Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

it would be messed up big time if Dechkard couldn’t pick up his potions

Russian Valla dies twice within a min and blames me for not helping her when i’m busy soaking lanes. She ends up rage quitting when she died for the 4 time again alone and decided to afk and dance in base while me and the others try to make up for her abssence. Game ends with me having same dmg as my whole team combined casue i have to carry 3 bad players and a dancing Valla on dmg.

People will never learn.

i hang up between B1 - S3 on EU, it really depends on my win- or losestreaks. :joy:

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I’m from EU as well and around the same ranks. If you ever want to add me, maybe we can be miserable together :joy:


Today was horribly horrible day for hots. Maybe its because it is friday or whatnever reason…
So I’m sitting at 9 loss streak.
We had a leaver in 5 games, none ever recconected.
In the two games I died 3 times as offlane because enemy team was constantly rotating and ganging me, while my team was happily farming creeps.

Then the usual scenarios out of today games:

  1. Assassin main instalockers who blamed the tank for “not peeling” for them, when they are in the middle of enemy team.
  2. People not wanting to do camps nor rotate, mindlessly brawling.
  3. the usual Lvl 9 vs. Lvl 10 fight, then Lvl 11 vs. Lvl 13. People dont know how to soak and still want to brawl a tier down.
  4. Qhira + Abat and the double bleed should be finally fixed.

You mean, like marriage?

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Thats a fair comparison I guess.

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Haha, I had a Falstad in my game that didn’t use his Z at all, never used his global to soak or anything, never helped the team at all, was literally afk, then went to lane and afked there, then afk again, just griefing… This guy was MASTER!


While I am shocked, I still could imagine some odd circumstances like “he was drunk”, trolling or one friend of him, who is bad, played with his account. But it’s frustrating ofc.

Fake master. Currected it for you. I’m starting to see more and more players who are master which were silver player for 5-6 seasons before he suddenly got master when SL were made and TL/HL were removed. So expect to have a couple of those in your teams from now on.

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900 matches Cassia has 1/10 in ARAM, where a Cassia shines normally. Not yet placed in ranked, 48% win rate (lower than if you would just toss a coin). Responds to me after I told her that she is terrible, that I am a bronzie… People today have no more self reflection. It is sad.

I cannot do anything but laugh.
It’s my rank destruction day, didn’t start like that but I’m committed now.
Means I take it easy and let myself carried.

Anyway, I pick a hero, I play terribly - not intended, just really doesn’t click. Happens to be a bruiser but anyway. :wink:

So the team starts to complain - justly - then proceeds to note that I’m not participating in the teamfights. Which is incorrect. Then proceeds to note that I’m soaking, and that is a bad thing. I actually have the most XP in the team - half of what the enemy managed to collect: 10k vs 20k.

I mean, just :rofl:
I think if I didn’t decide it’s loss day so have at it, I’d be smashing things already.

Oh, those juicy Tassadar stomps tomorrow… :laughing:

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At least that 5 stacks in one of these games had a similar average mmr than your team. I faced the same 5 stacks 3 times yesterday with their 98% win rate against my team with 2 divisions lower on average.

I hate having such a high mmr sometimes. It’s like I need to carry gold players against a fully stacked master players because the system goes :man_shrugging:


Ouch, that sounds hard, lucifer.

It’s funny how the role of a tank changes at lower ranks. Fan teaches that tanks are leaders, you should rotate, be ahead. I find that people hardly ever follow such calls, let alone follow, they just go wherever. So it’s best for a tank to stay backline (well, midline) and be ready to peel. Gave me a really good winrate.
(As a damage dealer I do follow the tank and it helps.)

I also find weird is how easy it is to cause losses. I mean, simply playing laidback or a slightly suboptimal hero means that I lose with definite certainty, no need to feed or stay passive. Puts things into perspective. Either one’s influence is zero or all, depends on how egoistic I wanna see things. (I had a 60% winrate, now I have 16 losses in a row.)

Regardless, I guess that’s why it’s so easy to produce meltdowns, people are in a permanent overspun tryhard mode. Work / study all day and then in your rest time, just spin more.

At least I can say now, you do get loss streak penalty. (Streak-12)*50, at 16 losses now. Might cap out at 18 (500 points), don’t really want to test, but might :laughing: Suppose it exists for wins as well, but it’s a bit challenging to force. Also, seems like a good way to force a winrate above 50%.

You’re probably wondering how my team could possibly lose this. Well, every time we got kills and could push a structure, my team went “We should capture this mercenary camp

We were 5 vs 3, right in front of a keep with 50% health. And they walked away to go get a turret camp. And never came back.

We won 3 objectives but they just wouldn’t attack the structures. Last Protector no one would even go in it with me.


So it’s like almost 75% of my games, where my people never goes for camps before objective, but after the objective. :joy: It’s like going for boss, when you have the curse on cursed hollow…

And they probably go for the save camps on your territory and not the enemy ones?

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These have been 10 of my last games. I do not even understand how anyone could be having fun under these conditions. Previous match Lunara died 15 times and before that 17. Emails informing me about the bans have started pouring in at 4 AM which was a nice relief.

Simply tuned out and hoped the game would end fast because at no moment in time did we have 5 players alive simultaneously. The opposing team had equally incompetent players that couldn’t finish for another 15min.


That looked painful, but considering it didn’t even give your team any kind of front liner (at least they had Zarya), Zeratul was free to farm your team over and over.

I detest playing that map without a tank + healer on our side (so almost every QM), it gives so much room to gankers to repeatedly farm you for kills once you’re forced to either open the Dubloon chest or visit the pirate.

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Happens to me sometimes.
It’s baseline that players go to random positions, but about a week ago I had a match where I have had really bad smell, because whenever I went somewhere, my entire team ran away. I was tank. Well. I was high health blonde lady with a big shield in armor.

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An ETC laning first 8 minutes of the game, doesn’t help with group fights, we had an ABA too so we were 1 body down and no tank to soak or be front line.

They were grouping up so tight, ETC decided to get Stage Dive as an ult, instead of moshpit, would have been PERFECT for me as cassia, jaina to burst them down…

But nope, he always runs when he’s like at 70% HP.