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I don’t think so. It should be threated as a different ability or special ability.

I am not exactly salty about this, but I am starting to feel a little persecuted. I don’t know why I am so “lucky”, but after getting pummeled by NA GMs in Quick Match several times this season, I was given the rare treat of being pummeled by EU GMs in SL!

Partway through the match, I was saying to myself, “Self, that there isn’t a Plat Zeratul.” Checking the account after the match, they were level 50-something with an insane win rate in SL, one-tricking Zeratul.

Last night, I happened to be watching a YouTube of a stream posted by Mochrie of some in-house matches featuring a mix of NA and EU GMs. Yep, the Sammy and Rutzou we were matched against are the ones in the video. The account levels and all checked out.

While I do like a challenge every now and then, I am starting to feel this “forced 50%” thing isn’t putting potatoes on my team, but seeing what happens when they throw some of the best players in the world at me!

So if you are playing Plat SL on NA, and see someone named Rutzou, do yourself a favor and ban Zeratul, or enjoy watching someone who is incredibly good at him murder your team mates. Repeatedly.


Ironically my xul fared much better than his lmao.

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You can’t activate your own abilities while you have symbiote on. So you would have to cancel it anyway.

Actually, that’s exactly what it does. It will put you against higher win rate opponents the more you win.

Well, there is higher win rate, then there is a pro player…


I know. But the game doesn’t see a difference if they’re using recent accounts.

Hanamura map.
I last-picked Varian to go top against Thrall.

Our team was Garrosh, Khara, Raynor and Tass
Imperius, Johanna, Ming and Tyrande

We tragically lost.
Raynor didn’t manged to do 40k dmg and Tass did a little over 40k.
I won the lane against Thrall, killing him once and forcing him to back several times. In the end I had 37k as Tank Varian.

Tass at the end of game:
“We lost because of you Varian”

I am like, what? You and Raynor aren’t dealing any damage. Ming has 80k.

“No, we lost because you picked Varian.”

I am like wtf man? I won top lane and I have almost the same damage as you. As a tank varian.

“Doesn’t mater, we lost because of you.”

What the hell is wrong with people in the games today?
I won a lot, lost a lot, but man, sometimes I seriously don’t get some people.
You barely do 40k hero damage in a 17 minute match, as Tassadar.
But better blame the last pick for winning his lane and having same damage as you… :joy:


That’s hots playerbase for you (:

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The averange hots player’s skill lvl will keep on dropping. That is what you are experience right now Lastai.

Unless you play in a 5 man you are forced to lose with losers like them.

Haha lesson 1 hots its never the assassins fault. As muradin says “always blame your healer”

On a more serious note i just went from 3 extremely awful trashfire games to 2 really close fantastic games. Everytime id gust we would focus the sonya that was left behind. Even our lucio who was inting early on saved our game with an ult during a light-bomb-blessed shield-leap wombo. Think ill only play in mornings from now on lol.

The amount of people calling D.Va a tank when she could have done it before the rework too with a very specific build that provide her with 8 health bars. xDDDDD

What a community.

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Don’t worry, some friends of mine who play in these tournaments said they + some other teams were already scriming with Dva main tank against some comps.

I secretly hoped that when I will finally hit D1, it won’t be THAT bad…

:smiley: my favourite is, when an assassin main who instalocks as first complains about the tank or healer.
And on top of that when he either feeds or overextends.

I can’t stand it when someone insta-picks an assassin, particularly one that isn’t great as a first-pick or is easily countered, and then proceeds to tell me exactly which tank they expect me to play.


At least with me you’ll get s tier raynor or lower tier zuljin

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I’ll first pick Genji anyday if you are tanking :smiley:

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I will gladly and fearlessly meatshield for your Genji…

…as long as you don’t insist I play Stitches. :stuck_out_tongue:


Worst tank to go with genji D:

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Don’t worry, my favorite tanks are all Genji friendly!

Johanna and Blaze for wave clear, Anub’arak for lock down and diving, Tyrael for diving and the shield/move/attack speed buff…

And if someone else picks Zarya on top, with her Speed Bubble Genji is totally bonkers.