Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Just remember to hide the names so it isn’t a witch hunt :slight_smile:

So you can lose it, if you post screenshots from the game, where the names are on it? If it’s true, good to know.

Like I know Harbinger isn’t really flaming anyone, but the rules doesn’t really allow us to post player’s names (especially battletags). So to be safe just hide the names (you can leave yours if you want). Also good to do that so this thread doesn’t get targetted by mods and eventually closed.

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In my experience, showing clips or screenshots from the game are fine, as long as you aren’t using them to call another player out. If someone has wildly underperformed in one of my matches (unless that person is me), I hide names. Otherwise, I let my lazy side dominate.

I have yet to be dinged for anything other than a post with a borderline naughty word, but that one was my own fault. I was pushing things and took my scolding gracefully.


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I am not sure your HD is large enough!


I don’t even understand how that was possible. I really cannot do any more.

When the enemy was pushing our core. I got 3 kills completely by myself., Then the objective comes up. 5 vs 2, free objective. We can win with this. What does my team do? Let’s go get a merc camp… So the enemy has time to respawn.

I managed to not die against a Zeratul, I have 10 of my team’s 17 kills, and I’m topping every stat. I cannot do anything more.. My team still found a way to lose to our enemy’s horrible comp.


Merc camps have become the new objects in qm while the real objects gets ignored 50% of the time.


i think we could use more mercenaries


This was in Storm league :frowning:

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Fellbadman then its even worse

My smurf sensors are tingling. That stukov’s statline is suspicious. Though your other assassins were god awful and theirs were half decent so “?”

It was mostly the Tychus. He gave them so much xp. And he cost us an objective when we were controlling bot, and someone was in position mid, but instead of capturing the shrine, he was killing the minions. And I DID ping the shrine the moment he got to top lane…

I guess our Dehaka staying mid a lot didn’t help. There is no way I should beat him on xp.

Also the usual fighting outnumbered thing.

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When the meta bans finally caught up on your mains.


I can’t play my fun heroes now a days :rage:


But they’re not fun heroes anymore. They’re real badass heroes.

if i have to go salty, 80% of the players i was matched in ranked wold have their fridge full of meats (d*cks)…why TF they play ranked?they don’t play their’s roll,they pick melee vs bruisers (after they see enemy pick his hero counter), going 3 vs 5 pvp, not taking camps before obj, picking heroes types that is not needed, and a lot of things…

“mercs before obj”, that should do every single time when the announcer says “in 30 sec”…leave the pvp and do camps…all of u to do it quickly

They might know you and be scared to let you get them. Yesterday I had 3 games with one player in the enemy team. 2 of 3 he saw me playing and getting mvp and then he banned her straight away. :joy: Funny to watch.

You know, as ex-Tassadar main I gave no peck about Tassadar’s high ban-rate.

You may enjoy that your D.Va became worth of banning. But I didn’t care about Tass. Why? Because he didn’t become so bannable as support, only because he became assassin.

“Diablo focus the squishies” - Medic
First 7 levels into arthas/lili

“Diablo not peeling for me” - Medic
lvl 10 onward against sonya/rexxar
Literally win a 5v5 with 4 kills, “PEEL FOR ME PLZ” medic our only death

You know, i picked Diablo specifically so you could tell me how to play him, im really grateful for your insight and wisdom into this difficult to play hero /s

The best part, the enemy sonya took leap/crater at 20, that single choice literally lost them the game winning team fight. “Medic cant get away with crater” - Sonya
“Sound logic nephalim” - Diablo