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I don’t know. They can be boosted or have ton of luck or get carried by other people.

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Because playing bad isn’t getting anyone banned. Heck, even being extremely toxic in chat feeding a lot trolling afk in base isn’t getting anyone banned tbh.

They don’t decay because they just get carried by the other 4 players in their team. Or they can just play with friends and stay in those high ranks, thanks to storm league system (:

But sure, SL is the most fair rank gamemode is the history of the games.


But it’s not even playing bad.
It deliberate trolling and intentional throwing.

I take toxic guy which I can mute but he delivers his hero over afker or troll any time. You can mute toxic person. You cant do anything about a troll or afker.

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They’re good enough to stay at that rank… or lucky. Assuming no boosting to get them back higher, they have to win to match the loss



Yeah, there’s a lot of really bad players/trolls even at high masters and sometimes even GM. Just people getting carried by better players. Sometimes they just play enough to not let the system decay hit them, so they never actually drop ranks.

Funny. If I will try to lose my master rank, I won’t succeed.

SL - it’s when you can’t rank up, if you want, and can’t lose rank, if you want too.

If you check many of those who has master and play badly they only has about 10-20 games played each season.

I bet if this game had a hard mmr reset the amount of master players in this game will cut down in half.

true masters/GM are a rare thing now since alot of smurfs got boosted to his rank by expoliting the system back in 2017. 4 bronze players that would join a master player to make sure they will get full bronze team.

You will also see many of those master were silver in old HL and was Master in TL and ofc they get seeded into master leauge by their TL rank so alot of true silvers are now masters cause SL made them master.


Ranked is just QM just with bans.

Change my mind.


Only if ranked became solo queue again, otherwise people would get boosted again.


I can’t understand why this Game doesn’t have a ladder reset after each season. So everyone has the same chance to climb again. As short as the seasons are, there is no time to climb by yourself and boosting your incompetent Friend at the same time. Imho should this make the ranks way more realistic and fair.


Would be awesome, if hots had a ladder system like Hearthstone.

2-3 months isn’t long enough for a former master to get from low silver to master. I mean they do bronze to gm challenge but it’d be really irritating to do. If I ever got to low master, I’d be pissed if I got reset back to silver

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I wouldn’t be sad when this kind of ”business” would die out.
I don’t like the mentality, connected with these kind of challenges.

I know what you mean, but I kinda like this challenges, because I learned a lot from Fan, even I know you dislike his behaviour.


Last night had 3 teams in a row who didn’t understand what Xul does, I’d rotate, go ham and what do they do? Support Xul, get some kills? Naw dawg, we gonna pull back. Every. Single. Time. I don’t get mean often in HotS but last night some people needed to be told to do their job.

Don’t play HotS at around 12am.

+110 for that. i have played hots for several days past midnight and the players you get at that time would make you think you entered beginner AI vs a full properly playing team.

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Don’t play Qhira if you’re going to miss all your E hooks! Not like the other team had heroes that can dodge it easily. They had jaina, ana, zuljin, Anub whom franky is so damn big you can’t miss…

Last game Qhira had 20k dps whereas Cassia had 90k, I was taunt varian at 40k.

Come on…



Oh yeah congrats on my loss and loss of points too…

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Depending on your rank we could duo. I hope you don’t rage too hard though out of the gate