Remove or Rework the reportsystem to prevent the abuse

Eh, I don’t really care. Kids will be kids. But thanks!

The reason why I bring up cancel culture is because Blizzard uses that same broken logic for their reporting system - and as we can clearly see, it’s not a very good approach.

I’m not saying there shouldn’t be punishments for being awful, there should be - but Blizzard is hyper sensitive to this stuff, to an absolutely absurd degree.

I’m not for removing it completely, as it would mean people could AFK, issue death threats, intentionally troll games with no fear at all of repercussions. I can’t however deny your assertion that Blizzard won’t amend their system for just HOTS. Even if it was for all their games I’m not convinced they would spend a penny to make improvements. I’m not sure what the answer is.

It’s a sad state where many will defend the idea that “if someone is reported, they are guilty” even when it’s easy to prove how people can false report other players, with no consequence for doing so. I don’t think it’s the only reason, but I think this game lost players due to the report system, it is a bad system that allows for “the community decides what is toxic” and to have account bans issued on those feels.

Haven’t read a rework or reform idea that isn’t just the same excuse for exactly what these posts are usually about:

I wanna be toxic in chat with no consequences.

I will of course agree there are flaws and imperfect issues but to assume that the removal of something that works (to a degree AND is imperfect) is not something I respect as an intelligent idea.

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This is the problem in this game, the report system is automated and bans based on reports against your account, 0 reviews and 0 appeals cause that is ran by bots as well.

Games screwed up beyond repair


did you read the one i made a while ago? How would YOU rework/change the report system - General Discussion - Heroes of the Storm Forums (

I don’t know of a single person who’s been banned that hasn’t displayed any signs of toxicity. Its always the same. “I always turn chat off, and I’m never mean”. I don’t buy it. Maybe not all reports were valid but i I am happy to see them gone. Same with alot of the trolls jn this thread. Game is better without them.

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I know many people that were banned over this. They all say the same thing. They do not use chat and when you appeal with the GM. They give you an automated repsonse and close the ticket instantly

Ive played with you and you displayed all the signs of a toxic troll. You even said gg halfway through. As have other forum users and they said the same about you. Just stop trolling and find a new game. This one clearly doesnt make you happy.

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it is either keep the broken and abused system that can slowly ban a person who has nearly everything unlocked, etc. basically punishing those who don’t deserve it AND keep the MAIN reason for people making smurfs. the death threat stuff and all still happens because those people can just make a new account. so it is not like the report system is stopping these issues you mentioned. OR remove the system, yes the issues you mentioned MIGHT happen a bit more often, but people will not be afraid to communicate to eachother, no underserving bans will be dished out AND the main reason for smurfing is gone. i think it is clear what is the better of the 2 options. since removing the report system also HELPS with another issue that is smurfing in this game

I have not played in two months and i do not play with chat on. Sorry you cant handle the facts. When you get banned for abusive chat and you have never spoke a single word in chat. Just remember I told you so.

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This was over a year ago and you typed in draft + game. It was on infernal shrines during one of your solo ranked phases. You said “this is why i always play in a group”. Same with what other forum user.

Do you deserve to be banned from that one instance nope. And you haven’t been. But you’re certainly no angel.

Why are you so obsessed with retribution? Why can’t you just mute and ignore… HE CANNOT ACTUALLY HURT YOU, only you choose to be hurt. Are you admitting that you are such a snowflake that you need protection from the random internet ragers and trolls?

This would be amusing if it wasn’t so typical of internet discussion. I have you saying this:

Meanwhile I have this:

I’m arguing far more from a position in the middle of those two extremes (more leaning towards being against the report system), but you KishMyAxe are assuming I’m a “snowflake” and someone who wants “retribution” simply because I said some bad behavior should incur consequences. This is really tiresome and I’m going to bow out of this thread.

I am seriously curious.
And also, why should YOU get to decide based on a SUBJECTIVE PERSPECTIVE, who gets banned and who doesn’t?

Why not? It’s a common knowledge, if someone behaves rude, he gets consequences from the people around him… I mean in certain countries it’s common that can get warnings before punishment, if your noice in the night is too loud for the enivonment or you can get suspended from supermarkets, if you don’t follow the rules.

In this case, if you don’t follow Blizzard’s ruleset, you’ve accepted, when you installed the game, they can suspend you.

Most of my comments about removing the report system have been more about AFK/game greifers. You have decided to focus on the report system as if it only encompasses Abusive chat.

I have already said above, I don’t think it would be a good idea to outright remove the report system, as those people who deliberately troll games by AFK/Intentionally dying, could do so without any concern for facing consequences for their actions.

I wouldn’t be judging or deciding such a thing, that would be on Blizzard to do. I have already argued many times that like other games Blizzard should have software to automatically detect such behavior without the need for reports. As they don’t seem to have this, then I don’t want my games to become unplayable because people want to deliberately walk into towers or AFK in base the entire game, because they know they can.

As for chat abuse, it’s hardly an extreme hard line that I’m taking to say there should be some limits, such as Death Threats. If you don’t think it’s possible for people to find someone online stalk them or dox them, then you must be new here.

This is another improvement that should be made to the system. Again, outside of the most extreme behaviour I don’t think accounts should be banned and I think warnings should be given even for abusive chat. I’d argue for this as currently Blizzard’s definition of Abusive Chat is extremely broad many people break the rules unintentionally.

I guess we agree that the idea from ZeroGravity about porting Dota 2’s reportsystem would be an improvement.

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I will even argue that this should just be ignored. Do you ACTUALLY believe this guy can come kill you? Come on now, it’s probably some sad depressed sack of garbage or child somewhere. You ban him, he is just right back more toxic than ever. Also, how often do you actually get death threats? I got like 1 so far for calling someone bad.

Mate you can’t pull that on me. I’ve played enough games to know if they’re playing well and soaking or if they’re sulking and intentionally losing. If they’re helping the team, the players would let us know to “stall the obj, I’m soaking” or eventually help the team out later on. The troll is literally just flaming and ignoring the team and saying “enjoy your loss”. I think that one is pretty obvious.