Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

As expected. The big ragers are usually good feeders. :joy:

Okay a lil tip for those using Medivh since he is free did you know Medivh can actually clear a wave? Once you reach level 7 pick Arcane Explosion… Simply use Arcane rift on the wave draw their aggro and then use Force of Will and explode at the middle of the wave. You’re not entirely going to kill the wave but it usually is enough for your own minions to pick them off. This works better when the siege giants are on lane since they’ll be pelting their attacks at you, and since they do more damage than the minions you’ll have a strong explosion happening.

So if you’re Medivh and wondering how to contribute to lane phase that is how. I can’t believe how many times I’ve had to write this down in chat.

I got randomly dc’d twice today and was super close to leveling those heroes.:rage:

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Johanna eating all ming’s orb and saying “WE LOST OUR DPS DON’T DO DAMAGE”, well we would do more damage if you stopped eating all orbs and started doing your job as a tank player.

“BUT I HAVE SAME DPS AS THE DPS PLAYERS” - classic sentence used by tank players who think dealing damage = playing tank well, instead of actually doing the tank’s job.


Lemme guess they also didn’t know that being hit at full distance reduces the Orb CD…


So, someone who adds me as a friend after the match ended, then start saying death threats and a lot of other really really heavy stuff, well, I’m sure this person will get instantly banned from the game after my report right? Cause idk what else blizzard needs for this person to be banned.


And uninstalled for a few weeks.

…I don’t care if I’m silenced but they take away the post when they do so…



Bleh, see you all in a few weeks.

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Sometimes your team just throws harder than you’re carrying.


First game lose cause of a 22% winrate dva that thinks its fun to just feed whole day and give butcher more and more meat.

2 game zero chance of winning when matchmaker thinks its balanced to put Mei, Dva DW Anduin and Ophera up againts a solo ETC tank Lucio and Kerri, Illidan and Genji.

100% lose and 20 min wasted just so one team could get a free win without doing anything.

Im back to MHW again when qm is that trash .

Well you started QM, so you should expect anything in a chaos mode. :sunglasses: :joy:

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Actually, I’ve been watching a few pro games with Johanna, and falling sword gets used a lot.

I mean, both ults stun but each have different advantages.

Sometimes the team just wants to draft assassins and you don’t have a choice. You tell them you suck at tanking, but they don’t care, so you still tank, and you lose. When I tell people I’m bad at healers they don’t believe me. Most games I play as healer will be losses.

Sadly, the game usually tried to get at least one perso from the losing team on the MVP screen. It’ kind of a quota, and doesn’t mean anything. Sorry.

Being actual MVP on the losing team is pretty hard though.

Sometime someone from the enemy team sends me a friend request after a game when I play Tracer. I always decline :slight_smile:

Hey if you insist on laning at half health by yourself as Nazeebo when you’re down on levels. Don’t expect anything other than a loss. I could have killed him with any other hero.

It was someone from my team… I just thought they wanted to queue together or something :frowning:

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Sorry, but I don’t believe you. I know that being good at healing requires practice, but everyone can heal to be at least a “decent healer”, it is not hard at all. There are enough easy to learn healers in the game.

But if you say I don’t heal, because I don’t trust my potato team to carry that’s a reason I understand very well.

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There are two types of them:
a) The casual player who wants to play Ming because easy. Has to be carried.
b) The literal assassin main, if you let them do it, they carry you.

Remember my statistics backed statement about I suck at tanks? No wins for 5 months? It’s my highest winrate role this season, around 70%. Also most played due to necessity.
At the same time, my “I am so awesome I hard carry” Qhira-based melee winrate is down to 25%. :smiley:

Rehgar is a decent choice to play off-role. Full W build with BL, ignore cleanse.
Ana is great if you can hit. No shame in asking the team to stutter less. Q is so strong, it’s often worth it.
You’re fine with quite a few. Just stick with them. I play 3 tanks, the rest I cannot win. Can also check my profile - if I can play it, you can master it. (Li Li is falling steadily.)


I got the most typical response from Blizz about my suspension :man_shrugging: why did I expect anything else? Even let myself hope for anything but a generic “no u been bad”

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What? Noooo!

When does it end?

14 days from yesterday.

Well, weren’t you the new Qhira main anyway?
I’m just going to remove her from the Favorites and not touching until the end of this anomaly. She sucks. Not sure what happened, but I went from 80% to 30% winrate and part of it is the Medallion. That’s 2-5 fewer kills per match, which is the difference.

I see you have similar results :frowning: my condolences. Sucks to lose your main in just a few weeks.

Plus, I’ve been told again, there is no place for a melee assassin in a heroes team since you MUST have frontline, consisting of a tank and a hard bruiser with hard CC, tanky health and massive regen, but of course also 2 ranged and a healer. Picking Qhira was the direct cause of the loss, according to the tank.

(I am just salty. It was fine and I won the solo lane until our team started to feed.)

Plus losing 4 in a row sucks but I’ve had 11 in a row wins so I should shut up and drink and feed. :smiley:


I would hardly say I’m “New” to her, I hit level 100 with her and was maintaining a 55% winrate in storm league (whic hI find rather impressive for a hero with sub par camp taking and zero split push power)
Just a few days ago.

Yeah I agree I should really stop playing Qhira into this anomaly, I doubt I’ll be able to stick to that though, even yesterday going through QM on my alt account I missed my girl after 10 games. (I’m on HOlidays dont’ judge me)


It’s something a lot of people don’t want to hear, but you can always get some value out of the lowest MMR player in the team picking Li Li and holding Healing Jug down constantly while following the team.

Not quite so if you have them pick any assassin in the game they’ve never played. It can sound elitist or rankist, but if there are large rank disparities in a party, it shouldn’t be the high MMR player playing healer.

If you want to win the match and have each player perform the maximum value possible, your odds of winning are much higher if that GM (for example) plays Zeratul and the Bronze player takes Li Li, and not the other way around.