Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Noobs in a nutshell. :joy:

I rather not have a Zarya on my team with Genji, otherwise we just lost the game with no waveclear.

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Me: lets give all healers access to cleanse! That way they can better deal with cc and reduce reliance on hard cc.
Forums: no that is a stupid idea. Healers are balanced around whether or not they have cleanse. Alex, brightwing, and others would be op if they were given true cleanse.

Blizzard: lol illy has cleanse now, hopefully this won’t break the game. Cya in 3 weeks.
Forums: CC META SOLVED. Thank you dev gods!


I feel very salty. But not because hots.

Hots was good today actually.

Forums in a nutshell.

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if you don’t have a wave clear mage of some kind like Tass DON’T go double main tank with no wave clear

or watch the xul just pwn you guys as raynor tries desperately to keep up and fails because a valeera no one can keep in check.

HOTS is a 10/10 game for me, but I’m in a very frustrating spot right now. It’s basically impossible for me to climb when I can easily potentially easily reach masters. The biggest gripe for me is my location. I live in Australia and well, suffice to say, the ranked games are miniscule here.

For me to get ranked games in Australia, I can only play at a certain time of between 3-10 pm, when everyone else finishes work or something. EVEN THEN, I’m lucky enough to wait for 30 minutes to an hour per game on average, where we’re most likely to get annoying troll bats on the team.

Today I decided to play in US servers for a bit and the waiting queue is really amazing. Sometimes when I click the ready button a match is found before I realize. You only need to wait less than 5 minutes for a game to be found. HOWEVER, the ping is like 200 ping. Ping is a huge difference when trying to make small intricate movements and skill shots, to making important impact in the game which suffice to say, I lost a fair bit of games. If you play at 200 ping conditions, you also start picking up bad habits like not being bothered to camp at a macro time, or being able to stutter-step properly or even lose your ability to play. Basically in a few hours, I can play like 10-20 games on US server, but in Aus server, I can play like 2-3 games in that same time-span if I’m lucky.

It just sucks really for the position I’m in. If I can get a 5-10 minute queu up, it’d be so easy to race to masters. I’ll stick to AUS server now realizing how lucky US wait times. I use to wonder how players raced to masters when I use to think “how can they even find the time or a game to race there” but now it makes sense, and these are generally US players. For me, I really am in a frustrated position. This is like Reforged for me how they can play 20-100 ping where I can only reach a certain threshold where my skills are capped by ping. You know it’s like watching the people playing where the grass is greener and you’re just in a withered dried up field.

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If possible, come and live in the best country

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I thought about visiting just to play Reforged just to see what my true skills are.

This hurts.

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Canada? Japan? Most of EU countries?

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Implied it was America. He’s in Australia now and lags on NA

Best country… yeah no trump land for me no, or karens, or people trolling without masks or anti vax :rofl:


Good one mate.

Everyone but 1 player was showing a pick ,we were missing Tank. Then the one player who wasn’t showing anything first picks his 45% WR Nova.

Didn’t end well.

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I hate that, when someone want to pick Nova, he should prepick it 1st or be flexible… I always show Nova at the beginning, but still get yelled at. :frowning:

But 45% isn’t so bad, when he had a high kda with Nova. What was his KDA? If he had a low kda, then I would agree he sucks with Nova.

I didn’t notice. But counting that game, he lost 4 of his last 5 games with her.

(Also, every time I see your username I have this picture in my head)

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Fitting my playstyle well as a Nova player. :joy:


Man, this happens every time I play Rexxar.

I was laning againt Malthael and Raynor. And bot lane, my team was losing 4 vs 3! Our Fenix died 11 times.

Whenever I’m Rexxar, I’m 1 vs 2 in my lane and my team still loses…


That chromie was so useless she let a few good kills escape with her timetraps.
12 stacks on W on lvl 14 …


13 is bad luck. Se didn’t want to risk it :slight_smile: