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:grinning: i know that feeling. Always when I get the quest I lose one or two games first…

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I wish it had been just one or two! I think I played 6 SL matches this morning, and won 2. Granted, that isn’t the worst record for one play session, but I will totally blame the quest and not my game play.

Yeah, definitely the quest…


Came back to play again after a couple hours, we had everyone agreeing on everything in draft, then our solo laner at the last second says “f you all, get trolled” and changes to Nova. We had no one that could go top, we lost terribly, couldn’t do anything, enemy snowballed but didn’t want to end the game which went on for more than 20 minutes.

Such a fun game blizzard, good job never banning these type of players, really good job. I really hope this game dies and closes servers really soon. One of the best games I’ve ever played with the worst community I’ve ever seen.

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Log onto NA and play ARAM with us. What’s the worst that can happen? :wink:

interesting SL games today.

  1. Our last pick player, hovering bruiser changes into Butcher. Goes 1-5, we lose horribly.
  2. GoT, quite balanced game, they screw up by overextending, we get terrors, go for core, victory.
  3. Alterac, good draft. Our Zagara leaves after 15 seconds, didnt return during the whole 15 minute game. Anub tilted because of it (“its lost, we have a leaver, just let them win, gg”). He refused to help, to defend, was afk-pushing, thus the game was 3v5 and we lost horribly.

Out of 3 games, I lost 2 on trolls and leaver. Way to go.


Thought I’d play a big, got matched with a 4 man party that kept saying a lot of really toxic things during all game and at the end they all said they would all report me to get me banned because I should never play this game and should kill myself in real life. They said they’ve done this to lots of other players and they all got banned, especially since they use other accounts to report as well.


If I get banned soon, you will know why.


Like I said in my prior post I sincerely can’t remember the last time I simply logged in and enjoyed the game, win or lose XD. It is not just a matter of questionable balance but just the community in general really taking a huge nose dive not just in skill but manners.


And you know why the playerbase is like that? Because Blizzard allows them to be. It is just Blizzard’s fault. People literally say they don’t care if we report them because they’ve been doing it for years and never got even a silence.

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Well it is actually pretty simple to understand, if my team refuse to soak or doing camps, I also tend to soak or do camps as Mei. But I also would never skip objective, because I start camps before obj and be there, when obj started.

Looks like your teammate had problems with timing, when to do objectives, but if you could support him, he could go to obj in time. :joy:

Actually reports matters, but in quantity. I got silenced, because I raged about the huge mistakes from my teammates and were also toxic, because it is easier be toxic, when your teammates are also toxic.

This proves my point. People can do those things for so many times before something happen, IF it even happens.

Dont lock morales early

Especially dont lock morales early and then play a subpar morales (its been a while since ive played her rip)


Another set of terrible SL games where everyone drafts without a single idea on how to do it and also always trying to make others fill.

3 Loses and 1 win. Oh and soaking and rotating aren’t things that they feel like are necessary. Why is they can simply brawl all game?

A big old sigh.

I promise when I reinstall HOTS later this month I will show you what a true Iresian warrior can do Phase


Varian trying to solo boss on cursed hollow at level 7… WITH COLOSSUS SMASH!!!

You almost can’t do it with twinblades at level 7.

We had the most perfect early game I’ve ever seen until he did this and put us so far behind we were always 3 levels behind and just lost.


LOLOL… Smash varian from levels 4-10 is one of the strongest gankers in the game because of his burst. What a waste.


Did he complete his HKQ? cus Colossus CAN solo the boss with that quest complete and Second Wind.

Too many players on the game say “Sylvanas is useless” yet she’s still in the roster. Too many posts here says she’s a “beast” but in practice she’s fragile. I read many reviews, builds, and even tips from “professionals” on her and yet some Quick Match players calls her useless.

If everyone here agrees then why isn’t she removed from the roster?

Dude you’re not allowed to name and shame on these forums

also maybe you don’t know why Sylv can be a beast but, oh I don’t know maybe because there is no reason to delete heroes that have been designed just because meta babies can’t play them.

Shes strong. Nothing else to say. Reading guides will only get you so far. Imo she’s one of the most micro-intensive aa heroes in the game. Not only do you have to learn stutter stepping for different attack speeds but you have to weave in q’s for your level 1. Then e comes into play which can be used both offensively or defensively. Just keep practicing her with aa build until you learn how to use q. Then go q build for max value.


And what if players report another player as Sylvanas for being useless in any quick match?

Any suggestions for that?