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Today I played 6 SL games.
ETC was banned in each one of them.


I was captain in most drafts.

I banned etc all time.

I think the scariest part is that now you just don’t know when mosh is up. You could easily track it before and save the necessary CC for it, now you just have to assume mosh is up all the time and always save CC.

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Yeah, that is my biggest issue with this change. In the past, if I was tanking against an ETC, I would note the time he used Mosh, add two minutes, and could warn my team when I knew he was able to fish for a Mosh again.

In the last match I played, I literally watched my Mosh CD drop from around 100 seconds to 18 in one clash because I got a good Q+W combo off.


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I have only been playing him in QM since the patch, mostly playing JoJo and Anub in ranked. Ranked matches are generally high Gold/low Plat, but if I queue with my friends in Diamond, they are mostly Plat with the occasional Diamond. Divers aren’t popular in general on NA, with the exception of the occasional Zeratul.

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What heroes are the most popular in US?

Depends on the rank. I usually see Tassadar, Cassia, and Mei banned or picked in the first round, and now ETC is a mandatory ban. Other bans picks tend towards tanks/healers, especially Garrosh, Rehgod, or Ana. There are also popular map bans like Xul on Towers of Doom, Rexxar on Dragonshire, Jimmity on BoE, and Abathur on Cursed Hollow.


Do you meet TLV? :thinking:

Rarely at my rank, but I know of two people in Master who pick them extremely often, especially on maps where you might not be expecting it, like Hanamura. Ephraim always bans them on big maps, at least when I play with him.

I have had a good TLV on my team a few times, and I love having niche heroes, as it means I can play the map very differently. It never bothers me if someone wants to draft a Murky, Abby, or TLV.


But I pick TLV on hanamura…

I wasn’t saying it is a bad pick for that map, just not a map where you are expecting to see them, unlike Sky Temple.


You pick TLV on hanamura for:

  • turrets
  • soak during object
  • for pushing object at max speed by TLV only

So you should kinda expect them, lol

The objective is not considered very impactful at my rank on NA, so drafting a hero to either push it, or double soak while it is up is definitely not a priority. Heroes that can take camps quickly, especially the Sentinel, and can push hard with it in the early game are more valued. I see a lot of Jimmity, Greymane, and Sylv on that map. The strategy I see most often is to get a big early lead in structures, and try to snowball hard.

The objective and soaking doesn’t really lend itself to how the map is played in my games. As I noted, it is different in Master, but I know perfectly well I am not a Master-caliber player.

I blame old age and incompetence.

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I mean, it’s fine to assume TLV don’t belong on hanamura, I just know what they can do there.

Buffed turrets by merc Lord hit very hard, just saying.


That’s why we fight over who gets Sylv. :stuck_out_tongue:

Phaseshifter, just ignore the salty Lastai.

Decided to play a little and maybe get Orphea closer to 100: not a good idea.

Just how much more am i supposed to do in such a game?!

EDIT: On a positive note it seems my TL3 is back ?! Yay.


I always would also pick Sevens Strike, never divine palm (just too unreliable).

That looks like my games. People are too heavy to carry.