Why do people in the forums hate QM, the most popular mode in the game?

The fundamental problem with these forum posts is the fact that they misunderstand what exactly are the benefits and drawbacks to playing in the Quickplay mode.

From the beginning, the developers recognized that a common problem with other MOBA’s was the fact that you weren’t assured that you could play a given character in any match… The drafting modes make it such that your preferred character could be picked or banned already, and it’s entirely possible that you could play an entirely different role. More serious and competitive players might be able to put up with this, but not people who are playing casually. It gets worse when you consider that Blizzards IP’s are PACKED with all sorts of characters that players will want to play.

So, in acknowledging that people would want to play a certain character, they created a mode where you could pick a character and be assured that you could play a game with that character quickly… Quick Match. The problem is, in order to play with a given character, you are giving up the chance to know what your map is going to be (so you may have a character playing on a map that isn’t suited to that character), and you won’t be able to create a cohesive team through a drafting process, nor will you be able to see your opposing team’s composition…

Long story short, Quick Match is a quick and dirty mode that bypasses a lot of the buildup that occurs during drafting modes, which are there to give the subsequent match more balance to ensure that both sides (theoretically) tried their best and the better team won.

While there are people who are being harsh on those complaining about QM, there’s also the fact that it’s one of the dead horse topics that there’s really no merit to the discussion… also since the devs have said that Quick Match isn’t going to be balanced, and that the drafting modes are where you go for a more balanced game.