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Nova doesn’t have waveclear at all lmfao. If someone said that they are trolling extremely hard.

Level 10 waveclear is not waveclear, you lost the game by then. Using ultimate for waveclear = lost all your teamfight potential, so you might as well just afk in base and let the enemy win :rofl:

I guess I’m trolling.

I am using PS strike for waveclear all time.


Are you trolling? She has a very good wave clear, but only at 16. But before 16 she can roam around and gank.

If you say that, yes you are. Waveclear comes from abilities, not a level 10 ultimate. If you really need a level 10 ultimate to waveclear, you don’t have waveclear, all you have is an option to help your team’s bad draft or an option for very very situational moments where you may actually need to use it against the enemy big push.

That’s probably why you lost. Not having it for teamfights really hurt on a character that is made exclusive for teamfights.

Again, level 16 talent is not waveclear. Waveclear comes from abilities or at least level 1/4 talents. You actually need waveclear to get to level 16 before Nova can start clearing waves, so that doesn’t count.

Sure sure Nova can help waveclear post 16 because of AoE talent, but you don’t draft her as a waveclear hero. Waveclear heroes are waveclear heroes, heroes with some AoE later on that can help clear are a whole other thing, but this does not mean they actually have waveclear.

If you say something has waveclear it gotta be very early in the game.

I know that, but she can still do it, if the team needs support in wave clear.

With all my respect - are you f***ing serious? You mean I lost because my ult, not because 3 dummies I had, what were doing every possible :poop: to lose, no matter how hard and good I was playing as Nova?!

I did a lot of dmg by using Q build. And I didn’t need my ult mostly.

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If your team needs support from a level 16 talent to actually start waveclearing, you guys could have afked from level 1 and let them win.

The only exception is if you actually coordinated really well in draft and went for a full teamfight just kill them and run them over kinda comp and worry about clearing later, but then again, this needs to be really well coordinated and still doesn’t make Nova a waveclear hero.

Yes, this can be the case, because your actually not having one of the biggest resources in teamfights, which could have turned the game around. Maybe if you had your ult up when it was necessary, the game wouldn’t be that hard to carry. Just something to think about.

And that’s fine. I love Q build on Nova as well, I think it is her best build by far. Post 16 I’ll definitely help more when it comes to killing minions/camps, but that still doesn’t make her a waveclear hero.

Having the ability to kill minions post level 10 doesn’t make you a waveclear hero, it just means you have ways to do it if it is really really really necessary.

Basically for something to be considered waveclear, we need to take into account how fast the hero can do it, how mana efficient it is, how long are the cds and the level you get your waveclear.

Your assuming I lost because my ult, when I lost because my team, reminds me people, who were blaming me as Tassadar, even when I was doing all things right.

I’m disappointed in you, Darak.

I’m not assuming anything, I’m just saying what could be the difference between winning and losing.

And we always have things we could’ve done differently to carry the game, ALWAYS. This is something I’ve learned after many years playing mobas. Even when you look at the replay and you feel like you played the game perfectly, you ALWAYS could have done so much more and you always finds mistakes. Sometimes it is hard for us to find it, that’s why coaches are really important (sadly they are rare nowadays in hots).

Using PS strike for macro, soak and defending lanes (even finishing Forts/keeps) made my Nova 56%+ winrate with good KDA.

PS strike is like Ragna’s Lava Wave, but smaller, with less CD, and works fine after 13. Your baseline dmg is mostly enough to kill people. If not - save your PS for next kill, otherwise use it.

You can mostly soak just fine with AAs. You shouldn’t really use ult to clear waves unless it is really really really needed, cause ultimates will definitely be the difference in the teamfight.

But again, this doesn’t make her have waveclear. It is just situational help.

Leveling my lowest level heroes a bit, aka Ana, Lucio, Morales and all other healers who totally suck and cant do anything alone.

And I realize why I have them on level 6.
Because the moment you get team of retarded potatoes, you can save them 100x, and they will just turn and go yolo die again and again.

Playing healbots is even more frustrating than tanking… :man_facepalming:

EDIT: this will be fun game… Abat, DW, KT, Cassia and me Lucio.
Genji, Qhira, Kharazim, Imperius and Nazeebo

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A certain user made another thread hating everyone and everything. Muted and moved on but I still have a bad taste in my mouth from all the salt.


I feel like the issue here is over terms. When I say bad waveclear for nova im comparing her to good waveclear heroes like jaina, kt, malthael. Mediocre waveclear would be raynor, dva, cassia.

I dont think a pre-10 nova would fall into any of those groups. At 10 PS might bump her up to mediocre but she still has to aa. At 20 with two stacks she might have good waveclear, but thats so late in the game i disagree. Someone with “good waveclear” can be picked bc you need waveclear. They can be the best source of waveclear on the team. If nova, whose waveclear doesnt come online till 13, has the best waveclear i think that’s problematic.


Game was over within 10 minutes.

They kept walking into Garrosh’s hands. This was one of the worse games I’ve ever played. I couldn’t solo the mercs. So I asked my team to either take them or help me. And they remained unclaimed all game.


Yeah, cause no waveclear lmao.


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Yeah such games exists… :joy:

No, not really. I feel getting trolled… I won countless games, where I just stubbornly prepicked Nova (not instapick) and keep her, even our comp sucked.

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You can win some games when the enemy is dumb etc etc, but you gotta have waveclear.

In higher elo it might be case, but not in low elo, not at all. Even Novas early waveclear is bad, I can manage it easily in low elo until 16, where I get my waveclear enabler. People at low elo usually brawls too much and if your team feeds too hard, then even the best soak won’t save you, because of the feed.

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Yeah, like I said, pepegas exist.