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I love that part as well

Qhira is really quite good from a gameplay standpoint

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The game is intentionally challenging me and intentionally pushing me down.

Here’s the thing. I haven’t seen a single match for months where I’ve been the worst performer. I have been defeated many times when I’ve been team best or 2nd.

And now, I get assigned some silly newbie who is great with healing but decides not to fill, even though we did wait for him to prepick or something. Fine, maybe a legit newbie, will learn from the messages.

Also, damn you Blizz. Anub, a melee tank with 75% of Mei’s health, who is ranged with on demand self heals (better than Johanna D) with superior CC to Anub, has been further nerfed (level 16). Also, Locust Swarm could probably use a buff, given I can’t even 1v1 a casual afk Thrall. Didn’t matter, as it was a match I was destined to lose, but it’s still sad.
I mean, if Thrall is supposed to engage at 50% and walk out 100%, maybe buff Qhira, too.

Steadily approaching bronze again. Damn.
Another incentive to shout there is no personal impact. I’ve been Gold 4 easy, now I’m getting bronze easy. Seriously.

Here is what you can do.
Play casually with Qhira. A lot. Lose a lot. Tilt the winrate, provide data. In a few months, she’ll get a significant buff, and you can climb back from Bronze 5 to Plat 1 one tricking. Unless you ragequit.

You can offset the losses. E.g. one loss with Qhira, one win with Tassadar, rinse and repeat. I don’t mean you have to fall.

By the way, her winrate is slightly increased to 47.5% (46.85% including previous patch), but her popularity has dropped from 10-11% to 5.5%. Despite a buff. That’s a very clear message already.

Stressful day at work, so I thought lets do 1 ranked on NA, its pretty chill, not much too loose

Toxic smurf tassadar
Jimmy doing 3k siege in 12 min
AFK blaze
1 free lost
Aaand im starting up steam


There is no evidence that any players were banned from playing one ARAM game with Leoric. The patch notes don’t even mention bans. It just says there were too many reports.

If I am stressed. I am NOT touching Storm League lol. It has been anything but Chill in my experience.

I have quit for today after one match, something I haven’t done for months.
I hope MM understands the hint.


I’m just not going to play Qhira in Storm League until next season when this event is over, but I’ll try her in QM every so often in QM and I’m sure there is going ot be a hit to my winrate given how the games have been.

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In ranked I need to think but in a fun way
Its on a region where it doesnt matter for me so its actually nice ^^
But afk and leavers are never fun

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Probably that’s the sensible thing.
Why be cruel to yourself and cause suffering, playing something that doesn’t work.
Even though eventually you cap out and nothing works. And everything is meaningless. Still, a meaningless plat sounds better than a meaningless silver.

In my head one should add winrate and popularity, and simply balance for the sum. Maybe weighted sum but anyway. Sure, super odd heroes could have special treatment. Anyway, average popularity is 17.81%.
I’ve seen so much Qhira stomping that whenever I see her, I already feel depressed about it. Crushing and stomping that little girl over and over. Myself aside, she has exact 1/3 winrate in my matches. That includes last season, at some point she was at 25%.

well when it comes to last season let me just mention that despite being labelled as “medium” Qhira is up there with Maiev and maybe only a few steps below illidan in the way of “Punished to high hell if you don’t know what you’re doing”. her main engage and main utility gives an enemy control of your positioning so you’ve got to be really careful in spite of what a lot of people (myself included) think when they first pick her up.
The probelm with this event is that it’s taking Qhira’s main weakness, throwing it on literally everyone with no compensation.

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Which probably leads to automated bans.

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As the system is automated and checks for the number of hero deaths this probably is very much the case

I dislike main tank imperius. I understand that its a thing i just dont think its great for most ranks especially after nerfs. I really hate it when the other frontline is thrall and illadin vs a jojo/gaz.

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35 minute game
Sylvanas 88 stacks
Then called calls out harb for not tanking

Sometims i think about why people even que up if they are not going to play at all. unless they are just trolling/throwing games on purpose.

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from Imgflip Meme Generator

She thought she carried

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Exciting QM as always, stack of 5 grandmasters, all above 2500 level with a very specific chogall comp. I get four silver friends on my end and a completely dysfunctional combination of heroes that cant kill anyone or even compete in soak. Unbroken winning spree for last few pages of game history.

Why is this still a thing and how much fun is everyone involved from both sides having? Wouldn’t mind if the game hadn’t set up a match in 3 whole seconds after queueing. No one on my team even had a single golden hero.

I’ll admit, seeing five high account levels wasn’t enough of a hint to assume they were playing in a party because I am a new player. My team started arguing among themselves for some reason after first objective.

Best of all, the game requested me to rate cooperation among my team rather than ask me how fair I think the match might have been.


If they were grouped GM then sure that’s possible. QM mmr does not equal ranked mmr. Plus, even if they were high elo, there may not have been others high elo to match them with

If the game is following any kind of ruleset, their QM MMR value from last two hours alone would be triple of my team average. Another reason why masking stacks is an idiotic practice. They’re afraid of people afking out of fear, but imagine how much negativity and hostile attitude it would eliminate if you were informed at start how fair the match is to begin with.

Queuing up for a simple QM fast. Play as Mei and have a relatively decent comp for both sides in spite of this being not prime time. Took the top control point on Braxis and proceeded to rotate down. Hold off and Blaze, completely out of mana but have more HP than them combined. My team proceeds to die 4v3 while neither side has tanks. We get wiped and the enemy steamrolls us by the end. Blaze proceeds to B-step and emote in front of the hall of storms during the whole push.