again.

Man what did I ever do to this game? After reaching plat 5, I kept getting the worse team mates that I’ve ever seen, and now I’m down to Gold 2. Our Deckard just decided to solo lane whenever the objective was up.

After so many games where my team mates either suicide, or walk away from a guaranteed win. It’s just depressing. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. The more I play the more annoyed I get at other people deciding my fate.

You can’t. Sorry.

Man I would kill for a payed Ranked mode.