Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I purchased murk to see what the fuss is about…

I like him, I see why he’s annoying AF…

I don’t seem to find what are you angry about.

I don’t like your reply


:smiley: there, fixed it for you.

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I hate one tricks in Plat. If their hero is picked or banned out from under them, they are Bronze.


I got banned for 7 days because some salty gamers thought it wouldnt be a good idea for me (Leoric) to hover a fort in ARAM and smash it. The strategy worked in the previous game I was in, but lets cater to the whiny baby kids because they were losing an ARAM game, while they couldn’t manage to fight with 2 people staying at my body, making them 4v3 for pretty much 10 mins.

But look at his game history. He plays so many heroes. Obviously he’s good.

You cannot get banned for reports in one game. It takes several.


Apparently you can.

And to think my ticket is under investigation currently because of it.


They probably didn’t even report you. The system automatically banned you because of a really really high number of deaths, which is usually what happens when you try this strategy (die a lot).

ARAM should not have an intentional feeding report category anyway

The whole mode is meant to be the equivalent of sitting on your keyboard and calling whatever comes out an essay


I can’t get ONE single good game. At all.

4 games, 4 losses with people who played with Jaina and did 2k damage total… the whome game! Oh and died 11 times!

Jolly good times.


I once lost eleven games in a row in Storm League before finally getting a win and I still call that day a good day

Abathur mirror matches. Their Abathur had double the XP than ours early game. Their Abathur hatted people in fight while ours had no map awareness. I was duelling Valla. Then suddenly she was hatted and killed me. Our Abathur? Not present in the fight.

Although our Aba seemed to have massive problems getting XP and sieging, he chose the Monstrosity of course. While a fight happend bot lane, he ignored it and instead hatted his monstrosity top lane where no enemy hero was even close. Our Gazlowe was ganked 3vs1 and their Abathur even hatted them, but our Gazlowe? No hat from Abathur. We lost of course.

After the match I checked the profile of this dude. Over level 70 Abathur but only a 47% winrate on him. So even after lots and lots of practice on one hero he is so bad that he does not even have a 50% win rate!

This really amazes me in this game. People that are really terrible on one hero, but keep playing him over and over again and put their team at disadvantage.

I’m trying I really am

BUt I honestly can’t even enjoy playing Qhira even when we win the cheated kills, the stupid deathes just having to be fearful that EVERYONE has that Screw you button ready

My only level 100 a hero I love to play just for the fun of the feeling of her mobility both mobile nad powerful without being squishy as a tracer… and now it’s a horrid experinc.

Not very surprising. Then they don’t even micro that Monstrosity and it dies in 15 seconds.


Gladiator’s Mediallion?

Cleanse me off one time when it’s a hero who shouldn’t normally have a cleanse and I am tilted even if I’m not put in mortal anger by the cleanse,
It’s both a nerf and a tilting experience all in one.

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How do you even deal with Deathwing with that attitude?

He is permanently on Gladiator’s Medallion

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I play zul’jin or Raynor or Leoric or if I decide I do in fact want to play qhira I just don’t use E on him.

XY the issue in why this is making Qhira infuriating is because the cleanse at best puts her farther away from the target and at worst puts her out of position and ready for a pounce from the enemy team,
And the only ways to play around it are in and of themselves nerfs as one of the best things about Revolving Sweep is that you can control which direction the enemy gets knocked back.