Press F for Whitemane

Well, its based on the premise that the doc was making the wrong choice, his motivations are irrelevant to the lesson trying to be conveyed.

Im sure there is a better analogy out ther, hell it used to come up all the time on that show mythbusters when adam and jamie would work seperately on a problem, and the one who came up with the most simply designed rig almost always won out for the experiment phase.

Or i could be totally off and he meant something else entirely, cultural differences and all that.

Of course his motivations are relevant, there’s no story if there’s no contrast. If you don’t have two opposing sides to a story, you know what you call it? An instruction manual.

You know, we just need “RED SHIRT GUY” to make a statement and things will go back to the way they were.


Mega F


I didn’t play her very much, but now I want to.
But I frequent Uther, so I know how to manage mana.

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I didn’t play her very much, but now I want to.
But I frequent Uther, so I know how to manage mana.

lol. mana is not the problem here.

Oh yeah, I see your point.
Personally I think people just depended on a crutch.
And that Blizzard may not have correctly compensated her with a fun and skill based method of healing, instead making people focus on auto-attacks.


Your really overthinking this, you dont happen to be a medical professional? :smile:

Uther isn’t comparable… He actually has mana refund/reduction/free cast talents, notably his level 1, that more or less alleviates his issues by mid-late game. In addition, his heals are stronger at an individual cast as compared to Whitemane, you grant armor. You don’t have the same concept here. It’s the same as Reghar who also has direct mana refund or reduction mechanics incorporated into his kit relatively early despite being mana hungry. In Whitemane’s case its far more limited. You can try it out but you’re neglecting some key differences from the more mana hungry healers like Uther / Reghar.

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Yeah, like the ability to mass ancestral your whole team?
They shouldn’t have upped the base cost of Q and removed the mana reduction talent, using Q repeatedly as Desperation dropped off was already an interesting and skill based requirement that made her different from other healers.

But instead, it seems they’ve possibly upped her ability to heal with each Q, rather than making it spammable.

They just completely ignored how mana hungry healers like Uther / Reghar works when they tried to reason out her old level 4 talents… Without those options they end up creating a rather feast or famine situation here. The worst thing I’m noticing more and more in my games with her is that Whitemane is now struggling with clutch healing, the output is too slow to react and too costly and with the increased CD on the armor heroic its also more limited.

And as I said before they kinda missed the mark so to why Whitemane fell out of favor and tried to fix the wrong thing… Reason she fell out was due to utility being crammed into other healers, baseline and talent wise, that made picking her more difficult but at least she had a niche with her strong burst protection and versatile healing. Now… well yeah… Press F! The rework put simply does not actually make her more appealing as a pick compared to other healers.


I meant, you knowing how to manage mana has nothing to do with being able to play her. It’s her talent tree. She just depletes and is left standing there with her thighs wide open… so vulnerable…

She was one of the few tough and really fun heroes. So much to manage. Now multiple of my favorite traits are gone. Not nerfed. Just gone. Really poor decision. Averaged 90k healing per game with her…the highest of all my healers.

There were already enough easy, kid friendly healers, Blizzard team. Please change her back.




Wow, I just returned from my job, I never expected this feedback, great to see so many people who like Whitemane.
Next Sunday I’ll make something for her.



Forever in our memories and hearts.

I’ll be looking forward to anemone’s posts and I’ll be posting some number differences later today when I have some free time…


One thing I want to add about this is that is anyone else pissed off that two of the tints for the new Whitemane skin the Black and White one and the Diamond blue one are not included in the skin pack and need to be purchased individually for 900 gems… Those are the two tints I want and they’re pricey as hell while not being part of the pack… Geez…

If there is one good thing about this rework then it is that it saves me gems/shards … no need for heroes i have no incentive to play.

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:open_mouth: ,

Yes, (i mean those 3 gifs that HelloBG posted)
what build was that? your health bar barely comes down, every hit is healed up in the very next second,

I played WM in brawls when i had to heal, but this is something different!

Its called “boring af”.