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We had mei and gazlowe as a frontline
Anduin said we dont have frontline ill stay afk
Free lost


Hate Zag players that cant even hold a lane on thier own and force his dmg dealers to come and help him contantly so we end up losing other lanes casue of him.

Also Gaz with 1-7 score. Was fun having him as he was losing his lane aswell.

Oh man, don’t remind me, I have nightmares about those.

About 70% - 30%

Ouch, two players sharing 25 deaths…

Based on what I read from you, you are in higher elo, so I guess you were playing QM or smurf? :joy: It sounds like you were smurfing in bronze - silver, because this is can’t be real…

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The teams I’m in lately are going to make me go into depression. I lost 163 points for my last game. Which means the game really expected me to lose that game.

Why do I have several games in a row that the game expects me to lose? Isn’t it supposed to be 50/ 50?

Two games with team mates at 10 deaths and the 3rd game starts with the healer afk :frowning:

I had this yesterday. Three matches in a row getting stomped. It felt like playing against pros or at least trained teams.
Then on the other hand, I had three absolutely great matches.
The first of them was this:

There are days when nothing fits and on other days you have the best matches of all times.

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It was my smurf in plat 4
This was just really weird . He threatened in draft to go afk if we didnt had a frontline

Someone prepicked my then and drafted her last. He was afk at spawn because of that😅

And now I understand even more what Fan means, if he was joking around that Plat is the new bronze. :joy:

Wow, maybe I should start to be more humble, when I play, because I tend to freak out, when I see 5+ death and 10 is where I usually starts tilting. :joy: One of my loses today was a Butcher with 2000 on Butcher (not general!) games played, but with a low kda on 2.2 and of course he ended with 10+ death… man I was mad, but I am glad that I start to mute my chat, because I don’t want another silence…


Yeah :sweat_smile: when I saw his profile after he had 20 games as tank and around 1800 as assassin. Wish those people played the role before saying anything about the heroes


Gazno is barely a bruiser. He’s squishy and isn’t very threatening on his own

When Ming doesn’t bother to break Cocoon, because she desperately needs to fire Disintegate into nowhere…

Before the Cocoon ends teamfight was lost…



You’re doing something terrible wrong when you don’t help your healer in a team fight.

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I disagree, it is not “into nowhere”, but directed to the enemy bruiser, even though she is targeting his teammate lol. I find it funny, because usually bad players with bad focus are trying to focus down the tank first and ignoring anything else. :joy:

Why the tank? Easiest target, because he does his job right to absorb the damage from his team and bad players fell into this trap.

I would like to know: did the healer died after Artanis attacked the cocoon and set their mech to explode? :joy: Nice plays by I say and not your team…

Have you played the new Gazlow?

I seriously hate when people refuse to adapt tot the team composition.
And I don’t mean to fill a role, I have no issue to fill a role myself.

But when you see the map, our team composition, enemy composition and despite all of that you pick your favourite assassin, which has 0 synergy with our team, is countered by enemy team and is useless on that map, you should get a slap to the face with a chair.


Had a Moralas/Mura party in a game were Mura would flame me for not protecting Moralas while he just jump headless into every fight and die while i have to pell her vs 3 dmg dealers as Maltheal.

He even spam pinged me while i was defending lanes that he refused to do himself and then blame me for the lose.

We had 2 tower objects up we could have taken but no. Mura once again jump headless into a 1v5 and again leave Moralas alone to die.

And ofc i gets called a noob for pointing his faults out and Moralas ofc like all friends do agree with him.

If he was not so narrow-minded we could properly have won the game as enemy only had core left and we had two keeps and core but Mura ofc wanted to throw insteed of playing safe.

He even took Heymaker ult and was terrible with it.

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Everyone knows you’re supposed to use all of Malthael’s CC to peel for you allies.

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Oh my God, that was amazing.

Matchmaker be like, please carry this guy and his non smurf friend who picked malfurion for the first time

from Imgflip Meme Generator


I played Alex and both me and Artanis survived the explosion, but we had so little HP left and meanwhile both ETC and Raynor died. We died right after that.

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I am bloody ticked right now

At myself for uninstalling video games and STILL getting nothing productive done, actively just ticking myself off with how easy I am to distract. Damn internet.