QM needs a cc algorithm

Biggest problem I think with QM, other than super heroes, is the total imbalance of cc comps. More often than not, one team winds up with a huge cc advantage.

Just left a game where QM put ETC, Tyrande, Anub, and Qhira on the same team. That is 4 stuns on base attacks on one side and it showed. We owned. The other team had none and were summarily stomped at every objective.


Or you could play draft and accept that QM is a clown mode reserved for players who like clown modes (including imbalanced comps and lineups and absolutely no logic in the hero picks since the map is random)


CC shouldn’t even exist in PvP, and its more broken than usual in HOTS, as getting hit with any form of CC engages /AFK mode on your character.

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Yeah, it should be much more about “just press your buttons first and insta delete people” like it is in league, instead of actually having to learn how to engage, counter engage, watch cooldowns and learn how to follow up like it is in hots.


You think LoL is the less skilled game?.. … HA

Granted, they’re both contenders for top 10 worst games of all time, but to think any part of this game is better than LoL? lel

HOTS is like LoL’s retarded little brother; all the same major flaws, but with a few weird quirks.



It’s always funny when someone who HATES hots is around here in the forum :joy: :joy:


Quick Match is not getting even matchmaking. That’s just not what the mode is for.
Go draft or live in silence, but don’t be thread number 14000 about how QM needs to specifically provide your teams with more wins.

It’s not gonna happen anytime soon, and the game isn’t exactly growing exponentially to provide more players for it. QM is not a drafted mode. If you want drafts, make a premade or play draft.


Seems to be the only people here, seems to be the only people anywhere.

I don’t play LoL, but I know for sure HotS is the most casual of the mobas. So to see you stay stuff like “having to learn how to engage, counter engage, watch cooldowns and learn how to follow up like it is in hots” is the lulz cause you actually sound like you take yourself seriously. You’re a casual in a casual game, dawg. Best you realized that.

Pulling from the classics, no sense re-writing what’s already been written.


I played league, dota2 and hots. Hots is the one who I liked the most, practiced and studied the most and play the most as well. No, I’m no casual player. I still study, practice, ask questions, get coached and all that because I want to grow as a player.

If YOU like to be a casual player, that’s on you.

Even if blizzard managed to do anything you asked they would not be able to satisfy a serial whinner like you anyway.


The denied creeps, the jungle camp stacks, the supports that had tons of utility and cc, but no heals, buying items with hotkeys not to loose gold when tactical feeding…

I loved that game, now its a joke. At least Hots is acceptable.

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The biggest problem of QM is that players expect something beyond “quick”.


That’s like being a tryhard cyclist in a Nascar race.

Did they remove all that stuff from DOTA? How is HOTS acceptable for never having had that stuff, or anything even remotely that deep to begin with? Between the talents and the team levels alone, this game is braindeadbabymode.

I don’t see what all these complaints are about. My QMs are often long waits, that have to expand search parameters. The teams are usually vaguely balanced, and when they aren’t, its usually because of a blatant smurf, which is a form of cheating this game for some reason allows, so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

No? That’s being a tryhard cyclist in a cyclist race.

Its really not. If you took your (supposed) top tier skills from this game to LoL or DOTA, you wouldn’t understand half the mechanics. How to spec, how to buy, how to last hit, how to feed, how to ward, how to jungle, how to lane, how to tower, how to anything. On the other hand, if a pro LoL player came to HOTS, they could turn off half their brain, and still be the best player in the match.

Yeah friend, it doesn’t work like that.

You can transfer a lot of things to other mobas because they all kinda work with the same logic. Of course you will have to learn the mechanics, characters, interactions, meta and all that, but the basics you can carry to any moba.

Now, hots may not have things like itens and all that, but it is still a pretty hard game to play well. The fact that most of the playerbase is pepega and doesn’t want to improve is not the game’s problem. If a plat in league/dota is way better at the game than a plat in hots, that’s not the game’s fault, it’s playerbase fault.

Hots is as hard as league/dota if we are talking about playing the game at its best and highest level. Main difference is people in league/dota even tryhard and try to improve in casual matches/low ranks, while here we have too many people that just want to be casual instead of playing the moba.

lolno. HOTS is a baby version of an actual MOBA, that basically features nothing but teamfights, and even those teamfights aren’t nearly as “hard” as the better (AKA worse?) MOBAs.

You can lose a LoL match because 1 player is complete trash and feeds to infinity, even if you’re playing better than everyone else. You can lose because the guy you’re laning against counter-picked you and has double your farm. You can lose because your jungler sucks and never ganks - or worse, sucks at ganking and feeds your lane. You can lose because the enemy team is getting all of the dragons and/or stole a timely baron. You can lose because your build isn’t meta enough. You can lose because Trynd is literally invincible and is soloing towers. I could go on, but you get the point?

The only way to lose a HOTS match is if your team doesn’t 5v5 effectively to take the objectives.

Aside from character specific abilities, that really isn’t the case, as I explained in my previous post. Moving from LoL to HOTS, u would have to learn practically nothing. Moving from HOTS to LoL, you would have to learn a ton of things.

Hots is a moba.

False. If you think that’s what hots is, then you know barely 10% of the game. There’s SO much more to hots that you have no idea.

They are different games in terms of teamfights, but they are just as hard. There’s a lot of things going on on both games when it comes to teamfights. The main difference is that 1 player can just carry and win the fight in league, while in hots everyone is working together (which can be even harder).

Just like in hots.

Just like in hots. Main difference is that it’s not 1 guy getting fed, it’s the whole team.

Just like in hots. Even thought we don’t have junglers, we have mercs to do and we also need ganks in the solo lane. The execution is different but the idea is the same.

While we don’t have last hits so there’s not stealing dragons/baron, we do have camps/bosses and objectives that can be contested and even stolen. Different map but the idea is the same.

Again, same in hots.

Some heroes in hots are also pretty annoying especially when ahead and you basically can’t do anything and just lose.

Yeah, I get what you want to say, but in the end they are equally hard on their own if you want to play them at the highest level possible. The main problem with hots is that most people don’t want to get better. Just look at the gap between a hgc player and a gm player. It’s usually really big. It shouldn’t be like that. We even see GMs doing gold mistakes that should never happen. Hots problems is all related to playerbase, not the game, not its mechanics.

Not true.

Not true. I started in hots first and transfered a lot of things to league and it was not that hard to start learning and playing. The ideas were basically the same. Even some strategies were the same. It was really easy for me to catch things up. The hardest things to learn were champions, interactions, abilities and what they do. A friend of a friend played lol for a long long time and now it’s coming to hots. He transfered some ideas that are common to both games but there’s a lot he still needs to learn and it will take a lotta time to learn everything. One of my friends had 10k hours in dota2 and was in a really high mmr, he also had trouble coming to hots and whenever we play together he has kind of a hard time. And look, he is not new to hots, he is already level 200ish.

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