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Harbinger and phaseshifter team up?

Best part was that when imperius was asking me to ban chromie i almost said
“We’re in gold i guarantee you that noone can play her well enough”

Guess i was right but darn.

Yea without her time traps i would have gotten 2 2 man stuns and we could have steamrolled. I was like oh well at least she got armor reduction that kind of makes sense… nope just more time traps.

3 times in a row

3 times in a FRICKING ROW

Did I have upwards of 2, no not 1 2, and once even 3 of Qhira’s Unholy six

thank you QM Mathcmaker I despise you so much.

Had to report a cassia for spewing racist slurs (not even at anyone just talking at start of game). Then raging at leoric with more slurs bc he didnt go to solo lane. They played well, wasn’t even a close game as we were winning, but got a report from me that will not do anything bc blizzard doesn’t care about in game slurs for some reason.


I am Malthael, I am not an assassin. These stats make no sense.
Why does everyone insist on being an assassin if they suck at it?
Also, we had a Lvl 2 mei. The hero is good but not if you’ve never touched her.


Had a similar game last night. Issue is if you ever have one of the highest deaths in the game you cannot blame your teammates. Especially when you’re not tanking. Not saying the loss was all on you but maybe if you had 2 deaths it could have gone very differently.



It doesn’t go differently.

Endless amount of losses thanks to afks or massive skill differences. Pretty much hope the entire hots team is fired, and a new hired that will actually make an attempt to work on the matchmaking.

I just had a match where my entire team refused to play because we lose the first team fight, I mean, the first team fight.
Can you please tell me if there is any game support address where I can upload the replay?
Thank you.


You used to be able to open a ticket and share the replay, but I dont know if you still can.

The matchmaker has no clue.
It’s one thing that it has put together two teams with overall 8 ranks difference, but the higher ranked team (including a Plat and Gold against a full Silver team) which was a premade was also DISfavored.


ps.: Also a super great candidate for forced loss conspirationists.
ps2.: The main issue with forced losses and followup quadrouple trolling (also favored) is that you get tilted, don’t notice your pick and drop your forced win. Trolls win twice. No matter, I throw a few more and then MM will be happy, and I’ll get some easy wins and gain some confidence.

Fun fact - websites say I have lifetime high MMR and in-game I have lifetime low ranking. Yay!

It’s pretty frustrating to get killed by your own teammate. Every time I was on Genji with Tracer, I stopped shooting him to avoid damage from deflect, But our Gul Dan used drain life on him and killed me. I told him the first time, " Don’t use life drain on Genji until you’ve seen him use deflect."

But he kept doing it and damaging our team.


My stats > Their stats.
I get damage done, my teammates have more deaths.
I look better.
I win.


It all works except the last part.

:smiley: seriously gotta love that SL. Spiders map.

We first pick Malf.
Enemy gets Yrel + Imperius.
I pick Nerub, someone gets Zarya. We are like “why Zarya?”
Enemy gets Jaina + Hanzo.
Our team. Maiev instalock, followed by Hammer.
They get Tyrande.

Maiev trollpick ended up feeding, 8 deaths. She couldn’t even get close to them without dying. Face-checking bushes, etc. She went Disc ulti, saving enemy numerous times.

Zarya was utterly useless. Some shield here, some shield there. No soaking, no offlane. Yrel 15k exp vs. Zarya’s 7k.

Hammer had top siege and hero dmg in our team, but couldn’t do much because it was impossible for me to keep Yrel and Imperius away from him, while not dying on poke from Jaina + Hanzo.

Just a great game, lost in the draft.
0 synergy between heroes or ultimates.
0 idea what to draft against Jaina, Hanzo, Yrel and Imperius.
Once again people went with “i like Maiev/Zarya, I will play her regardless of the map, team composition or enemy draft.”

If he didn’t instapick Zarya, but prepick her, it is at least not his fault, because your team could adapt. And picking Anub vs such a strong frontline could also be questionable, because he has great cc of course, but hes not very good at solo tanking.

But Maiev and Hammer paired as assasines is indeed weird. :joy: Though Maiev has synergy with Zarya makes initiation easier…

I wonder about the ult Maiev took, because if she would got cage you would have a lot of removal to have advantage in fighting 4v5. And soak should be done by hammer and Maiev, not Zarya.


Played a game recently and lost and I don’t understand how I guess it’s just silver things, where anything is possible.

Well, as far as I remember, he preselected after our Malf was picked.

I like Anub because he has 3 CC, which is usually enough and combined with Malf, its usually a dead sentence for the enemy. He is not the best solo tank out there, but I picked Anub and didn’t think people won’t get a bruiser…

:smiley: Maiev died every time she tried to dive because she just evaporated to Hanzo and Jaina. Most of the fights we were 4v5 because of dead Maiev.

I am not sure if cage would help, we had no combo for Cage. Napalm could technically do something with cage, but Hammer went BFG anyway.
And Zarya went Expulsion Zone… :smiley: aka, kicking people out of Malf’s roots and if Maiev would have cage, it would be even more counterproductive.

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I’m coming to realise that my contribution to the match is relatively low.
I started the season with a fairly significant, 80% winrate with Qhira and Valla.
25% as of late.
Did I get from Gold 1 to Bronze 4 skill? Maybe.
I just think the MM decides what will happen and it does it.
Or it’s just random.
Either way, my performance is irrelevant.

It’s funny how Silver 2 sometimes feels as Gold 2 and sometimes as Bronze 2, quite reliably. almost as if the MM knows it’s faking it 100%.

Just get drunk, high, or whatever you fancy, spend an evening fooling around, then restart tomorrow. Once thrown a dozen or so, you can start making an impact and counter MM.

Blocking you from first-picking a hero is NOT trolling if you want to lock your <30% win rate hero (out of >21 games) even though team is asking you not to. I don’t care if it’s the “OP” hero. If you suck at playing that hero you are just handing your team a loss. Practice is for quick match/unranked. People are playing ranked because they want to try hard. If you are playing a hero that you consistently lose with then you are the troll.