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Kinda salty placement matches are the same as regular matches in terms of ranked points. I won all 3 games and moved almost exactly 600 points.

Not asking for 3 ranks but dang give a dog a bone here

This thread is getting more salty than it should be guys.

Everyone is allowed to disagree.

It’s kind of misleading. Your actual results are taken over 10 games. But the “placements” are done after 3.

I think they did it because way back then, people would just do their minimum 10 placement to get a reward, without caring if they won or lost.

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I still don’t understand why we have placements all the time… In league there is only 1 season/year, so we only do placements at the start of the year.

In hots it feels like we do placements every 2 months for no reason D:

Also a bit of salt: i never blame healer for match result, but…

Locking auriel with double aa and no mage is really not a great move. Lili would have almost been a better healer since enemy also went double aa.

There have been constant complaints about the unreliability of the matchmaker, combined with your MMR getting sticky while your rank wouldn’t, so the idea was to loosen it. Yes, it was still unreliable, but you had a fair chance over time - and many attempts - for a lucky streak.

Plus the reward system, people often just return to score a rank or get a mount, similar to D3 seasons. Or just a bit of gold if you were an average solo queue player.

Right now there are no placements except in the sense that your MMR might be outdated. A better implementation would be 1-3 question marks after your rank depending on how loose it is, also a + (rather an upward arrow) in case you have just recently dropped due to inactivity. E.g. 4+?
Thus, if you just resume playing, re-placements are not needed. Hence the 200.
I guess the current solution is just a cheap hack on the old system, quite literally changing a constant from 10 to 3.

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Thought I’d do my placements and maybe play some ranked this season. Let’s list what happened in these 3 games:

  • I was told I am a monkey and my mom also is.
  • I was told I shouldn’t exist and should kill myself.
  • I was told I am the worst player in the whole world and should uninstall.
  • I was told I’m a N word.
  • I was told I was a R word.
  • I was told brazilians stink.
  • I was told that if they were in front of me, they would shoot me and kill me.
  • I was told I should be raped.

But surely all these players will get instantly silenced so they can’t play SL for a while right? RIGHT BLIZZARD?

Nope, I’m out of here, back to league where the playerbase is nice and report system works when you need to use it.


Hmmm I thought placement matches mattered at least 500 points each, maybe more. The matches after 3 placement matches = 500 each so the three placement matches may matter more. I’d want 3 ranks if I won all three placements so I get master and can retire

Nah, placements means nothing nowadays if you play regularly. Each game gives or takes about 200 points, so you end up basically in the same place where you were before.

If you havent played in a while you may get or lose more points.

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When you get so much harassment, just because of writing in portuguese, wouldn’t it make sense only to write in English? So you are not so easily perceived as Brazilian.
Or do you hear these cruel players in voice chat?

I did write in English :joy:

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So they only asume you are Brazilian and where right or do they know you?

I’ve stopped looking for logic in my teammate’s picks. It feels like they just roll a die.

It is clear that I am brazilian when I’m not speaking spanish with them, that’s basically it.

US server is also full of racists.

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I don’t use voice chat. Pings and chat usually do enough for the communication (besides I’m only playing qm). I guess this won’t work in the SL?

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:smiley: wont happen in EU.
They may curse or swear, but you wont understand it because it either azbuka or some snail-eater language.

On a different note, when I have 33k hero damage as D.VA and our GM and Orphea have 22k and 29k respectively in a 17 minutes game, you really start to question the skill level of people in high leagues.

EDIT: ok, enough of SL for few days. 4 games, 3 losses.
in two lost games, I had someone with 0-0-7 score.
So I am back to Diamond from Master league.
FUUUUUUUUU!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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No no, this is in chat, not voice.

This season is weird… I don’t know how to climb. My winrate this season is around 38%, but my kda is 9.5, What am I doing wrong? Do I play to save or do I have just bad luck? I make no progress, no matter what I play. It is only up and downs with recently more downs.

If someone is interested to see my matches, then here is the link to my stream videos.



Watched 4 of your games from 8 hours ago. You played mei(won), mei(lost), anduin(lost), cassia (won).

You play mei very well. Idk if the smurf was talking to you but based on your first game i would have put you in gold. You did play a bit too passively though. You knew your team was doing the wrong thing but went anyways. That was good bc you saved them multiple times. Try to shotcall more! Even if its just retreat pings. Your orphea was going for camps bc she was a smurf and knew to do that. good on you for joining her but next time be the one to start it! Be more mindful of fighting down a man or down a talent tier, you guys had some lucky plays there but normally its not a great idea.

Your second mei game was just a waste of your time. Dont tank if you cannot get a healer its not worth it. Sorry you had to play that, watching it was rough.

Your anduin game i watched bits, but dont think there was anything you could do. You lost hard at draft. Maintank dva is the stupidest thing i have ever heard of, dont know why that person suggested it. Twin blades varian had a field day on you/your backline. I personally wouldn’t play anduin at your rank, he really enables good players but doesn’t do more than that. Not much you could do that game. Now if you were playing uther you could tank a bit more, rehgar/alex would have helped you waveclear, with kharazim you could get armor to reduce varian dmg.

Ok your last game was the most interesting. You appeared very tilted from your last two games and instalocked cassia. Fair enough it was a good pick. Issue was that you weren’t playing her as well as you were mei. Missing q’s occasionally is no big deal but cassia is an autoattacker. You were hardly aaing. You should always be auto attacking to keep pressure on their tanks so they cannot dive. If diablo is always at 90%+ health diving is a no brainer. If you had been q/aaing him and kept him around 60-80%, it makes it alot harder for him to dive. Fend(e) should be used as a finisher. There were multiple times where you initiated with e when you could have gone for a q, stutterstep, aa/q, then e and you would have secured the kill. You also shouldnt use your blinds to engage on xul, wait for him to use his cleave attack/root on you so you can bait him out of position then keep yourself safe. Though in reality your gazlowe was real dumb. He should have gone top and you should have been capping your seige camp when it spawns. But silvers will be silvers.

All in all you play tank well. If you had chosen another role to main youd be a bit higher ranked. Its very difficult to carry silvers as a tank main. Your assassins could use a bit more work.

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Early seasons can be weird. A lot of people rush to do their placements. Some probably don’t know that they don’t get anything out of it anymore if they don’t have the minimum wins.