Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

A qhira who clealry dosne’t know how her ultimate works, and who WILLINGLY went her into an Arthas and a Lucio,
a Sonya who can’t map to save her life and thus is on camps when the enemy are hard pushing Alterac objectives and the rest of us are poke battling against a Ming
a Naz who you know WENT naz into a Lucio

god damnit this is why I cshoudln’t at least Duo because I can’t carry alone now sharing the load with someone competent that’s another story but my shoulders and strong enough for 4 people


It’s like Varian players know which build is LITERALLY THE WORST for our current situation and pick it

no I’m not even talking twin blades here we needed a second body to soak a bit of extra damage for our tanking ETC who was getting shredded and this dingus goes SMASH
It was an oppurtunity for the dreaded twin blades to be halfway decent but nope

Did you asked him, if he was vegan? :joy:

Well, he is a SC2-Player he knows how to engage against 1v3, when three were a.i. :joy: But storys like that only teach us that, if you know rts games they still won’t you a better player in mobas like hots. And I see Jaina was trying his best for the win… but it didn’t worked out.

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Artanis tries to shot call and tell people what to do the entire game after picking PoA on ToD (or pretty much any map I guess).

just had a friend message me complaining about that!

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You need to wear this:


DBZ-reference, awesome.

My tilted game of the day:

We dominated the game the whole time, but before the last deciding moment our Gul’dan decided to throw the game and died before objective. So frustrating.

played some QM.

The more I play DW, the more I think they should just re-label him to a melee assassin.
There is nothing even remotely related to in his kit to categorize him as a bruiser…

I wish my skills in Heroes of the Storm worked in StarCraft :expressionless:

It’s so hard trying to be good at both at the same time


I don’t understand how Silver can mean anything from Paper 42 to Diamond 4, as far as skills go.
It’s like, there are matches of 10, 2x5, some of who deserve to win, some of them deserve to lose, but they’re mixed, so justice isn’t possible.
PBMMR should be a thing. I don’t particularly care about my rank but I must have really terrible skills considering I have the same rank than these. I hate to be team best over and over. F. FFFFF. I’d like at least semi-competent teammates.

Had two last picks today creating triple backline, the first me as Johanna with Brightwing healer (I have to vomit, really), while the second was a previously Muradin main who decided Imperius solo tank is going to work (and chose Falstad). Neither of the players played particularly well, either, and after soaking two levels behind and holding back Gazlowe, they told me I should be teamfighting. 2x Ranged + Malf + Imp is losing teamfight because D Tassadar isn’t there. Sure! :slight_smile: (Even though they said XP doesn’t make up for the teamfight, which I also noticed, so guess I can’t complain.)

I’m tempted to hack into the servers and demote them to Bronze 5 where they belong.

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I would like to post my stream video about current matches, there were some tilting ones.

If you want to watch it, then go for 1:00:00, because my program resets the setting of the screen and it was the starting screen, even I changed it (it’s a bug).

One game, we had a bad KTZ and the other game we had a bronze 5 Sylvanas with overall lowest dmg, we couldn’t carry this game sadly. :frowning: Last game was a reason why stacked games (2x, 2x teams) aren’t fun.

The first match went well there :slight_smile:
I was constantly expecting a throw or simply comeback, you tricked me. :wink: Made it more fun to watch :wink:

My actual problem isn’t a lost match or a funny throw. Yesterday had a match, just look at the numbers:
I think both sides deserved the win and it was fun, despite our loss.

What I don’t like is a hopeless match from the get go, and then on top of it the weakest link starts to complain (sometimes I am, certainly, I just don’t call others out). Sure, I can review and reassess it, I just wish the MM would do a better job sorting those players.


How high were these players ranked in Storm League? :thinking:

1:02:49. Watching that Falstad going right into Zerg wave and nearly die gave headage.

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Average Silver 2, up to Gold 4. The latter being the Muradin main going Falstad. But he doesn’t play much.

A significant percentage of Silvers, even more of Golds are actually really good, nice, understand the map, objectives, outnumbered, team comp, things like that.

I fell a whole division over the last week. Fun times! :slight_smile:

Bronze Five is where it’s at anyway :sunglasses:

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Well, Melke can attest to the fact that I am cursed. I was going to go Raynor, but one player then showed an assassin. I didn’t want our team to be triple backline so I went bruiser. Then our last pick went Chen. So we have a tank, two bruisers ,and solo assassin Chromie.

Did not go well.

I’m doing my best, but I have too many games like this.


So after losing pretty much all games in the last few days, finally got 3 wins in a row and with Uther of all people.

Despite that, people are so clueless. It was rare the game where I didnt had at least one guy who ruined it all. Sometimes it was the majority.

I had an Anduin who kept the whole game soloing and clearing waves. That was fun. Another one was a Ragnaros that was either a bot or the dude simply didn’t knew how to play the game or the character. He just died on cooldown. Game took like 7 minutes and he managed to die a wooping 11 times. Yup.

Then there’s always the cool “they are on boss lets go” when we are 3v5 and a level down. Surprise of surprises, we all die!

Not only that but as a Tank main, it’s incredibly frustrating trying to peel or get picks when your assassins just don’t follow or leave. Thats another one: my assassins either go yolo into the middle of enemy team or the back off at every second and leave Tank to die.

And the always good old brawling to no end. I’m really on the point of stopping playing this game for a very long time, just because it’s impossible to endure this without going mad. I’m a super chill person but this game makes me agitated sometimes lol.

Oh and the wins with Uther? Werent all that amazing either. We were lucky because we managed to get good team combos on late game that won us the game but it could have gone either way due to people wanting to go solo and dying for nothing.

Big ol’ sigh.


Why is it EVRYTIME I play on WH Junction, there’s an Abathur on the enemy team?
I hate this lottery.

There is a Zarya on your team

I know, but it happened on that specific map.

How about that one?