Ragnaros lava wave

I not the kind of guy that is so egocentric that i have to go to forums to lie about stuff to satisfy my ego…
The reason im writing here is for the game polish. It just blows to lose a winning match not because we got outplayed but a dude’s kit consists of a passive soak to forgive his teams lack of cooperation to land proper shots or peel the right way or use ults the right way.

I got MvP even tho we lost and i was playing Ana doing some sick plays throuout the match, our Garrosh also did some very sick plays and we had a Godlike Gul’dan. Even when they won TF’s they were bruised and weak and couldn’t even push lanes. It was all done by Lava wave.

You lost the macro war. That is the reality of HOTS.

If you are up in levels but you lost all your forts and have taken none you have to realize that you’re not really ahead. Perhaps from your description you were never really ahead.

Also if you are heavily pushed in a lava wave is going to have LESS effect than when the you have them pushed in.

I think you might need to adjust how you view wave clearing and how important it actually is. If your team fights were evenly matched as in you took the same damage as you gave then the tie breaker is going to be wave clear and camps.

From your description that is how you eventually lost but to lose this way requires many missed opportunities you could have taken. For one if you are playing against Rag with Lava Wave their macro push is going to be heavy and if your comp doesn’t have equal wave clear you are going to have to win those teamfights/objectives. If that is not happening then you are losing. Plain and simple.


I got MvP even tho we lost and i was playing Ana doing some sick plays throuout the match, our Garrosh also did some very sick plays and we had a Godlike Gul’dan. Even when they won TF’s they were bruised and weak and couldn’t even push lanes. It was all done by Lava wave.

While I can see this being possible this does not fall in line with your original description of the teams were relatively even. If you had sick plays and you had god like players then so did they.

This is the first time you mentioned they won TFs. Even if they were badly hurt just as I mentioned in my earlier post this means more because they are winning Micro AND Macro.

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Show us, don’t tell us.

Prove it. Don’t say it.

All of your vague nonsense is just terrible excuses to not show us the replay. It’s very easy.

The more you refuse to share the replay, the less solid your case becomes.

It’s your choice. You have the perfect example of what you’re talking about, right? A perfect game that shows that Lava Wave needs to be nerfed, right?

But you don’t want to show us…?

There’s a huge contradiction and very, very, very often, this contradiction is because the replay would show that all of your claims are untrue.


Yes. Because being higher in levels gives you more damage and HP.

I will happily concede it is far less important than pre-20.

In theory it’s wave clear gets better as the games goes long if you have lanes pushed in… but if you have lanes pushed in as Rag with that ult… I suspect you’re losing.

past 20 the real value comes from just pushing the lanes and getting your minions on their side of the map, giving you more vision and breathing room during team fights.


After they caught up on levels with the wave, what you said became the situation of the match. They had more vision but never could hard win tf’s. So they won throu 1 players ultimate. It’s just awful to lose a match this way what can i say.

All i want from matches is that the players are rewarded for their efforts not handed to them. That’s where im coming from, We had a Sylv, DW and Gul’dan as lane clearers. They had Lava wave and a Jaina who never left the side of their tank, meaning she was never in lane solo soaking. Lava wave had that covered.

Instead of tweeking the XP maybe removal of the cooldown reduction it gets at lvl 20 could be an alternative option.

If their waves are pushed in because your lane doesnt have minions. Means you need to depush and get the xp anyway

Lvl 20 is mostly about the macro and winning the fight, knowing how to end. Not the xp game

Not being about the EXP game and exp not really mattering are two different things.

Enough exp to give a level (or multiple) gives you more power in teamfights.

Like I said, it matters less (a lot less). But it still matters.

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never seen why people have an issue with Lava wave but not sgt Hammers Orbital 20.

Lava wave kills the minions in a lane once…
Orbital BFG will kill all minions in a lane for EVER.
but noone seems to complain about orbital BFG, only Lava Wave.


well that’s cuz BFG used to damage buildings. so anything it does now is lame in comparison.

I know lava wave, but whats a ragnaros?


This is beyond delusional. You had a level lead that you didn’t know how to take advantage of. You were outplayed.

They played with a disadvantage until lv 20, and even then they had a huge disadvantage of having to use 4 ults vs 5 in any post-20 TF.

The loss was deserved if your team couldn’t figure out what to do.


OP won’t even post a replay to prove his own point, you really think he’s humble enough to admit that?


So your argument is that they were losing so the waveclear character used his waveclear ult to get XP in order to catch up in levels.

That’s fine, thats what is supposed to happen.

The game is to kill the enemy core.
You don’t have to win team fights to do that. Winning team fights one way.
The team with the worse team fight will try to win via macro.

Thats what happened here.

You won the battle but lost the war.


The fact that you were level 24 by the time they hit 20 proves to me there is a lot more to this loss then Lava Wave,
Fact of the matter is in the late game Lava wave isn’t for soaking, it’s for clearing Winions without leaving long poke battles

Also I noticed you made the comparison to Azmodan’s Q and mentioned that the Q from Azmodan means he gives up some power in the fight

Well here’s the thing, Rag is taking up an ULIMTATE to get that power
As in, Ragnaros as a hero, even WITH his team fight ultiamte is mediocre compared to other burisers like Imperius Thrall and Artanis when it comes to his presence in the team fight.

Taking Lava wave sacrifices his power in team fights on a fundamnetal level.

So it is actually more comparable then you give credit for.


Orbital BFG doesnt give exp. Also hammer doesnt get exp from auto attacks from siege if she is too far from the minions. Even if she kills them. Also BFG doesnt guide itself down a lane, its a straight shot, yes you can send it down mid and hit most of them. But lavawave guides itself down the lane killing and gaining exp.

Or was he their most skilled player? Who realized that fighting with a 3-4 level disadvantage was pointless and so focused on wave clear to close the gap. Clearly it worked as the level disadvantage was gone and they could then go on to win.

At the cost of his ultimate. Instead of comboing 1-3 people for 1k damage and a good stun it is instead off soaking experience, not directly helping win the team fight. All it takes is a few of his allies to die during that fight and any experience advantage the wave gained is lost.

They won due to a concept called “macro play”. Instead of focusing on team fights they could not win they focused on destroying forts and catching up.

Ragnaross is a very strong macro hero. Unlike many other macro heroes, he cannot be distracted by bruisers mid game onwards. If he takes Lava Wave he will be trying to win by macro play since his team is inherently at a disadvantage in team fight. In this situation one has to react to his Lava Wave pushes, possibly with mercs, and encourage team fighting, using your team fight advantage to win objectives.

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If it kills the minion, yes it does

If you last hit, yes you do.


perhaps i am wrong then as i have just been informed if the last hit kills you get exp. however the BFG still is a straight line so you cant really take back a side lane with it.