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But even after you describe it, it sounds still hard to believe… I can’t imagine it. Can it be that he feeded you on purpose?

He was also russian so that explains much of it. 90% of the game he just tried to 1v5 us all with aba hat and took swing ult to ramp up more dmg. sad thng is he actually ended the game with most dmg done for his team and mvp screen ofc rewards people like him for it.

But i who what you mean. 50+ deaths is like 1 death each 30 sec in a 30 min game.

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I guess it’s only possible “to achieve” as Leoric with his trait. Every other Hero has to travel back from the Hall of Storms to the enemy, which you all know, takes a decent amount of time.

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I guess that Leoric deserved an achievement by MC Tombstone:
Knocked out again?! What is wrong with you…?:rofl:


Enemy Muradin with 20% hp right in front of us, I interrupt his jump, he was basically dead, no healer to save him, no cleanse, no ult, no nothing. Just needed to throw all our damage on him and he was dead.

enemy muradin walks away


Yep, Guldan kept diving hanzo and dying all the time instead of getting the tank free kill.

Why is the playerbase in this game so extremely terrible at the game?


Love cluless Kharazim players that just runs around playing solo and picks seven side ult just to boost his dmg ego while his team recieves no healing from him at all and loses because of him farming dmg in 1v3 fights.

As Kharazim player I want to know his talents and both teams in game. And map.

Just send me screenshots of talents and stats.


Map was pirate map.

Could have won the game if tass just had the brain to not go alone and die while me and maiev sneaked up to core that had 10% left.

And we lost two bosses in a raw cause both kharazim and butcher thought it was a good idea to take boss while enemy team had everyone alive.

And once again confirmed, ETC is busted. I was getting Mosh every 35 seconds reliably. My only disappointment is we didn’t get to level 20. Tour Bus every 35 seconds is even more busted.

I always considered him A tier prior to this last patch, as he wasn’t too hard to counter, but with even stronger self-healing, and a busted ult, he is SSS tier right now, in my opinion. I actually don’t enjoy playing him at the moment, as it almost feels like cheating.


7 deaths Khara?!
Dmg trait is fine, but I would take Insight. Maybe.
7 lvl is retarded.
SSS was bad choice vs enemy comp. Could save a lot people by picking DP.
16 and 20 are bad too.

Jesus, if you got me in your team, you would pray to stop me to heal you 24/7 >:D

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Classic Blizzard balance team that can’t notice the level 4 with 80% pickrate for a reason and just breaks another talent on an already really good hero :slight_smile:

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In the same time, Nova left unchanged. Still can’t be picked like other dmg heroes. Same with Genji.

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I … still take Speed Metal more often. :stuck_out_tongue:

And actually, with the busted level 13, I find not taking the extra range is actually more helpful, as they will often get close enough on their own to get hit by the second knockback. With the longer knockback, they sometimes just don’t bother trying to get another hit in before the second one. I am sure this will change once people learn to just stay away after the first pulse, but right now, the enemy Imperius’ seem to think that Face Melt means, “MUST Q NOW!”

Hello 35 second Mosh Pit.


Idk how viable this would be in high level play, but his old build is still probably better overall. But I find it very dumb that they just buff a talent like that to have 35 second mosh, breaking the game for most players, instead of just adjusting the level 4 tier and then balancing the other ones a bit.

The level 4 range + level 13 cdr combo is literally the reason why ETC is SO strong. I really don’t understand blizzard, really.

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I am weird, and usually went with the AA build, as it suited my play style, and didn’t irritate my Alaraks/Mings/Mephistos as much. I have been experimenting with different builds in QM, I just insta-ban him in SL and play JoJo or Anub, and right now AA build with the busted talent at 13 (there aren’t any AA talents on that tier anyway), gives him crazy sustain, decent damage, and keeps you in range of them easily, so you can save Q.

I did go a W build in the last match, but they had a Genji.

A very miserable Genji…

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Standard ETC W build is soooooooooooooooooooo annoying. He has W up all the time, you just can’t engage anyone on his team without getting booped. Lost the fight? Well, just walk away and W W W W W W W no one dies T_T

It is absolutely the best build against divers, which is why the poor Genji was miserable, but at my rank, very few people draft divers, they just want to facetank me 24/7. AA build turns me into a slightly larger Johanna.

With a 35 second Mosh Pit.

What’s rank? In EU, no matter what rank, people pick divers kinda a lot.

Not even against divers, but most heroes nowadays got dashes or stuff you can interrupt with an easy W without wasting your Q.

But I feel you, if people are facetanking you go for it :joy:

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I can still interrupt them with W, and have my team stay on them (or disengage) with Speed Metal! I am now not only a discount Johanna, I am a budget Lucio!

With a 35 second Mosh Pit.