QM needs a cc algorithm

HOTS is a moba like the cannon-shooting minigame quests in WoW are an FPS, like, yea, kinda, but no.

This is simply not the case, the exp contribution from deaths/feeding is practically irrelevant. And because it applies to the entire team, it becomes even less relevant. I’ve never seen a case in HOTS where 1 guy (or even an entire team) walks in and 1v5 1shots the entire enemy team - that’s how like 50% of LoL matches are won lol

There’s not even builds in HOTS, so how do you figure that? I would also add the opposite of this is true in other MOBAs; some guy whose usually a tank builds AP and comes in wrecking your team out of the blue - not even an option in HOTS.

Have you ever lost a HOTS match when after capturing every objective? Have you ever even won by hand? Like, manually punching down towers in a lane without the objective doing all the work for you? Never seen that.

I named a bunch of new things you would have to learn when transferring from HOTS to LoL, and that wasn’t even a complete list. Name a single thing you would have to learn if you moved here from LoL? That objectives are the ONLY thing that matters, and you faceroll to them as soon as they spawn? lelz

Yeah, it is a moba, even if you don’t want to accept it.

The fact that you think 1 kill is not relevant is because you’ve never experienced the game at a high level. It clearly shows how low your games are and maybe even your mechanics/experience in the game. One kill always meant a lot in high level play even in the early stages of the game. If the playerbase doesn’t know what to do with that kill and how to take advantage and snowball, that’s on the playerbase fault, not the game.

I did. I even did it some times. That just shows how you have low experience in hots.

You’re trolling right? Now choosing the right talent path considering map, your comp and the enemy is not building? Pff, stop trolling.

That is not what makes a moba. That is just a characteristic of some games. That is not a requirement for anything.

I lost some games even after being ahead as well as lost games where we were behind. What’s the point? Never seen comebacks? They are in the other mobas as well and I’ve even seen people winning after losing all dragons/baron.

Yep. All the time. In fact, most wins are not even because of the objective, but taking advantage where and when you can, just like you do in league/dota.

See, the fact that you think that’s all hots is already shows how little knowledge you have about the game.

Now I see why you’re here. You’re probably just a league/dota player trying to troll around in the forum. Well, get the report and our conversation is over.

Most of your counter-arguments are just you saying NAH UH, so I’m not gonna bother responding specifically lol, you didn’t even bother answering the 1 question that seems to be the core of this argument.

Indeed, it is a MOBA, the retarded little brother of actual MOBAs.

You must be playing a different game than me then

LoL is the worst game of all time, and I’ve barely even played DOTA, so, nah.

Oh, reporting somebody because they made you look the fool by slapping you with a handful of facts? Yup, you’ve definitely won this argument.

Always love those guys who don’t play the biggest mobas of all time and come here complaining about how they are bad :rofl:

Talk about waste of time :rofl: :rofl:

You didn’t btw. Your arguments weren’t real.

I’ve played alot of LoL, far too much, its probably my most played game. That doesn’t stop it from being the worst game of all time. I played too much of it for the same reason I play any of HOTS - gambling addiction. I put 20+ hours into DOTA, enough to get the basics, if I had to pick, I would say DOTA was the best MOBA on the market - solely because it has a flying donkey, lolo, but really the entire genre is trash. I also played the DC one, before that got shut down like a month after release lel, and DHC on Mobile WHICH ACTUALLY, though its not as MOBA focused, is hands down the best MOBA; style is 10/10, content actually exists, but then its ruined by mobile gimmicks.

MORAL OF THE STORY. Even though this is the most popular and most profitable genre in existence (or did Battle Royals overtake it?), there has still yet to be an entry that isn’t utter cancer. These games exist purely to make their community, and the gaming industry as a whole, worse, while filling some corrupt mega corporation’s pockets, by selling gambling addiction to children.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

or…they could just do a version of Blind Draft.

Queue as a Hero > throws you into a draft mode with your team > allow changes to help round out the comp > 3-2-1-GO

This won’t solve everything, but it will allow some comp flexibility (assuming you got flex players) and you don’t have to waste 10 mins of full Draft mode.

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That could actually be cool.

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Old forum had like 3-40 threads about qm being unbalanced so this one is not new.


No, i was pointing things i enjoyed but i didnt like the direction the game was going after they started introducing talents and now completely meme items, just my opinion tho.

Its acceptable for me becouse i enjoy its design, but it lacks some depth.

Ps: I also hated that they kept changing the damn map with each big patch and having to learn it again jesus.