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How will you complete that in 4-5 minutes on cursed hollow? :c

Well I’d have to do the math if it’s possible from 1 of the quests being done in which case all he needs is to be in the general vicinity of 5 kills in total.

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If you play infrequently and are not salty often, tell them to go suck it

If you are worried about getting reported too often then mute chat. You will never get into trouble if you dont type in chat and just perform badly.

Quickmatch is a great place to learn her dont let anyone tell you differently. Though AI also isn’t bad because you can practice stutterstepping, but thats about it.

Holy crap. When you’re at 20% health, and your Deckard is at 80%, and he picks up his own potions!!!


It’s 20 globes right? so 2 globes every minute. Basically you need 10 minutes to get this done. It can be reduced in half if you rotate and get 2 globes, but it is cursed hollow, so rotations are very difficult.

no no I said if you could get 1 part done
the quest is 10 extra damage for 1 of the 3 parts of the quest and another 30 after all 3

So getting 1 done (getting credit for 5 takedowns being the easiest if you won first obj) and I don’t know if that’s enough probably not but I’m trying to explain the mind of an idiot so the hell I know

Getting matched 3 times in a row against different 5 stacks while my team is all solos. Thank you blizzard for this amazing StormLeague experience. It is really fun to face hyper coordinated 5 stacks who just snowball the game extremely hard and you can’t do anything. Really, best decision ever made, good job.

Thought you said the full quest, my bad!

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It’s like you would do boss with an melee assassine and I don’t know which one could stand a boss. :joy:

True, but every melee assassine is usually a super strong ganker, you could even think it is their thing.

I want to see a video that colossus can do it early solo like twin, because I highly doubt it. He has lower health than twin and also slower hits, it’s like you are saying Butcher can solo boss and I doubt that butcher can do it, except he has already tons of stacks (300+).

He can as early as he gets Second Wind, it is easy to test in try mode.
His self healing per hit is gigantic with CS once he drops to 49% or less health.

But he absolutely cannot do it before that. He needs the healing talent first.
And you must use Parry as much as possible and obviously evade all roots/stomps.

So you are saying CS Varian can do boss at 7 like Twin?

Yes, it’s just a massive waste of boss, as it dies very fast in early game.

On an unrelated non-Varian note, even Vikings can solo boss at lv4. With zero globe stacks. Requires great micro though.


“I have to work, sorry for afking so much”.
Zul’Jin, in middle of a Storm League while standing in hall of storms every second minute.
Like, why do you even play league when you are working?

Funny though, I had a leaver in team in the last 3 games.
Impossible to win when you have someone who leaves after 1st minute and never comes back.

Blizz should finally make the loss forgiveness.
Is there a leaver in team for more than 5-7 minutes?
Leaver will get -1000 rank points and the rest of the team gets -0.


I know for a fact Colossus can do it at 10 if HKQ is done all 3 When I reinstall the game I’ll go into an A.I game and screencap it.
The reason it’s doable is because Second Wind has another bonus to healing 50% of Varians damage when he’s below 50%, this combined with the AA passive of doubling his AA damage and the fact tht HKQ is also effected by said passive, that’s why it can do it.

Also Butcher can solo any non starcraft boss at exactly 200

Thought about queueing some NA games, got trash talked to death and got matched with a bunch os trolls that kept flaming me in draft for no reason at all =)

Good to see this toxicity isn’t just my region like people say, it’s everywhere. Hots has the most toxic community of all games, this is just a fact.

i hate how bronze 5 games are so terrible and so difficult to climb out of

Protip to climb out of bronze: play the map that means do camps, clear waves and fight for obj. Don’t brawl too much.

What amazes me is that the overall quality of players is getting worse and worse. Like, really.

People don’t know basics or if they do, they simply ignore it for the sake of it.

I had a draft yesterday where our banner was afk, which basically means we didn’t banned anyone and then he last picked Illidan (right away btw so not so afk) and said “lol”.

Then inted the whole game and said “gg” when we obviously lost. It’s so freaking sad when someone is clearly making it so others don’t win.

Between these type of people that I often get and the people who draft whatever they want without caring and then don’t even use their roles correctly, I simply get so damn frustrated.

Like, a dude picks Thrall because he wants to solo. Ok. Then he afks for like 2 minutes and when he comes back, DOES NOT SOLO A SINGLE TIME and just died several times to mindless brawls.

Oh yeah brawls. People LOVE to brawl for no freaking reason. Am I the only one who gets really tilted when you see the team chasing/brawling for absolutely no reason?

Kinda of rant over haha.


I can totally understand you it is frustrating, but if you are in low elo like me than I can teach you one thing I learned about it. Good draft comps are nice, but they are meaningless if the player behind have no idea how to play their heroes. I won countless amount of games, where my first impression was “this won’t end good for us”. :joy:

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That is true, I’ve noticed that as well.

As I’ve stated before in another topic/post, I don’t pretend I deserve a better rank simply because I don’t play enough or grind enough to get more than this. I’m perfectly aware of that.

Despite that, I feel like I know more than enough to be higher than I am.

But yeah, I get your point and agree with it. It’s just that sometimes it feels like people are doing it on purpose (probably are) and enjoy the misery.

PS: What rank are you if you don’t mind asking? (also EU or NA?)

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Start of the week, was one win away from Plat 3. Now back down to Gold 1, had a terrible run this last few days, half the games were stomps, half were fairly close and fun. Dont know what I’m doing differently now, not one to ‘blame Blizzard’ and the matchmaker, probably just got lucky and got carried to Plat 4 anyway :rofl:

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