I would like to kindly inform everyone that this isn’t OPs first topic on the matter.
The first time he claimed that Lava Wave is such a ridiculously OP skill that it, and only it, was the reason for him losing a game he had a 4 level lead on.
When asked to share the replay, he didn’t. He strongly refused to share the replay for no valid reason. Even though the replay of how Lava Wave was so strong that it completely negated a 4 level lead (how do you even get 4 levels down with Lava Wave to begin with?) would be perfect as evidence for his case.
Yet he didn’t share the replay.
The thread, for those curious → Ragnaros lava wave
And on the topic subject, I’ll say the same I said in that thread.
As it is, Lava Wave is a skill that is only useful if you’re already losing. It has … not that much use in an average game and is pointless in a game where you’re winning, atleast in macro.
Because what’s the point of throwing a Lava Wave and killing at most a single minion wave with it?
Sometimes when I pick it I end up sitting on it for 3-5 minutes or longer because there’s no lane that’s being all that pushed. Everything is in the middle or moving into their territory.
And if Lava Wave is so blisteringly OP, isn’t Sgt Hammers BFG 20 upgrade even worse? Place it on the a lane right and it’ll basically shut down an entire lane permanently, until she shoots another BFG.