Rank reset - back to bronze every season?

I should also mention, back when they tried to implement PBMMR, ranks accidentally got a fairly large soft reset. People ended up being placed absurdly high or low compared to previous seasons, based on a bug regarding how MMR was calculated. It was so bad, they had to reset the placement games not once, but twice. People who were serious about ranked play had to do three sets of placements that season, and even after that many people had their MMR screwed up, and in some cases it took months to get back to their “true” rank.

Pretty much everyone was extremely displeased, at least going by the conversations on the forums and Reddit.


Ever when I didn’t play Ranked in the end of last month because I play in English Language with Korean players but after was transition to Korea Language I would confirmed that setting from Bronze to Platinum.

I would have to see about Ranked & Quick Match modes that I would returned at beginning of next month because I can need to know about longest Heroic Deals to date that in website never updates for rotation.

Well my idea had an solution to this that better players gets bonus points, so I think that a master player with 700+ per game would be quite fast through leagues
 but also it’s just an example and if that’s slow progress, points gain can be increased though.

Maybe even 1000 points for masters, then they are master in 25 games with a 100% winrate, so it would be actually be 35-40 like the current reward requirement for SL.

Or, just not do it at all. No one was happy with the rank shuffle when it happened.

But are the people happy about this current system? Why people still complain about bad matchmaking, if this system works? I remember people complained about low winrate guys in leagues like gold.

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Definitely more happy than they were when ranks got screwed up. It’s a shame the old forums are gone, as the volume of rage was about as high as I have ever seen it.


This is a very good example. They also gave a soft confidence reset when they merged HL and TL to make Storm League. As the three highest ranks have ranked decay anyway, I see no compelling reason for a bronze reset for everyone unless the desired result is to kill ranked play completely.


Bronze is already a nightmare. Lumping GM’s and Diamond’s into my placement games would fire me from almost getting out of Bronze (Its taken a while) to losing all 3 games and getting stuffed back to B5 Pits of hell?

The mmr works only with large amount of games, a big sample size. The system gets more and more accurate the more ppl play.
Resetting the mmr is resetting all that work, all that finetuning.
And why? It serves nothing good. Ranked is a pain then, you can climb only if you’re above average, the mmr is chaotic. And basically everyone is a smurf (low ranked but skilled player).
You basically remove what makes thd MM work.


How I remove that, when my idea gives better players bonus points to get faster to their ranks? If you play a lot, my idea has almost no influence on your performance, while if you are absent for a long time it’s harder for you. But since the game is evolving, even if it’s slow, it’s still a new environment, where people needs to go into it.

In fact the current system has already a mini-version of my idea for long absent players, they get bonus points for some games (10?) to re-evaluate their rating. In other words you are against a reset for the whole mmr, but only for the highest players since your rank can decay after diamond, yes? And they get the bonus points anyway, - around ±500.

Only, if you fear smurfs, I do not, because they made my games challenging, the only thing I am get frustrated, when my team is way weaker than the enemy team and starts feeding, so I can’t do something against. Sure you might argue this happens, when a smurf is on the enemy team, but you also can get a smurf and better players usually navigate their team with pings and such, only ignorants or trolls ruins the fun for the team, because they are tilted or bad.

Dont care. I’d rather have a regular clean slate tournament then this progress bar grinding mini game that does absolutely nothing for 3 months at a pop.

Big if. Not everyone plays a ton of ranked.
And it doesn’t matter how fast they climb, they still push others down. The MM still can’t function: no matched skill.

I wouldn’t be so bold to call that similar to your ideas.
What actual is in the system is if a player is gone for a longer time they win and lose more points for a few matches.

I don’t understand this sentence.

Diamond+ ppl don’t get bonus points (if that’s what you’re talking about).
And the rank decay is pretty forgiving. You can build up 30 free days in a single day and if you have less then 3 a single match puts it at 3 days again.

  1. Because ppl always complain. A large group of ppl look for scapegoats all the time.
  2. Because we have a low population so “rainbow” matches happen more frequently.

But ppl complain exactly about the thing that you’re trying to do. Facing more/less skilled allies/enemies. The exact same thing that would happen if B5-GM#1 would put in the same MMR bracket.


I think you don’t know what you want :slight_smile:
It would mean that there is no MMR, so you’d just play against random people. It would the same experience as smurfs, except literally every match. Your personal input would matter even less, compared to the randomness.

I’ve been pondering it, too, but came to realise this and figured I wouldn’t enjoy it. Apart from the fact that starting from the bottom means that players would be pushed down to Bronze 5+0 quite hard, until higher ranks start to stabilise. For every win, a loss also happens and those points have to go somewhere.

But that’s easy to remedy, everyone would have to start roughly Gold 3. Or wherever the middle actually is, also considering how much you play.

I don’t have particular sympathy for “we deserve our rank up here”, but should note that when two rainbow parties are created, a bronze inevitably wins and a diamond inevitably loses. Same if the MM randomly creates two matches, one with 10 diamonds and another with 10 bronzes. It takes quite a while to weed out this effect. Of course, if the system uses no shadow methods to try and created balanced matches, this is slightly faster - luck only.

So in short, this would be clown fiesta.

I understand you are disappointed with how things are. :hugs:


I really doubt that you can identify someone’s rank just from playing with them in one match. You should not even consider doing this because what comes out of this is just irrelevant.
Nobody has a real rank because the ladder is in constant movement. Everyone’s rank is just temporary and relative to other players.


Yep, this would push real bronzes and silvers to the extreme depths of Bronze 5 where they will gain so little points per win and loss they’ll just quit HotS. They would be facing plats, dias, masters, GM’s for weeks with little to zero chance of winning.

A huge number of legitimate bronzes/silvers would be pushed to B5 0-500 points.


Well with this change they could remove this barrier of B5 though.


That means a “true B5-player” would get his usual 200 points, while a GM would get between 700-1000.

League fixed their similar problem (too many people at B5) by adding Iron 1-5 under Bronze 5, but I don’t know if the current HotS team has resources to do that.

It wouldn’t be a huge process though, portraits, a rank animation and maybe something else I missed.

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Everyone will be on mixed teams. As players records coalesce their rank will naturally drift according to their performance.

This was how things worked for decades before you all became obsessed with solo queue match making make sure that you all were given a 50/50 rating that ensured you played every game “fairly”. Fairly to the point where you never were challenged to do any better. Where you’re rank “stablized” to whatever the algorithm calculated “where you need to be”.

I say Fudge all that. Put players into the fire. Those that want to improve will have the opportunity to learn how to play the game against opponents that provide meaningful competitive challenges. As such they will be exposed to strategies and tactics that they would never otherwise experience. They will be forced to adapt to better and better game play. Those who just want to wallow in their own ineptitude will end up at the bottom of the ladder exactly where they would be in the god awful progress bar grinding mini-game excuse for a ladder that we have now.


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Yes, but current bronzes and silvers mostly only play with bronzes and silvers.

If everyone starts at B5, real bronzes and silvers will be playing with plats, diamonds and masters for weeks if not months.

By the time those plat+ climb to their real rank they will have destroyed what little MMR a legit bronze 2 or silver 4 has left and all those players will be Bronze 5.


Decades ago a lot of competitive games were also very unfair and have improved staggeringly better, if you think about it, these new rules exist to improve what your “system” was and there are always a better way to improve them, not back tracking back.

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