R.I.P Downvotes (first ever Megathread)

I think it is much of a problem. It can create a very distorted portrayal of how popular an opinion inside the community is.

If you see a post with 30 upvotes, you would assume it is a farely popular opinion. What you cant see is that on the old forums the same post would have 30 upvotes and 90 downvotes, which completely changes how popular the post actually is.

this could be solved by displaying the upvotes and downvotes next to each other.

Is it me? Or do I have to scroll all the way down to post a reply in mobile?

I didn’t like them so I didn’t use them. If I found something I didn’t like and had nothing to say I just moved on. Not seeing the irony from here.

I respectfully disagree with this post.

Proper discussion?.. You have 2 6 year olds going " nu ah you are wrong" " nu ah you’re wrong" ad nauseum. That’s not a discussion, that’s just a tragic bunch of spam on both their parts.


Actually the replying with I disagree and here is why, and the massive amounts of purely negative comments is far more toxic and negative then a little red tic. Removal of the ability to dislike a post doesn’t improve communication, it just gives more backing to really really bad ideas.


Yes ofcourse. Your suggestion is exactly how it was on the old forum. On this forum there are no downvotes, which creates a distorted portrayal of the popularity of a post. Upvotes are basically just an ego boost for the poster now and have no value in assessing how popular an opinion is in the community.

Lets say you posted the exact same post in the old and the new forum. And lets say you are actually interested in the communities opinion and dont just want to boost your ego.
In the old forum, if you would have gotten 30 upvotes and 90 downvotes, it would have been very clear that the majority dislikes the post.
On the new forum you will still get the 30 upvotes but there arent any downvotes. So what you think is: “hey look, 30 people voted me up. Looks like my opinion is pretty popular”.

Without downvotes there is no actually value in voting at all.


And those are the ones Blizzard will implement…

If 30+ people are all expressing the exact same response, does it matter who expressed that response anymore?

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They were never about that. There was never a point in which you could upvote/downvote blue posts and those would be the ones you’d want to gauge the popularity of.

As for the second part I can’t imagine being invested in someone fart huffing on imaginary internet points.

Do you honestly think that Blizz implements ideas based on how many upvotes they get? I don’t like everything they do but that’s a pretty low opinion of them.

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At one time, I believed…

Prepare for your demise heroes!

This can’t be happening, but it is!

I will try again later!

Reconnecting soon…

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I want them to be displayed side by side by default. On the old forums it would just display the total amount of dislikes and likes combined. You would have to put your cursor over them to see how many there are. I know that doesn’t sound like a whole lot of work and it really isn’t but it helps get a better feeling of how the community really feels about X thing in a better way to show it.

Also “hiding” a post when it had to many downvotes was really stupid.

Also with your response it seems like you think i am against downvotes. you do realize that i want them back right?

i won’t miss downvotes.


Yeah, and I had this thread about how I would’ve reworked Tyrande, that got some downvotes, but nobody was discussing what they didn’t like about it. Just one troll kept insulting me, and some other people that had posted on the thread, and was advertising his own rework suggestion, that was extremely flawed (since his version, on level 1, was as strong as Tyrande 1.0 on level 16 :D).
Then I started ignoring the troll, and asked what people actually think, but the troll replied “11 downvotes”. Like that meant anything xD


I am pretty sure it is not up to you to tell me which posts i want to know the popularity of :wink:

Not really sure what that even means. But if it means feeling good about yourself for getting upvotes, than i agree. I dont care for upvotes, thats why upvotes make no sense without downvotes.
The only usefull functionality the votes had was to assess the popularity of a post. Without downvotes they could have as well removed every form of voting all together.


/Post must be 20 char

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I didnt read through all of the 150 posts here, so no, i actually didnt know you want them back :slight_smile:

I agree that hiding the posts was stupid. No idea why they did that.

I thought you were talking about Blizz gauging popularity. If you need know the popularity read the thread, it’ll be evident based on the response.

If someone were to say it, it would be fart huffing on imaginary internet points. Who cares?