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I do this often (basically whenever hoku flashes artanis).

You just have to add “oops so sorry didn’t see you hover it”

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People were banning my Tassadar even when I had positive winrate on him (60%+).

Those banners had no honour.


Doesn’t work if you just finished asking them not to play it lol

they might be banning him if the enemy team has first pick so they don’t get him. he’s really strong right now.

No peelz 4 u.


I always check winrate before banning.

Tass mains with 60% winrate = i build around them

Guy hovering gazlowe with a 20% lifetime winrate when we need a healer = oh geez finger slipped.


I was talking about support Tassadar.

Same… I had a player with 32% overall win rate want to lock TLV Level 1… enemy team got tass but I stand by that ban.

Freaking Bronze

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I don’t know what is going on this season. More trolls? Cull the herd please Blizz!

Do you get trolls?
I get a few but it’s mostly skill variance. Lots of rainbow matches and those can go awry. For some reason I tend to suffer them, never benefitting. I guess it’s a skill I miss, super supporting our noob and carry and controlling the enemy the opposite way.

Just coming off a hard win, completely smashed. I have a hard time typing this in.
Yet a “well deserved, hard win”.
Thus I mean really, skill difference. It’s not me winning or losing matches. It’s the system giving me results. I just walk along.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that leads to the banned hero guy to troll

Ive done it about 6 times in ranked.

1 troll

5 wins bc they switch

Every one was showing assassin but me. One guy goes Diablo, I’m Malthael.

Our last pick went Medhiv

Make it stop please :frowning:




I mean I hate the nova a lot but your comp isn’t that bad. You have a healer and tank at least

That’s that time where I stop and think… “well, we’re not clearing any waves today.”

But they have nova? Aren’t you aware that she has fantastic waveclear? She even has an ultimate dedicated to it.

/s obviously im just annoyed that this argument was made before.


The thing is you can complain about hero picks, but the forum also has to accept bad picks because of their own advice they spout on the forum.

“you can’t tell others what to play” “Every hero has a niche.” Or the classic, “This hero is just late game!?!?!!? Just do your best”

“Comp doesn’t matter until high masters+”

“You haven’t seen a good X hero”

I mean i personally love niche picks. You want nova fine, but you better play her well and give us a warning so we can draft waveclear like johanna, rehgar, ect.

There are master nova players who could stomp your raynor and my fenix any day of the week. (Admittedly your raynor > my fenix)

If they’ve dedicated 1000 hours into nova their skill with her would be far higher than if they picked a meta but not broken op raynor. Thats where my defense of these heroes come in. If they put time into mastering them idc if they aren’t meta picks. But even if they did master them they have to communicate in draft even if its by prepicking it. If they do both who am i to tell them what to play.

Sure it’s not looks good on the 1st glance, but it’s lower elo and skill matters, so your comp has still chances to win, by the way Butcher can clear waves easy with his talent 1 increasing dmg on minions. He could do double soak top and mid and you protect him, when they try to catch him, while Tracer can check bottom sometimes. It’s not efficient, but far from bad and bloodlust rocks. :smiley:

And Nova does what she is intend to do: ganking, obviously

You could do it, but why should I listen to you, who instapicks Nazeebo and demands others to fill the gab? You could also pick one of the “needed roles” and don’t force others to do so. Personally I would rather play with 5 assassines, who knows their hero, than with some players who are forced and tend to fail with them. I won countless matches with theoretically bad comps.

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