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If I see my losing streak today about 10 games, yes I believe it… I had trolls and leavers in most games, it was ridiculous.


I hate this game and am deleting it. Just went 16 (assist plus kills when we had 17 takedowns) and 1 as ANA in a team where we had 7,3,3,2 deaths on others. I doubled malfurions healing with 50k extra. HARD CARRIED MY TEAM to victory. Even had more soak than their malfurion and yet no mvp. Ded game.

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Healer is an ungrateful job, deal with it. :joy:

Time to smurf in gold

If you have decent team mates, you can play the map. But if your team isn’t very good. You have to play according to what your team does.

I must shamefully admit that I lost several games making the optimal play without my team. Instead of adapting to their actions, even if they weren’t the right ones. You still stand a better chance of winning with them.

It means any losses can now be blamed on the forced 50%.

Trust me. If your team mates don’t understand what they should be doing. They won’t understand why you’re doing it.

Sadly, that is never going to happen. Or they wouldn’t have made that play in the first place.

Well, it is, because you lose with them.

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5 out of 6 of my practice thrall games in qm had whiney, little babies that decided to afk either from load or halfway through because game is hard.

I get it, playing against 5 stacks is hard, playing into poor matchups is hard. I dont particularly enjoy people ignoring pings and getting ganked, or missing soak, or not getting camps out, but hey, we all in the same game so…

Trying to shake off the rust from my Li-Ming and played some 30 matches with her on QM during these two days. She really plays nothing like most mages who are about either poking or landing a fat combo. You need to coax people to be right where you need it. I’m enjoying the experience to re-learn some tricks I had with her but the fact I’m stuck in “tutorial mode” really ruins my mood.

So here’s the thing, I party up with randoms and try to have a fun experience. Instead of that I’m constantly annoyed by my teammates being all over the place. Objective is up? No problem, let’s try to do an inane 2v4 where they fail to kill anyone and leave me desperate to stall the objective against the rest of the enemy. Boss is hitting the keep? Pings are useless because they are busy trying to fight the enemy god knows where rather than saving our buildings. Or “genius” melee assassins rush the middle of the enemy at half health while our tank has yet to engage.

I’m through a pair of long loss streaks after some brief winstreaks. I’m sure me trying to play more than I usually do affects my performance but it doesn’t ease my mood. There are lots of things I can tell about but overall I can’t wait to play some ranked matches next week to be rescued from this hell. :sweat_smile:


Enemy Falstad was hitting our core.
We were 5v4 at their core.
Our healer was busy hitting a harmless wall.
Our tank needed to clear the minions.
The other 2 were chasing enemies around their spawn hall.
I alone hit the core and spammed pings as much as I could.

Dear humanity, I have only one question. WHY???


This game just doesn’t have enough CC.

If the enemy team has, say… Anub’arak, Kel’thuzad, Thrall, and Junkrat, occasionally I’ll get control of my character for three seconds, or maybe even five.

But, hey, at least now I can become Unstoppable for 1 second every 5 minutes.

You know that all these abilities are skill shots? Maybe you try to evade them the next time?


My entire team trolling and never soaking anything and never helping me, Butcher, get stacks so we can have a chance of winning.

Map BHB. What happened? We were ALWAYS 3 levels behind. I actually made us back into the game and got us to 20, completed my quest after a long time since getting it only by minions take a lot, got a good level 20 silence ult, we killed 4 of them and there was only their abathur left alive. We had only 1 keep up and we got their mid keep. We had the wave all pushed to their core, so we just needed to end.

Well, they all went back and didn’t come end with me, I couldn’t end alone and the enemy came back to life. I asked in chat why we didnt end (I actually pinged and typed core core core core end win the game) and they all said “F you, we just wanna have fun, not end the game, we are all in a party and will report you for trolling our game and trying to destroy our fun by ending the game”.

Well, they wanted fun right? So I went to the boss, killed it and let the enemy take it, kill me and end the game, so that was actually fun for me, not gonna lie (:

But seriously, why are people like these players? Sure play for fun, as long as you don’t kill the fun for the other players lol…

No wonder this game is dying and will have the servers shutdown in a couple years, playerbase really trying hard to make that happen.


Butcher was already a bad pick before. Why would anyone pick him now, With Gladiators medallion, against a Johanna?

Because killing things matter more than anything else. It’s Da rule.

Last SL game. Team got trolled by a Garrosh.
(Wow, now he’s on the enemy team. But it still sucks.)

Just want to announce that i just repeated this feat with anduin when the rest Of my team had 2-7 deaths. Got mvp and 2 upvotes! Carrying diamond games as healer is ez.

So a friend invited me to a QM group, and had another friend in the group who was “new”. Well, level 400+ and 3 seasons of ranked isn’t exactly “new”, but it’s a weekend, and it’s QM, and I like the people I already know in the group. How bad could it be?

10 death Artanis who apparently doesn’t have a mini-map installed. After two games of that, he switched to TB Varian (I was tanking by then). We won that one, but … yeah.

Even after being repeatedly told not to chase, not to dive, watch the map, “they are coming to kill you again”, he seemed to think that 4 red heroes converging on him meant they just wanted to see what he was doing. They wouldn’t possibly attack him!

But hey, he solo’d the boss, so that counts for something, right?



I hate when the game is nothing but a lottery. We won the game against the Garrosh trolling his team. And lost when he was on our team.

If I had him on my team both games, I would have two losses. If I played against him both games, I would have two wins. It’s nothing but luck. I reported him both games, but there’s no telling how long the game will let him continue.

Then he’ll probably create a new account.


Yup, basically that. It’s a coin toss if I ever seen one and it’s super sad.

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Carbot videos makes me always laugh. :joy:


Told our rehgar not to go bloodlust into dragon and he took that to mean pick ancestral when i was trying to say just don’t try to force a fight when alexstraza has dragon. Sad greymane noises.