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I find most mornings are either really good or really bad for ranked. Today was the latter. Got in to draft lobby and three players put up preference for ranged dps. As I am always showing healer preference I went ahead and put up my starting healer of choice.

After bans were done one of our dps locked. Then fifth person shows abathur. Second round a second dps and I locked. Calls were made for tank. Moving to final draft the abathur insta locks and them a few seconds later third dps locked.

Game proceeds with abathur and third dps both constantly typing at each other about how the other lost the game for not going tank. It was on Braxis and I believe we lost at second Zerg wave.

Just one of those days I guess.


Well then, I wouldn’t like an assassine like you, who usually is bad positioned and blames the tank for not covering him.

Yes and who said I would do that? It’s your weird reading that leads you into this conclusion… and of course I let Zag doing her job, but still she did more mistakes by overextending and that is what lead up to her lots of death.

You’ve never even seen me play. And I wouldn’t blame you for not peeling if I was out of position. I’d be blaming you for laning when there are 3 heroes much more capable of being the offlane than Mei as a tank.

No one said you were. Your stats showed that you were. There’s a difference. If Zag dies trying to do her job in a stupid way doesn’t mean you ditch your team and go lane.

Look I’m not trying to attack you. But you must see that maybe the reason your teammates died so much was that you weren’t there.

Well you know how Tomb of spiders is played, yes? You know that it is optimally played, when you rotate between two lanes, when one solo laner is sitting bot? That’s what I did, not more not less.

My stats were showing that I did great at double soaking, not more, not less. That’s how rotating works on tombs of spiders, usually.

They were dying, because they were constantly looking for fights and I don’t like brawl all the time. I prefer to play the map.

Yes, I’m aware of how that map should be played. And I agree with you, but it shouldn’t have been you, the tank, when 2 other heroes (D.Va and Yrel) are more than capable of double soaking. Even Zag if she spreads her creep enough.

Your teammates were probably bad, there’s no discussion there, but my point is that you didn’t do your job as a tank and that just made things worse. If you, Yrel, and Orphea stayed grouped, Zag laned, and rotated and covered empty lanes, you would have done lots better. But it doesn’t look like they did that.

Again, I agree. But you shouldn’t have done it.

I agree its smart to play that map because turn ins are huge, but at the same time if your teammates are dying without you there, try to be there to save them. Both of Mei’s ults are great at peeling. And if the enemy team is guarding the turn ins, you need to fight. Otherwise they’ll just get objective after objective and make any macro useless.

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Well, if my teammates don’t doing their job, i will do no matter what, except I play heroes, who can’t do it like Lucio, who tries to kill waves. :joy:

I have tanked for your Sylv, and I believe one of the maps was TotSQ. I attac! I protec! I gives my Banshee Queen the space she needs to kill them all!

To the general thread, forced 50% must be real. I lost my first two matches today, then won the next two. Proof! WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!


I won all games today… does it mean a lose streak waits in the corner? :scream: Correction: almost all wins, except one game, where we got stomped by Morales’ Cheese, so it might be not the case. :smiley:

Its not your fault that Zag couldn’t hold the lane, its hers. I’m on your side, but as a tank, soaking isn’t your job if your team is dying without you.

Losses like that suck, but hopefully next time you tank you have teammates who can actually lane.

I’m not sure I killed them all, but I did appreciate your presence. It did give me space to do stuff, even if I suck at it lol

It is, if my team fails I do it, because then they might rage at me, but it should be a lesson to them that they need to do their job right. I would also soak as healer, if needed (except heroes like Lucio or Morales ofc). Besides almost everyone can soak through clearing the wave, not only “solo laners”. Did you ever watched Fan how he plays the game?

If my team is dying without me, they should ask themselves why they engage in fights when our tank is missing and communicate with me (pings anyone?)? If they don’t, it is not my problem.

I understand your point of view. And I’m not at all saying that it is your fault you lost, because it wasn’t. I’m just saying maybe there were things you could have done better. At the end of the day, you can’t control what your allies do. But you can control what you do.

If only. But it will take ages before they even get a warning. And tons of reports.

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So i have this amazing dodge against a garrosh q. Real proud of myself. I turn around to dance at him to make fun of him for missing me and i walk straight into him. Needless to say i died and my entire team was laughing at me in chat :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


There are days, where you can do whatever you want, you will lose. This is such a day…Out of 5 games I lost 4, because my mates were trolling or just way worse than the enemys.

Map: Alterac Valley

This game is one example of todays failed games. Horrible.

I hate people like that too. I had a qm were a 3 man party was feeding 30+ combined and their liming was just b-stepping in base rest of the game after 7 min play were all forts/keeps was down already.

Three of my team died trying to defend a useless merc camp near our base in the warhead map and then the remaining one proceeded to chain feed.

It was in the 20 min or so and we were winning the game. There was no point in going full in just to take a camp with 60 sec deaths literally near our core.

At least it was qm.

QM is fun… I wasn’t even in the solo lane, artanis was , at lvl 13 he was bottom in exp.


The best thing in your sad game is that Murky’s power soak made the difference. :smiley: It’s always nice to see good Murkys.

I have my personal conspiracy theory about this matchmaking. It checks your kda and if you have the highest you get people with lower kda and feeders in your team…


Forced 50% KDA confirmed

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