Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

How many matches? Cause 38% in 10 matches isn’t much to worry about. If you have 38% in 50+ matches, then you should try to find out what’s wrong. It is normal to get a good win streak or bad loss streak at the start of the season and have these really big or small winrates, like 20%-80%.

At what time do you usually stream? :smiley:


It was about 10 matches based on their history.
Game 1 smurf ez win
Game 2 no healer
Game 3 no tank
Game 4 afk splitpush gazlowe… after rework.


Yeah there are also those people who “test” heroes in ranked. That’s why I stay away for a few days after a re-work.


Yep I made that mistake today to play 4 games.
A terrible mistake. :man_facepalming:

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Genji still sucks a lot even with the medalion.

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The season literally started. Give it time to get more data for stats between seasons

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That’s why you call him gazno. No, you shouldn’t pick gazno. Say no to gazno.

Oohhjjhh but forum goers said genji and tracer would be soooo op with medallion and break the gameeeee… nope didn’t happen

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They literally the same with an ocasional cleanse.

When you lost the game but you got MVP and you know that you carried the team the best you can.

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When people go to ranked to test D.VA.
then they have 1-10 score and are like:
“She feels strong, but can be killed so fast.”

And I am like, the FU are you doing in ranked?!


If you play assassin and say “gg no damage” im reporting you!

Also shoutout to that azmodan who knew when to run it down and when to join fights.


My first placement match, people never soaked, kept fighting, I provided the only few kills


<a href=""><img src="" title="made at"/>


What is that maeive!? Half the damage of an auriel


Well usually you are right, but if you have Ilidan with dmg below tank and Tassadar, who said “gg, no dmg”, because the dmg from one assassine is not enough? My last game was basically this. Our Ilidan started weird solo actions and feeded the enemy and did no dmg. So it is wrong to blame him when the game is lost, because we couldn’t kill anyone because dmg was missing?

How is that even possible? :joy:

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Ill fully admit that when i solo que im not as nice as i am in a party. But i try my absolute hardest to not focus on who is losing us the game but to instead try to find a path to victory.

Even last game with triple mage brightwing, azmodan, naz and i were jumping through so many hoops to seige/get picks. Salt aside we made it a very close game. I could have been mad at nazeebo for locking a third mage, i could have been mad at sylvanas for going dagger build as our only aa, i could have been mad at azmodan for splitpushing a little too often sometimes. But i didnt say anything until sylvanas started talking trying to blame others. I gave her multiple warnings of “be cool or be silent” but she insisted on playing blame game and it hurt morale/concentration.

So in your case idk. Feeding illy is bad but yelling at him wont help. Maybe if it was at the end of game id be ok with tass raging a little.

Placement match 2

Someone last sec swapped to Vikings, he was bad
Tracer was stupid
and the guy who ripped away my tl3 , I don’t like you


This guy supposed to be a healer but went TLV?!

Wait a minute, someone flagged your salt post and you lost your tl3? For what? You can get punished for random reasons?

And not a good one if my Muradin is 3k below his xp, he went solo late game when he had his stun

No , I once got banned for a week for typing F
Not swearing, just F (F to pay respects)