Rehgar's totem OP

I still don’t think he is OP BUT stats definitely point to it. And given the chance my team will pick Rehgar but I haven’t lost against him when he slips through TBH.


The only reason I want the totem build nerf is so my team don’t lose when our Rehgar goes anything but totem against the enemy Rehgar who goes totem and kicks our butts.

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I’ve won all my games with Rehgar but haven’t lost to one yet. The stats say he’s stupid powerful but I haven’t experienced it first hand yet.

I beat a totem Rehgar with a ghost wolf build the other day. Wasn’t too challenging but perhaps there was a skill gap since it was QM.

I said this somewhere but he feels like a sudo support. He helps empower others while providing descent heals.

Kind of like a Medivh can feel unstoppable sometimes. Only difference is he is a bit easier to play.

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He feels like a support built to gank the off lane since his damage from ghost wolf build is perfect for it. He can easily soak lanes without losing tons of mana which makes him useful for soaking compared to other supports as well. Those unique traits make him really fun to play in my opinion.


Yeah. I used to love his kit I’m level 61~ he was just so fun to play but they nerfed him quite a bit and just felt I couldn’t do as much with him and I’d get out shinned by alot.

I really like his rework and he is a bit overturned but I hope they don’t gut him again until he is unplayable.


I like him now. Statistically the numbers say he’s OP but I’ve been playing this game long enough to know that it takes awhile for people to adapt to changes. I think he’s got a few over tuned talents but overall I really like the rework. It makes me like playing him where before I felt lacking when I played him.

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LoL, those of you who think he’s a “bit overturned”, and like him now:

  1. Your barometer is broken.
  2. If you only like him now when he’s super broken, you probably shouldn’t have been playing him in the first place, and you definitely won’t like him when he gets balanced.

So many of you seem to have like revisionist history. Even prepatch, when Rhegar was definitely one of the weaker healers, his win rate was 48-49%, hardly “unplayable”.


Is his high winrate today in all ranks?

68% ish masters, 64% bronze, 64.5% average

very similar for both qm and sl

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They’ve changed up talents as well if you note.

I played him a lot in 2018 I think. He was OP IMO because he was I like a sudo assassin style. Then they nerfed his damage then his healing. That’s what made him unplayable.

Why would you pick a low healing healer when you can’t even do good damage? But yes the few can make him work and still love his kit but it just couldn’t compete unless say you built your team around blood lust IMO. EVEN Prob had a descent win rate prior to rework

What they have done now is give him more utility. Which they tried to do when they combined some talents a year or so ago but they combined 2 bad talents together to compensate.

Provided they don’t over correct I think he’ll be ok (just my opinion and I guess we’ll find out in 6 months)

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General public doesn’t know potential of nichely picked heroes, it pretty much happens with every rework, pre rework D.Va bunny hop late game had a lot of power but the general public was always around D.Va being “”“useless”"" unless big shot is picked.

For Pre-rework Rehgar I’d pick him with a death ball comp and he could really excel, it’s a shame not a lot seen the potential of it.

Not to mention that his talent variety was pretty decent in couple of tiers.

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This is absurd. How they buff hero and not banning him from ranked. Not sure they understand what they do.

Yes and no. He is not just healer, you know, but fighting healer. As Kharazim. Can Kharazim outheal whole team for a few seconds in late game? Maybe. Rehgar able too but problem is he also has big AOE slowing which a few folks here after 16 even calling roots, he has cleanse as basic ability. It’s much bigger than Kharazim can offer.

Well, yes. You kinda need brain too not just balls to dive into enemy. There are pathetic players, no wonder.

I think the main problem is the totem has way too much HP.

It should have counterplay: you want OP utility totem, yes, but a the cost that it can be killed and you lose all that utility.

On the other hand, they could also just split the thing into 4 separate totems and it’d automatically be way more balanced.

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Thou forgot the most important thing - two debuffs affecting at enemy auto attacks and magic damage.

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six :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m really hoping they’ll nerf him this week. He makes QP unplayable for other healers.

At least in ranked, you can ban him

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Wish they would disable Rehg in ranked if they aren’t going to nerf him within 180 days. He’s automatically eating a ban slot or giving one team a massive edge.

One thing I would like to see is an adjustment of Bloodlust in a sense that it no longer provides an increase to player model/collision size. Doesn’t make much difference in “fair” team fights, but is quite insane when outnumbering players because it makes it impossible for them to escape - attackers gain both increased movement speed and is easier for them to body block.

Nothing about Rehgar screams overpowered on its own, but in combination it creates a ridiculously powerful hero and all of it is a toolkit of a single character.

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This puppy is killing my Qm games nerf already. Stop releasing broken heroes like zag and naz and then just nerf them back to being useless.