Ooof. When a gold player locks malthael i cringe. I was playing with my silver friend (so back in gold). I said ill take solo lane, but one guy was so insistent that he play malthael on braxis that i gave up the pick. I told my friend heres whats going to happen: at best he barely wins Top lane, then they send up ranged aa and he feeds bc he’s not good enough with malthael to recognize that he loses the matchup.
Lo and behold that happened to the letter. I even preemptively sent up my friend to follow the fenix up there. They kill him the first time but malthael refused to switch lanes. Ten minutes later he’s at 6 deaths and we lose.
Just goes to show how hard it is for even smurfs not gm to carry in SILVER. But nope, I’m stuck at my current rank because I must not be better than my teammates
And both of them are good for the same reason: if someone is blocking their shots, the enemy healer will be spending mana/cooldowns to heal them up, which can lead to an engage.
I usually go W build on him, so when it comes to heroes like Ming and Chromie, he doesn’t really take damage in the first place, and once Epicenter comes online, the Chromie will get dived on. Oh yes, she will.