Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I have NO idea what my team thought we were gonna do with that comp on BoE

No dps, no racing on the immortals, and not much healing either. I told my team during draft that we had no dps, and solo assassin Chromie was not a thing. We still got a last pick Zarya. And our Muradin kept complaining about how Malthael had no damage for being an assassin…


So you have 2 enemies down and a post level 20 dragon knight and no keep bot lane but a keep in mid and top lane

Do you A Push as 5 with the dragon knight straight bot straight to the core

B take the dragon knight through the keep and then to core as 5

C Only the dragon knight and one other person go bot the other three attack the keep

If you answered C you’d be right

People are dumb. This was a comeback potentially too we had just repelled an atack with a 10% core but nope people are idiots.

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Time to get friends to play with

Hey Dude
This is the salt mines I’m quite aware of the sollutions get off my back!


Okies, this is sort of salty but also input. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m objective about my moods and focus and since I’ve dropped down to Silver from Gold/plat losing over 30 games from playing on America Server, with a further losses of games on AU and disconnections. Let me tell you this, playing with Bronzes and Silvers can change a man’s attitude.

Let me put it this way. When I played in Plat/Gold, I hardly raged. If we lost, it was easier to see if I was the weakest link in the team, or if the other team members were the weakest. Even if we lost around the gold/plat rank, no-one raged because we all knew we were trying our best. There were hardly insta-locks, trolls and DC’s. Infact, most of my chat-logs around the gold/plat rank were cracking jokes, laughters, strats and the usual macro-reminders I type such as soak early, merc and hand 10 gems in.

Ever since dropping to Silver areas and Bronzes, pretty much every day I’m raging or cussing with trolls, players insta-locking or laning all game. So yes, the original concept of Laynors exist but lives on as 6 k damage Jaina’s and 15 k damage Greymanes in a 15-20 minute game. worse part is, they are very hard to carry out. Compared to my time in Plat/gold, where I was laughing and focused on the game, there’d only be 5 pages of rage chat-logs for the while 2-3 years I was in there. Recently in Silvers, I pretty much gathered 20 pages of raging and cussing for the past 2 months. An angry enviorment can tamper with person’s attitude pretty much, so in other words, Bronze and Silver is a toxic cess-pool. The real games begin around the gold/plat area. In scale comparison, there’s like 20% toxic people I’ve ran into in the gold/plat area, while there’s been an increased of 80% of toxic trolls or players that just ignore drafts and insta-lock. Problem is, it does make me look toxic sometimes, however, it’s only if they trash talk or they ignore the team and insta-lock, with my replies going “OK %$^$%^, IF YOU WEREN’T GOING TO TANK, YOU SHOULD’VE SAID SOMETHING AND I WOULD’VE TANKED INSTEAD OF YOU INSTA-LOCKING A HERO WE DON’T NEED AT LAST PICK. YOU DO THIS EVERY-TIME” and their replies would be along the lines of “i don’t care”. Yes, sometimes my anger might leak out of General Chat sometimes. In conclusion, stay away from Silvers and Bronze area if you can.

If you ever get back to gold we can team up. I feel like you aren’t a tank main tho so it might not work for us

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Ye for sure we can team. I’m a main tank fan. I’m a stronk Johanna and Dibz player. I’m the guy that vouches for tanks and strategizes of timing blinds whenever enemy’s start to AA to get value out of damage mitigation. I’ll keep that in mind Tooton :d

Daily reminder not to play hots after midnight.

Ended the game with zero kills and i get a 3 man party that all feeds 10 times each and LiMing sits in base and B-steps in a cornor after she had feeded same amount as well.

2 game enemy team is ofc a full premade while i get a 1-6 score Orphera and Ana that half the time never shows up to object.

If you dont premade in qm then you are doomed to lose now i guess since solo que is dead.

3 games of SL, 3 times I got an assassin main who ignored objectives and farmed creeps.
3 times someone in team tilted because of someone dying or not coming to objective and started to afk or troll.

And there goes my master league, welcome D1.

This game is seriously unbelievable with the amount of trash you meet in league.

EDIT: 4th game, 4th lost one. 3 mentally challenged assassin mains who instalocked them as first 3 picks, refusing to pick bruiser, heal or a tank.
Surprise surprise, enemy used this to counterpick them, got xul to double soak plus sylv to push and mop the floor with us.

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The answer is D. Go take a merc camp while the DK dies :slight_smile:

(Sorry, I have i to fail you on the exam)

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It’s time for BRAWL! :joy:

But we can’t win fights :frowning:

You have to believe…!


You have a lot of siege damage and a lot of xp, which is good, but I feel like sometimes you weren’t there for fights when you should have been. However I’m not sure because they took off damage taken stat.

I’m not a great Mei player so I don’t know where she’s good and where she’s not, but I think being there for your team would have helped.

Thank you. Yes i wasn’t always present when they start brawling, because I don’t like brawling all day and rather roam around and clear waves as well to make more pressure on the enemy team.

I can sympathize with you because I also hate when people don’t soak, but at the end of the day, your job as a tank is to protect your team and help set up kills.

Did you ask anyone if they can handle the lanes? You have two bruisers and a Zag, who can all lane pretty well, but no healer. Draft issue right there. I understand its Silver (I’m there too), and I get in games where I’m just shaking my head the whole time.

I think the main issues with that match is the fact that your Zag was dying too much in lane to ganks. I doubt she’d lose to an Azmodan or Jaina that much 1v1. Which forced you to pick up the slack, leaving your team without peels. Another issue is your lack of heals. Trade one of the bruisers for a healer and you would have done tons better.

I can’t agree with this, because a tank is not the babysitter for his allys, but an initator, who has to force the attention of the enemys on him and if some enemys are smart enough to ignore it, your backline should also be smart enough to better positon themselves.

She was dying too much, because Zag was even less with the team than me, but trying to solo push all the time. Even then, when it was smarter just to not overextend and just collect jewels from all lanes or doing camps.

You kind of have to be a baby sitter since you have to peel for your team.

Since you have the CC, it’s your job to save the idiots from their positioning mistakes. It sucks but they’ll just die more if you’re not there, so you have to be there.

And rich people shouldn’t be able to hide from taxes. But this is an imperfect world. You have to expect your team mates to need your help. And provide it to prevent them from throwing the game. Part of the tank’s job is to to occasionally save a team mate who pushed his/her luck,

Mei isn’t good at taking camps though. It must have taken forever.


Its not to babysit, its to secure kills by engaging. Also you need to be able to peel as a tank. If that’s your mindset, I know why you lost and I’d never want you as a tank on my team. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt saying its your draft and the fact that no one could lane without dying, but now I see…

You can’t have Zag and your tank in lane at the same time. Let Zag do her thing. I bet you that if you had a presence with your team, they’d be more focused on you and that would allow Zag to push. Also, did you ping to the Zag when you saw no one on the map and Zag pushed far? Not only that, but was it soon enough?

I agree that Zag was dying too much but if you were doing your job your team wouldn’t have died as much and Zag would have had less pressure on her. You not doing her part, made Zag not able to do hers.

I tried to shift the blame at others and have an open mind, but I can’t after the first paragraph I quoted in this post. I’m sorry…

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