Reviving Heroes of the Storm

I got to the exact same point and stopped. I don’t want abilities personally and don’t think they will work in a game where every hero is very unique with talents (No generic items).

The uniqueness comes with the cost of simplicity and worse gameplay. Adding shared powers has nothing to do with the game ceasing to work, it’s merely a nominal and immaterial conflict with a misguided design goal. If the designers of this game didn’t fail to deliver a gratifying experience we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Maintaining that failure in a game that is on life-support makes no sense. All it is is the typical mental torpor of this community. It’s as if you people would rather see this game dead than changed.

As for balance, I recall the artifact idea of the developers several years ago being pretty silly. The intent was basically customization and progression through passive buffs. I believe there is more potential here with an emphasis on decision-making and execution. This is hopefully a self-countering system.

If you want crazy go to the OW forums.

Also you are on a forum, people will and should disagree with you.

Lol, I’m not sure that poster was even disagreeing.

You mean yourself?

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This person. “Loved the effort”, had no actual comment on it. Went on an unproductive tangent.

I don’t think accessibility was really a factor. they had lots of heroes on rotation. and even had weeks of all heroes playable. The silver idea can be off putting. Like if I tried a hero, kind of like him and then don’t have enough silver to play them again. it will either make you angry, buy it, or just hesitant to even use silver all together. Like if they wanted more accessibility. you could just put more heroes on rotation.

The idea of giving players four powers is just going to lead to the illusion of choice, it’s not going to make the game more competitive. There will be that one power that will synergize with your hero/spec, leaving the rest as a trap and thus adding additional complexity for no depth and making another level of understanding for beginners

The real issue is the direction Activision blizzard took. Heroes did have a fan base it was never dead. But Activision wanted a LoL or Dota2 popular game and since Hots wasen’t that they put it on life support. Smite has a less player base then Hots and the developers are still going strong on that game.

Only way for a comeback that is slim is for blizzard to pull a no mans sky. add additional dev resources back in the game. keep making more heroes more arenas. bring back completive play. keep on doing better, but it will never happen.

The weekly rotation makes several heroes available for a week. Zero choice, zero reliability, zero sustainability. The weekly rotation is a childish concept, a gimmick. My brain short-circuited reading your silver comment. Put it this way, you won’t use it. You don’t have to for it to make sense.

Of course there are going to be powers fitting with particular heroes better. The question is how many will be useful to a hero in total, and what choices and ability will be involved in the execution.

The real issue is that from developers to players there is little ambition, little purposeful creativity, and a whole lot of excuses.

this silver reply to my silver comment short circuited my brain. ouch!


Let go through it.

Curious how an idea giving reliable access to a lot of relatively expensive heroes at a reasonable rate while at the same time yielding ownership can be off-putting.

Like, how would that happen, Scooby?

People who don’t understand something simple aren’t obliged to use it. They are also less likely to have money to spend and won’t use it anyway.

Like, never put a period in the middle of a sentence. Like #2, refer to the comment on the nature of the free rotation.

I’m reminded of an illustrious rooster that once said…

“That kid’s about as sharp as a pound of wet liver.”
-FogHorn LegHorn


The issue is the whole concept. even if you gave every person. and new person every hero for free now and even all in the future. still no one is going to care. Game will not have more players. They even had events with all heroes for free and no nothing comes out of it. Also like how I put periods. in the middle of sentences?

Right, part of the issue is the game isn’t awfully good.

How old are you?

  1. Also your idea of thanos infinity gems idea sucks

The quality of your criticism is now obvious. :wink:

This game is nowhere close to LoL or dota in gameplay.

What would you say makes those games better?

We all have ideas, Jean. Unfortunately, as escapes your notice time and time and time again, none of us have the resources to enact them or signal boost them to people who can enact them.

It is veritably the greatest fault of the game right now that so many ideas regarding mechanics, matchmaking, roster and more keep coming out, and they just barely have the team to crank out three to five reworks and one to three heroes in a year. Brawls got wrote off, a handful of skins now constitutes an entire even and we didn’t even get a christmas event, just chests with slightly more sprays and banners to get and get again. Not new skins, sprays, banners or mounts, mind…

We want things to happen, Billie Jean Francois. The problem is, the game doesn’t fuel on a wish economy, and furthermore none of us are devs to make these ideas more than just ideas… and I don’t think people have tons of time for volunteer work on behalf of HotS.

Nothing will get revived. Hots team dead, and every thread that is talking about it gets removed quietly. Kinda reminds me of an European country a few decades ago, but i can’t remember which.

blizzard is dead. enjoy the game while they let it stay up.

If people were wrong the person who is removing the posts could just state that it’s wrong and everyone would be happy. But like this, its more a confirmation than anything.

This is kind of the sum of this discussion: that all we can truly do within our power is populate the game. All else is out of our hands, really.