Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Love Zag players that cant even hold a lane has lower exp done then a Butcher.



Ye it amaze me how stupid some people are. They think the new medallion removes dots. Already seen it myself. 5% hp Artanis use his medallion while Pyroblast is after him.


It’s because he found peace with who he is.

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This goes here, the names speak for themselves.


Found this on reddit and I think it suits your post very well :joy:


That will be the next step.

Developer Comment: Our goal for the Gladiator’s Medallion is to give players more opportunities to commit to aggressive plays and thus relieve some of the helplessness felt when dying to a DoT after overextending.

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If they want to troll the players yes. :joy:

That is some salty team. Too bad the 3 player ruin it with his portrait.

Although to be fair, in the last image with D Va, I have done something similar. I was trying to finish off a low health Lunara, and used the Medallion not to remove the DoT, but to remove the slow for a tick so I could stay on her.

She still got away, but it was worth the try.

I still see people only using the Medallion defensively, when it can be a good offensive tool, too.

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Eyo, premade 5 masters vs bunch of random.

Just mm things.

Was it a four player premade and you’ve been the odd man out?

I once had a GM#16 and 3 master 2000 on the enemy team Still won or i was just lucky.

I would rather say they carried you through the match :sweat_smile: :speak_no_evil:

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I really hate this samuro solo lane nonsense. I could have easily won top with arthas but 3 man insisted that their samuro should have it. As amusing as it was watching him get his butt added to him by an artanis i was not pleased that i had to go top as fenix to bail him out.

Not saying that solo lane samuro cannot work out, just that it really doesn’t unless samuro is good.

No such thing, they crushed and bm’d the stuffing out of us.

Petty much I suppose. Was more frustrated I as garrosh was solo tonk vs a truckload of cc so I could do diddly nothing vs their chromes and tracer.

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8 games in a row now, literally only member of my team on the board every single time, MVP despite losing 1 time. Game hates me.

I am glad this place exists.

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“You guys got hard carried”

-the kerrigan who was furiously typing at us to not take a 4v5 while they solo laned. who then sat and watched Harb and i win the 4v5 with a 3 man stunchain.

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How many death does he have? Usually people with such attitude end up with a good amount of death. :joy:

4 lol. Which was the most on our team.

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