Really bad Competitive

Two guys in our team threw during hero league. Tychus, played by GrimReaper and Artanis, played by some guy named Player, are actively throwing the game. The former doesnt want to help, the latter DEFENDS him.

Im calling these two out. They threw my game 2 times now. I am calling for a witch hunt because nothing short of it can actually help. How do I upload my replays, so I can show you what happened? I want to give proof that my team is throwing the game for me?


It seems that you lack the ability to get over things if you lose, this tilts you and clouds your judgement in the next games and jinxes you into losing even more.

Chill man.

Edit: Playing the game badly isnt intentional or against the rules either its pretty normal in silver-gold


That is just retarded that I take a few days off and I get the worst of the worst? Jesus and you wonder why I want hard reset of rank. I cant be bothered to pair up with people who want to murder my team from the inside out just by being salty.

If I chill, people get mad. If I care, they get chill and throw. That’s how it ALWAYS works in this game.

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When you get better and play alot you climb and when you learn nothing new and just blame your team while making the same mistakes yourself you stall and stay stuck in that rank.

Get over your own pride friend.

I am getting better, but I cant help but be frustrated about the state of my rank where it is automatic to find 2 trolls for every 3 games in my day. I play better, but my team get salty too easily over one guy and then wont join us. I cant play around that kind of behavior.

Edit: Get over my own pride? How am I prideful when my dps just soaks the lane instead of helping us team fight for objective? How is that prideful?

I think what he’s trying to say is to control only what you can control. You have no influence over how random strangers play. Though it might feel good to vent and call people out publicly, it doesn’t do anything other than reflect poorly on you. I understand the emotion. You just gotta find a better outlet, and then go back to the game and do the best that you can. Anything more than that is beyond your control.

Good luck.

This is how it is… dont play ranked play. that is my advise.

Fact of the day: there is no competitive mode.


That s because lots of people want that game died, so they throw wathever what and especialy smurf account, they don t care, they have their main account.

Casual players invade Activision Blizzard, be sure game will be worse then ever

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This >>>>>>>>

I quit competitive a long time ago… because I didn’t agree with the label Blizzard slapped on me for grinding through or attempting to grind though the players they want to keep entertained (their feeders, AFKers etc). It’s like OK " You are plat 2 because you couldn’t carry that 40 death Leoric the other day or that NOOB Jaina player who doesn’t know where his/her B button is yet (How cute!!!" No its not cute). Yea we made money off them when they bought those cool skins we made." Like LOL for real… I just can’t take competitive seriously because it didn’t take me seriously.

And THAT >>>>>

They really should have had a much harder stance on feeders in particular (intentional or not)… do anything… put them in bronze or something … ban them from HL… but they definitely should have done something with players who aren’t playing the game. Thats what I remember bugged me the most aside from the all game laners and whatnot.

Aside from that… Blizzard treated HL as part of the leveling process or some kind of reward for signing up to play the game when it shouldn’t have been. Back when I started you got to level 30 (something like 20 games played) and it was like “congratulations!!!” you can now play HL. That really really really wasn’t a good time to start HL back then for me personally. I was still very much the new player. This sort of thing happens every day.

Even now you got TL of all places rewarding more XP and EXP for playing there when that should be this games “end game” …
You get your rank in HL, push as far s you can go… then form a team and do TL. Everything is totally upside down…I can’t believe the game got to this place.


Honestly, the competitive mode in this game is just barely above being a total joke.

It really is that bad.


TL, yes, HL 50/50.

After all theyre not playing to be pros so “competetive” is in a way a flawed descripion.

“Ranked” is a better one but doesnt apply on TL because TL ranks have alwayd been a joke

HL ranks are a joke if you play less than a 100 games a season.

You can’t say that for everyone. I’m sure there are people who aspire to go pro … wether they are in college or 70 years old (whatever)… and just looking to see how far they can go before looking for a team somewhere. You never know.
And sure right now less of a chance of that given the games state but in its heyday … sure there were definitely people looking to do that. I think they even had a league of sorts for that (forgot the name).

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For the most its still quite literally just a game.

Even if it is just a game it doesnt mean we shouldnt try our best ofc.

Point is to enjoy playing in the league we belong to and to see our rank rise when we get better.

If we cant enjoy the game whats the point?

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I totally agree with you.

I love how the reply function on the forums doesnt show other people that its an reply to an comment 50% of the time but informs the one who got replied to.

Wonder if Blizz is aware or would care.

Case and point THIS reply.


Yea it doesn’t always work. I think it did this time but other times I have to go back edit then quote.

Like now lol.

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Thats why half my comments have quotes and the only reason really.


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LOL same here. (6 characters required)

Also how in the seven hells is this thread still on the forums with 2 callouts by playername?

Probably because its not a full battletag. “Player” is a very common player name. Like I see player everywhere… there must be thousands of those guys.
I’m winter… there is a whole bunch of imitations then you have me the OG. So… yea.

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