R.I.P Downvotes (first ever Megathread)

I actually liked the previous approach. Unlike at plebbit, where sometimes healthy suggestions for the game are deleted by the hive mind due to being buried by downvotes, controversial topics here at least remained readable if they continued being discussed.

I’ve always feared that the devs, who let’s face it, are not very skilled in balancing their game, pick up the wrong suggestions because they are not massively down voted. In the past I’ve seen them pick up on downvoted suggestions which were healthy for the game however, so maybe my fear is a little irrational. It would just sadden me if for example people start spamming something ridiculous and the devs would pick it up because they believe it is actually wanted by the community. There is no easy way to view if something is generally liked or disliked, and you have to start reading all of the replies, which takes time, and that is something the devs don’t have.

I’ve never seen the like/dislike button as something toxic, it’s a handy tool to see if generally your post is well, liked or disliked. Do people actually get sad when their opinion is disliked? I know I spout my unpopular opinions alot at the work place, but guess what, in the end, they improve the organization. Sweet talking and not solving root problems is more toxic in the end than hurt feelings.


This whole supposed argument could’ve been completely avoided if I still had the ability to click the thumbs down button.

Precisely why downvotes were removed. uwu
It’s almost ironic that the removal of downvotes actually allowed for a proper discussion on a topic about downvotes.

The creators of discourse have stated that downvoting wasnt a core feature in their forum tools because they feel it doesnt promote conversation within a manner they desire, along with other aspects they wish to stray away from such as the inherent negativity to being “downvoted”.

Upvotes are- on the flip side, a inherently positive thing- But at the end of the day- upvoting / liking / agreeing with something has an inherent difference on a conversation than “downvote!”

When you up vote something- what youre upvoting, and why, is often apparent. That is to say “i agree”, isnt likely to carry the conversation further in a meaningful manner.

Downvoting however, can be done for a multitude of far more diverse reasons.

Maybe you dislike the poster due to various reasons in the past, and simply do it to express that. Maybe you strongly disagree with their opinion. Maybe something they said, is flat out wrong.

Now instead of simply downvoting, and being on with your way- Youll no longer be able to hide behind the anonymity of a little red tick mark, and at a minimum- will needto say “i disagree”, hopefully explaining why. But even if you dont explain why, the possibility opens up for someone to go “well, why dont you agree?”- and that serves to further discussion.

You can agree or disagree all youd like with the reasoning- But that IS the reasoning behind the devs (The devs of discourse), and its unlikely to change.

Feel free to contact the likes of Sam Saffron (One of the co founders of discourse, who has basically openly stated everything ive put here), and let him know why you feel downvotes should be a thing though <3

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this does make a good argument for against downvotes. But i would have to respectfully disagree.

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And the least one that took effort to reach.

Oh well, it had to happen a thread like this is going to appear any time soon, so I’m not complaining. :ok_hand:

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Oh ok, heart equals thumbs up, flag equals thumbs down, got it .


Be quiet is not a constructive and fair option.
You can’t flag mindless nonconstructive nerf/rage threads as “inappropriate”.

Downvotes were a good thing to show ppl that an idea was just super unpopular and unwanted.
Like buffing op Heroes. Nerfing up Heroes.
Or asking for surrender (atm we can’t even flag it as spam because it’s basically “new” on these new forums).

Plus you have a fix (and quite low) amount of flags/day. (I used up all of mine for flagging HoH posts as trolling and now I’m unable to help the forum moderation for hours.)

Also @Crackjack’s posts are pretty inappropriate/rude here. But worth flagging (what I don’t have atm)? Or would be enough to just downvote him? It would imo.


you know it. 20 C H A R A C T E R S


Now that they removed down votes they should add Public HOTS profiles to the forums so we can immediately filter out the topics and posts from the ignorant low MMR players.


Just “arguing the merits of the thread rather than just clicking a button.” - Drothvader

How is any of that going to work out with people like HealsOnHeels?

Kind of glad we just transcended irrelevant information tbh…

R.I.P Collapsed Text :laughing:


Drink for every reply on this megathread, you’ll be drunk before you know it.


i think i’d be dead before 20.

You mean people can’t simply gasp read the post and actually try to understand or analyze the post or discussions? Because I certainly won’t understand that by just looking at numbers, kudos to you if you can but I prefer the old fashioned way of reading.

Well if they aren’t able to post anything constructive in the first place or contribute that isn’t exactly a bad thing to shut out free riders who bandwagon or trolls. And if they really want to communicate learning to do so and figuring out how to post is a good thing as well.


Who said you have to do that without reading?
If a new player (a newb) would come here with frustration from enemy Butchers and would see that “nerf Butcher” threads are downvoted, if they’d be reasonable with the ability of self-criticism, they would be able to realise that it’s a “you problem” and not a balance problem.

I dunno about you but I just see that as a big assumption on your end as to how new players act. And moreover, the old forums showed otherwise that people when frustrated would still post regardless of how popular or unpopular said topic was or how many times it was made to the point of redundancy.

Otherwise, you seem to be gleefully ignoring the bandwagon effect that was prevalent. A good case in point of this was Chromie who had such differing opinions of why she was “broken” yet it was up-voted anyways even if the reasoning did not coincide with their own, because if you read the thread the opinions were all over the place as to what people considered “broken”.

And at the end of the day my opinions are based on posts I read and not assumptions I make based on numbers.

Except for the part where downvotes didn’t “silence” anyone. Interesting that you throw out the millennial insult while acting like you were somehow victimized by downvotes. :roll_eyes:

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You know actually knowing who disagreed with you is IMO a good start to towards actually improving the browsing experience too you know. It’s much easier to weed out trolls and alt accounts. Otherwise, if it actually gets people who’ve barely posted to actually take the first step I don’t consider that a bad thing. Case in point is this thread as I actually see names I’ve not seen before posting.

Nor do I consider having the forums feel more like a forum rather than facebook or twitter a bad thing either.

This could’ve easily been solved by adding a dropdown to the vote count so you could see who voted. Also apparently we can only flag 5 posts per day, which is insane. I used all 5 of mine instantly on HealsonHeels umpteenth troll alt (#II#) and he still has another ~10 spam/troll posts up that I can’t flag now.


You could but like on facebook or disqus the number count affects the actual viability of checking that drop down, when it reaches like 20-30+ I certainly don’t bother reading each and every name.

And as I said with my edited post I don’t consider it a bad thing if people take a first step, even if it is just to say “I disagree”, because having people acclimated to typing rather than just clicking is I think I good thing. Moreover, as I said with this thread I am happy to see names I haven’t seen before actually participating. And I think that is a lot more engaging than counting numbers.

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