Rehgar's totem OP

reghar totem is hella OP at level 1 lol… then lvl 16… victory if not… then hit lvl 20 blood lust+totem 3-5 enemies blew them off! victory!..

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It’s been an entire month. Please… nerf this garbage

This made me laugh. Thanks for that!

The only thing it doesn’t do is open into a fishing pole.

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This thread is bigger, so no idea why you claim the other is.
How wrong you want to be…

Also the devs doesn’t need threads like this to know Rehgar is op. They already knew after his winrate skyrocketed. And your bad comparison thread doesn’t help where he needs nerfs.

So pls make a thread about how the sky is blue to “help” ppl…

I don’t even know what you mean.
Do you claim to know how Blizzard works? Yes, they do look at feedback and flame threads… they just don’t respond. The more traction a thread gets, the more they look at it. The “Rehgar totem OP” thread took 2 months to get 50 replies. The “Rehgar totem is better than Tyrande’s stun” took a week to get 30 replies. Comments are what keep the thread active, not OP likes.

where are you going with this?

The funny thing is, you agree that Rehgar is OP and does more than other helers. His abilities and talents are overbloated… so, what are you even mad about? Do you just to argue for the sake of aguing…? That’s exactly why polemic threads get more replies in shorter time… there are people like you who get easily rattled…

Not mad, but my issues are with your dishonest approach and “spam” (since you just made another thread like this).
I told you why this is wrong. I’m out.
Enjoy your “forum traffic” about a topic that only says “Rehgar op” when that’s already know by everyone, especially the devs. They sure need to see it more often when they have all the game data…

I could not post in the original thread until X people replied, and if a thread is 2 months old… it’s a necro…

Only solution is to start a new thread.

yes, but (1) it’s been 2 months since it’s “known,” while normally they fix things faster, and (2) utility comparisons are a good way to gouge what one character brings over another within the same role. You may argue otherwise, but that’s exactly how things are designed; from there, it just becomes adount numbers.

Reghar’s issue is not primarily about big nubers, it’s about overbloated design.

My biggest complaint is it’s a no brainer skill which requires 0 skill to use. Pick level 1 talent and place totem = insanely huge advantage to your team at the start of EVERY team fight.

It has 3 forms of CC also with the level 1 talent. Rehgar now “COUNTERS” a lot of melee assassins 1vs1 with that talent. How is it a “healer” can 1vs1 Melee assassins? Makes no sense.

Attack speed and spell power is a double whammy on melee assassins also - It makes some pretty much useless as well.

The snare was powerful enough - With how easy it is to use and difficult to kill, you waste time trying to deal with it as the other team - or lose the fight every time because you get herp derped by a 0 skill ability with 1 talent at level 1 that counters pretty much every hero in the game.