Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Don’t be surprised to see it even after you get to diamond/master, or you can just rant here I guess. Watching the fort go down uncontested is possible, but 3 v 5 at least is less likely in diamond. I’m surprised you’re still stuck in gold-plat months later if you’re doing the list you wrote

I say you can get to plat/diamond through micro-mechanics alone. I’m bad at macro mechanics. That’s why it’s hard to get to master, although bad teammates hurt too. I can clear waves but don’t know when to push. I don’t know when to rotate and group. But once I’m grouped, my micro mechanics can carry me along since I’ll win a lot of trades/catch people out even as a ranged assassin

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So this was a game from 2 days ago. SG server, QM mode, Infernal Shrines.

I got blamed early on for not hitting my spells as Mingy when I very clearly did, heck the enemy was in point blank range hitting our ETC. No way I would miss that. He says I need to learn how to aim and I replied that I did hit them with my spells and that it wasn’t my fault he was first blood as we were retreating from KT/Diablo.

I got blamed and pinged at again during a bot skirmish for not dealing enough damage so I should shut up. Apparently damage now indicates your skill level I guess. Did not bother to reply to that because it was just plain stupid.

A third time came when they had a dumb fight in mid lane, trying to take ground on objective. I was defending bot from enemy camp and a ZJ and our Arty was taking our camp so we have something to push in mid while defending objective. Guess what? ETC died and I got pinged at. Told him it’s not my fault he died because I was defending bot and he said, “yeah right, shut up and deal damage.”

And before he died, our Sylv stupidly led a chasing Diablo to our Arty taking the camp who just finished and both died because enemy team backed their tank up. That was when Arty got fed up and told ETC since they liked fighting more he would fight and feed.

I left minutes after because I thought there would be chance, but clearly looking at my team continuously dying, nah. Don’t mind getting reported for that. It was a stupid waste of my time.

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Sure when it is level 1k against a level 500 or 2k. Not when 4 people just started playing the game against people who are playing the game for years (:

1000 games as Nova and still face check people insteed of staying max range and try to get camps while his team is losing objects 3 times in a raw.

Weekend Novas in a nutshell.


Add me Hoku#1399. I play regularly with a fun group of people, and we can always use more friends. Pretty much all roles are covered, and while we certainly don’t win 100% of our games, we have fun in 100% of them. You will see a lot of forum regulars, and depending who is online, the gang has everyone from low gold through mid Diamond, so we can build a group accordingly.

Fair warning, if the map and comp are good, I will draft Artanis, and you will have to deal with it. :stuck_out_tongue:


About half of our games are you yelling at Karabars and I to stop tower diving and then bailing us out when we do.

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When you tower dive as Ana, you get yelled at!


You play in EU?
I would add you if yes

I play mostly on NA, although I do have my account set up on EU. I don’t play SL over there, as 200 ms ping on a tank ends … poorly. I will happily play QM or brawls in a group, where they understand that I will miss combos or skill shots due to the latency. Feel free to add me for fun, if nothing else. :slight_smile:

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If by deal with it you mean “Blame Hoku if we lose for any reason including my own disconnection” That works for me :slight_smile:

(What is a Hoku anyway? A longer Haiku? )


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It is the Hawaiian word for “Star”. Long story involving another forum and WoW, but I look forward to playing with you.

And being blamed for drafting Artanis. :smiley:


Added. :grin:

Brawls sounds nice

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I was playing malthael on braxis vs leoric. I was a little scared because i’m barely good enough with malthael to justify the pick. I end up DOMINATING. I beat up leoric so bad he went down to bot and sent up diablo. Beat him. Nobody wanted to lane against me so I ended up alone at top lane for a solid 3-6 minutes. Flawless the heck out of that game and then dont get mvp. smh that was my birth rite.

Also grouped in a party. We had some really good games but then got matched against another party. They beat us and one of our guys gets tilted. He starts saying “ no dont do that, troll ban, yada yada”. I flash azmodan on infernal shrines and he’s so adamant against it bc “theyre coordinated you’ll get no value”. He then locks malthael and dies 8 times to murky when rest of team had 1-2. Meanwhile critiquing every mistake by our 4 man. This was also ridiculous bc we had a master healer main. Him and i were in sync that game with our calls but couldn’t Make up for the 8 deaths. Deaths wouldn’t have been so bad if he hadn’t been so toxic. Not to mention that because i was playing fenix (who i am worse at ) we didnt have map control that azmodan would’ve brought. rough way to end the night.


Why do people think Azmodan is a troll pick in 2020?
This is ridiculous.



I am offended.

Albeit partly due him not getting fully online untill 13/16 due talents could be a poor reason.


Queued 1 game today to see if I could have some fun. Got matched with a 4 stack, no problem with that. We were level 16 vs 14, playing really well. I asked them to do camps and pay again, so we could snowball. Team didn’t do that, instead, they 2 v 5 bottom for no reason at all and died with all our gems. They started trolling so “I wouldn’t win cause I didn’t deserve it”. They kept spamming in chat lots of extremely toxic things. At the end, they all said they would report me and would even log in their alts to mass report me to get me banned.

Yep, time to uninstall this game, the player base is the worst in all mobas (not even league is close to this). Best part is that blizzard doesn’t care.

After playing with it tonight, the CDR talent on ETC is simply busted. 35 second CD on Mosh is nuts, as it is almost impossible to not hit Face Melt. I don’t really like the double knockback, as it can screw up some things, but the CDR is just too worth it.

First pick/first ban without a doubt.


Had a game tonight where KTZ had 13k hero damage.

Enemy team had a BW with 11k.

…Somehow our tank is the one to blame here…but I haven’t figured that one out yet…

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ETC has been first ban for months. he needs to dieeeee (and yes people it’s okay to use that word since it’s directed at a fictional character)

Battle of Eternity.
Rocking whole game, winning, 16 level us vs 14 them.

Our ETC decided to go for their keep during immortal phase, because as he said:
“I gOt A fReE kEeP”

Ignoring the fact that our whole team died because our tank just left, they got 15 minute immortal with 50% shields.
They took fort, keep, we couldn’t do anything to stop them and died defending again.

“It iS nOt My fAuLt, I gOt FrEe KeEp”

Maybe if you would stay with team, we could kill them having tier advantage and get keep with the core with the immortal.
But nah.
Retardation is strong with some people.