Report system - A letter to Blizzard

I never said I “send racist messages” to people. I just think that said racist messages only offend people who to choose to be offended by them. And that goes for anything someone ever says to you, over the internet or in person. You cannot be offended by something unless you choose to let it offend you; it is always the offendee ceding that power to the offender. The reason I say this is because absolutely nothing is inherently offensive.

I seriously think that it’s ridiculous to have an abusive chat report function in a game where you can mute players freely.

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Thats actually not true. As much as the term is abused by some groups getting “triggered” is actually a psychological thing. They dont choose to be offended but because of previous trauma some stimuli (Comments, smells, sounds) can bring it back up.

Chat is an important part of a team game. I dont want military vets, sexual assault survivors, and people who’ve lost someone to disease/suicide have to mute chat every game just so that they can avoid triggering comments. Comments which can make them have physical reactions such as getting sick, dizzy, hyperventilating. Granted these are extreme cases but also much more common than youd expect. I Personally care more about having these people in our community rather than a toxic jerk who rages/ causes these reactions over a freaking video game.


I can personally take an unlimited amount of trash talk or toxicity (and hence have no issues playing multiple Mobas) but not everyone can.

There are children playing the game. Sensitive people. Minorities who have suffered abusing or bullying and family members who have really went through cancer and all the horrific stuff players wish on each other.

“Words can’t hurt you” is only part of the truth. They can hurt a lot of people. The community shouldn’t have to be such a cesspool that every second or third match requires blocking people (personally, though, I can’t even bother to block anymore, barely worth the effort, but I suggest anyone tired of reading those insults do use block).

Weeding out the worst offenders has to be done somehow, in a manner minimizing or eliminating any chance of false reports leading to punishments (as they sadly have in the past). A community watch like that in Valve could work but any participants would have to be very carefully vetted and screened to be mature adults.

tl, dr; Try to have some empathy, just because words don’t hurt you doesn’t mean they can’t ruin someone else’s day especially if they involve severe abuse, racism and insults.


Could you please name those games I’d like to hear more about them ?

I say this because LOL/Riot doesn’t do this. A female streamer just posted a video of the horrendos :poop: she took. So its not from Valoraint, its not in LOL its not in Dota2… Where oh where are these gaming nervana’s you speak of.

People are :llama: so report and move on, people on the internet think they can get away with it because anonymity grants them a form of immunity.

By the way have you met this guy, cause he got banned apparently soooooo someone is getting banned…

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I’m another player who is extremely skeptical about the reporting system. However, I don’t think that a player should be banned by being reported in a single game, as sometimes your teammates don’t understand the game, and report you for doing the right thing (like trying to soak exp, so you wouldn’t be at a talent disadvantage, while your team tries to take 4v5 fights without you).

I’ve also once had this game where my team was composed of absolute potatoes. They were just dying all the time early game, and they were not helping with objectives and defending. So I started suiciding - I just wanted the game to end faster. I did get reported, by both my and the enemy team. In the end I had 12 deaths. But I wonder did our Tyrande also get reported, as she had 10 deaths, without suiciding on purpose. Or did our Chromie get reported, who had less damage than me (while I was suiciding for half of the game).

I mean… I didn’t ruin their game with my actions, I just shortened the suffering caused by them. Cases such as this shouldn’t be punishable.

I also sometimes tend to swear, but not “targeting” my teammates. Like yesterday I had this game, where enemy Illidan was really vexing me, and was always on me when possible. And there was this moment where I used an ability that was supposed to get him off of me, but it passed through him, without affecting him, while he was jumping behind me. So I did say !%#$ing Illidan. But that’s not offending anyone (that can read it), it’s simply expressing my frustration.

So while I do think that actions should be taken when players are being reported, I also don’t think punishment should be automatic, and each case should be reviewed and judged by a person.

The N word is actually the official way to call black men in some languages, and usually when people with such native language use it, they simply mean “black man”, and don’t mean anything offensive. It’s simply cultural difference.
So just using it, without any offending context shouldn’t be punishable.
In fact, in my language, literally saying “black man” sounds stupid (and people don’t use it). But there is a way to say “black” (man) which is quite disrespectful.

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Darak you’ve been on the forums almost as long as I have, you know people get banned for chat offenses. How can you forget the billion of threads from people complaining they have been banned or silenced for abusive chat both on these forums and the old?

