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I tryhard and I lose. Lost like this 4 games from 5 during 2 days.

On top of that, I had Zarya game in brawl, what was snowballed. I didn’t tryhard and win for nothing.

Casual > tryhard playing it seems like.

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Because I get teammates who picks comps like this, a lot. Sometimes I can change my picks to try and get a decent comp. But usually, no one wants to lock anything so I’m stuck being 1st or 2nd pick and watch them pick two bruisers or three assassins.


Though last week , for the first time it finally happened to the enemy team instead of mine. I think I just need to play a lot more games. But I have to stop often after games like these because I’m scared I might tilt.

I would be people.

While it was dumb of him to leave. Your team shouldn’t have fought without their tank.


If you wanna do parties every now and then, me melke and shadowmere could run with a 4th. We’re all around that range too.

Bt is Micky 11151

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“Why would you even think of playing kt, what rank is this bronze?”

Guy locked artanis 25 seconds later. Literally can not make this stuff up. Grateful to heal these goons

Update kt went convection and never died. Art at 6 deaths rn


KT is still a good pick against good players, just not SSS-hero like against bad players. I don’t understand this comments at all.


Yea its so stupid. Guy was just throwing a hissy fit

Easier said than done.

It’s hard to disengage when enemy just jumps you at their immortal. One CC, followed up by immortals stun and you are just evaporated.

Also nobody expected that the ETC which was in front would leave and stop peeling.

Love tanks in qm. None of them care about healer protection. Just keep on fighting with enemy tank while backline gets dived and killed off.

And Twin blade Varions are the same. Only think about smashing those buttons while his healer that gets chased by Tracer right infront of him and do nothing about it as long he stack his non-exsting dmg on Stitches.


I mean if you solely want to duo so you get higher mmr games I’d be open to test. Only problem is I typically only trio with tank and bruiser mains and I don’t qualify from the requirements list

But if you’re at their immortal, it means you engaged them. Though often, there is a way to turn things around but the team simply won’t do it. Getting people to stop fighting is like herding cats.

We could always try some unranked games. I wouldn’t want to make you lose rank either. I Play bruiser and ranged dps and sometimes Tank.

If you do your list tho, you’re master material

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Meh, I won’t know until I actually make it. But thanks for the confidence.

33 death leoric

33 characters


nothing gets me saltier than racial/sexual discrimination.


Auriel all game NEVER RESSED ANYONE!!! Throwing the game… never healed anyone when her bar was up and also never crowned anyone.

Looked at their profile… 45 games played. Come on, even after 2 games you know how Auriel kit works.

ffs why are people like this? seriously

Times like this I rather have an AI

And you didn’t make a screenshot about this new record?! Tzzz. :rofl:

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I guess he still has the replay-File to make a screenshot.
I had to fight a Leoric, who died so often that he messed up my concentration. I posted the replay in the Replay Thread

I once had a 55x feeder leo so that is nothing.


just how is that possible O_o

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He keep on fighting 4-5 vs 1 everytime he could find a chance to do it.
That means he could suddenly pop up near our camps and let us kill him or stand near towers and die to dmg.