Why does lava wave clear an entire lane AND reward him with the xp globes he’s nowhere near?
Literally lost against a team that we were slowly but surely winning against, but as soon as ragna got his lvl 20 lava wave ult, he started to boost the hell out of their XP with lava waves auto catching up the XP even tho he played horrible apart from placing his lava waves to clear lanes.
I just think it’s ridiculous that his team gets rewarded with the XP the wave clears.
Any minion that is killed by a hero’s attack automatically gathers the XP orb for the hero that used the attack.
And to be realistic, Lava Wave would be broken (in the bad way) if it didn’t give XP this way, because it would kill all XP sources in one lane which would put your team WAY behind.
They were behind like 3-4 levels cuz my team had slightly more skilled players in team, the Lava wave made them catch up, i just think it’s ridiculous that the XP orbs on the ground after slaying minions flies all the way to top lane into his face.
Well yea, that’s the idea. they still get a hard push on the lane which will cause fort losses eventually where they can get the XP. So the opponent’s part will be to defend the hard push coming or lose the fort, but to lose the XP AND the fort is just ridiculous.
1 less ult in a team fight is a serious disadvantage. The XP you get from a lava wave is almost no different than any other hero who has a global like falstad or dehaka except for them they DO contribute an ult in a team fight.
Now if you are going to tell me that you are getting hit by the lava wave in a team fight then I’m not sure this conversation is worth continuing.
It was Lava wave that made us lose, because the XP it gave their team so they could catch up made them get equal talents, all because he was passively waving lane with no brain.
He was their teams weakest link and he won the match for doing nothing but wave lanes to passively drain undeserved XP to his team.
It goes hand in hand man, Catching up on XP is the issue here, not what happens after lvl 20.
I’m sorry you catch what I was saying. Let me see if I can clarify.
The main use for lava wave is wave clear, yes?
You get the most out of lava wave in a lane that you are NOT already in, yes?
Dehaka and Falstad have a global travel that lets them be anywhere in nearly an instant, yes?
Just prior to a teamfight Dehaka and Falstad could be wave clearing longer than other heroes who don’t have globals yes?
Heroes who can spend more time wave clearing roughly the same advantage as Lava Wave yes?
But they can quickly move from Lane to Lane due to their global movement.
Another (probably more accurate) example: Asmodan. Once he has got his Globe up to enough damage to kill minions in one shot, he can throw his globe from a different lane, and gets all the experience from those minions killed…
And he can do that every 10 seconds, while Rags has to wait 120 seconds for another Lava Wave.
if you get a last hit on the minions, there’s no “orb” involved. you automatically get the exp. yes, it is kinda ridiculous how much EXP rag can get for his team using this ultimate, but I don’t think it’s OP.
Lava Wave has a 2 minute cooldown. Yes, he gets 2 charges at 20, and each charge is reduced to 1 and a half minutes, but that is still a LOT of time for your team to be doing things to secure the win.
It sounds like your team was WAY too passive in trying to secure the win if a heroic with that long of a cooldown made that much of a change in your game.
Whatever man, you say what you think happened and i don’t know how to upload videos here. Cba tbh.
I still understood it the same way, it’s not the same. Falstad is there in lane soaking 1-2 waves. Same for Dehaka. Both of them having to physically exist in the lane to get the soak. Ragnaros can be in TF and wave bot and do both at the same time.
One Orb on one wave, and he can’t keep doing it with enemy pressuring. That orb will only be focused on the TF during it. These are not the same.
This is a major fallacy on your part. Wave clearing might be considered passive it is by no means doing nothing.
In fact when you are behind it is probably the best thing you can do to get back in the game. You should have already known that by the other team having lava wave you have the advantage in team fights which appears to be the case by you being in the lead.
Here is what I don’t get. They have 1 less ult in a team fight and you were never behind in levels. And by your own admission Rag was a potato loser of a player. How did you end up losing the game? Lava wave is not an I-Win button that wins you the game.
What i mean when i say “do nothing” or “being passive” is that he places a wave with a single keystroke and then he doesn’t do anything else, because what comes next is a XP shower AND a push. Im belittle’ing the effort placed for the reward gained.
I think they were like lvl 17 when were were closing in on 20, he had one wave. The opponents were not potatoes as a team, it was a fairly even match even thou we were very slighly stronger in TF’s. The gap between the team skill level was not large, we still had decent exchanges some of the TF’s. But the XP drain literally made them catch up on XP and be on par in TF’s. They eventually won because not only did they catch up on levels but we had no forts left they had 1-2 left before the XP boost happened just to illustrate how we never ceased to exploit our level advantage.
I say these things because your claim is weird. You had a 3-4 level difference and the only thing that made it so you lost, despite this huge lead, was Lava Wave?
Sounds very weird to me.
And the fact that you can’t even be bothered to show EXACTLY what happened, and if you’re speaking truthfully, it would become a very useful resource FOR YOUR ARGUMENT:
Yet you don’t want to share it? That implies that you’re exaggerating to the extremes.