I think there are some words that should be auto detected and a player instantly punished. There of course will be those who will just mask their language to get around a system like this. Trust me, I’ve seen the tickets of friends who were silenced and they didn’t say anything racist, swear words, death threats or even a vulgarism.

Be assure though, they did get punished for any perceived chat violations.

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I give you a like for the first part…but not for:

Be honest, you know in regards to this word it’s far more nuanced than you outline. I respect you and your opinion, but the majority of people using this word in game aren’t using it in the context you describe, for any “innocent” reason.

I’ve had friends silenced (not banned) they didn’t use these kind of words, but did they deserve it? From the chat lines on the tickets nothing said would get you flagged on the forums. The point is though, yes people get silenced and banned.

Someone even posted how they got banned for excessive use of pings. I’ve received 2 emails in the past week from Blizz saying they took action agaisnt someone I reported going AFK or Intentionally Dying. I’ve had those emails before, but never 2 in one week.

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funny story that, they sent out a wave of emails early/mid-may … expect the emails were messed up and just showed up blank. :sweat_smile:

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kek… Well that explains the two I got in one week…and here I thought they were finally going after the griefers. There is someone I met with a btag just like that in a game doing just that. How blatant can you get? :frowning:

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no, i mean the emails they sent out meant to say “Thanks for reporting/we’ve acted on your report/etc”.

But someone messed up formatting the emails and they were just blank emails!

Like no content.

(on a side note, i would love to say more in this convo (not in regards to emails, but how reports are handled) but eh. walking the line)

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Yes, I got those 2 in less than a week, but mine weren’t blank, just the usual form. Blank form means stronger punishment! Kidding, I wasn’t aware this happened, how do you mess up a pre-formatted email?

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I have absolutely no idea lol

there was no subject either, so possibly “loading” the template part broke somehow?

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I just had a game yesterday were a 4 man premade was feeding whole game and then blaming me for not coming to them. Then the D.VA after some time decides to call me delusional, honey and s…tbag and started to trash talk my family while they keept on feeding on and on. Those people deserve to get instant banned for life for ruin a game for one player completly.

For the e-mails i had 10 e-mails so far with people i have reported got banned.


If you get psychologically triggered by words and you are in an environment where you can freely block communication from other people, the responsibility is on you to do so. That’s like going into a boxing match and making no effort to defend yourself: instead you just tell the other guy to stop punching you.

Everyone can, they simply choose not to. What’s more is that abusive chat should mean even less coming through a keyboard. Many people say horrible things over the internet, but admit they wouldn’t say the same things in person. When you’re texting, or typing in chat, you are emotionally disconnected from what you’re saying. But the opposite is also true: the person being insulted is also emotionally disconnected from the insult, so it should be even easier to not be offended than in real life.

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I think it depends on the context, but, Blizzard clearly disagrees.

So reports over language that offends them, even if it is very tame/ultra-pg. . . is a valid report.

It depends again. The intent behind the words is what determines a report to me.
“idiot” and “noob” can both be used in ways that are extremely offensive/meant to be extremely offensive… or used casually.


League/Dota/Rocket league were my positive experiences with the report system.

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I’ll be honest, and I’ll say that I find it annoying being unable to use this word, out of fear someone may understand me wrong, when I don’t mean anything offensive.
For me the word itself is not an insult, and the context should be taken into consideration when deciding if it’s meant in a bad way or not.

But with that being said, I acknowledge that most people probably don’t think like me, and thus may use the word by itself as an insult.

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I agree with what you say WereElf, but I’m not allowed by “system” to give you a like for 8 hours. so… :hearts: :hearts:


How many hearts do you even give out each day for that to happen :smiley:

You most be a really good friend to have real life. BW would be proud of you :slight_smile:

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People like you just make me really, really mad.
You are twisting the words and make the victim the culprit. This is the fundamental point how racism, sexism and offensive behaviour starts. You can ask every psychologist about that point. It is called reverse accusation.
Not people should mute chat to avoid offense.
the offenders have to stop to be offensive before writing something that might be offensive
Freedom of speech is not about writing and saying what you want all the time. It is all about to know when you better say nothing. But what can I expect from someone choosing the name SeymoreButts