Press F for Whitemane

mm dont get it

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if its a steaming pile of garbage of an update they can get it done in a week to a month. will know because their data will show a cliff that nears zero after the people finish checking her out.

I just encountered many people from masters who really liked the rework. I think I lived as an open minded person but these guys made me question democracy just as blizzard balance team lol. I am not capable of saying “I really like this rework” without having a real insight about her first design unlike these people.

Maybe because where they play people rarely clump up and eat E’s several times for free and actually punish you for standing in place using W blindly and that her new gameplay appeals to them more in their bracket?
That also is a possibility.


How many heroes have been ruined with reworks so far? We can use this as a count down before the game is truly dead.

Though the game would be dead to me if they ruin Orphea.



How do they manage this? I thought they lost all the developers and creative people. There must still be a middle management guy making changes and releasing patches.


Or they’re using the bug with Clemency able to dispel desperation stacks…


Twenty crusaders.



We already have two healers heavily dependent on basic attacks: Tyrande and Kharazim. We don’t need a third one.


Hrmm. So she went from being able to keep up Zeal for roughly 80 seconds to ~16 seconds.

Also, her max potential healing for AA build went from 260 HPS to 192 HPS.

So overall, her AA healing build went from “Monster healing, completely unstoppable against PUG comps unless they can blind/CC her to death” to “Still top build, but you aren’t completely gimping yourself if you go W build”

Her toughness and attack range didn’t change, so she can still reach tank lvl health quite easily, and get 1k+ mana. Or become a complete monster if the enemy team is filled with potatoes.

Seriously, the rework is making me not to play Whitemane anymore. My main role is healer I used to play whitemane a lot but not ANYMORE. always oomed low dmg even with these new builds and no fun. please reconsider it.


Lets press F for hero that wasn’t played a lot because it had crazy bad mana issues that people complained about… Yeah what pricks…

Except that it went from mana issues that can be resolved with talents, to mana issues period.

In fact, Whitemane’s mana issues are even WORSE now - Q and Clemency both cost a !@#$-ton of mana (Compared to Clemency previously being free, and Q costing 30 mana with no stacks), and the ONLY mana return talent is her Ult, forcing all Whitemanes to pick Divine Reckoning.


Divine Reckoning now returns some mana. Other than that, sadly no real options.

Which could’ve actually been fine, if not for the fact that they also removed her other mana efficient options. I don’t mind having to B when OoM like a normal Hero, but Whitemane’s entire mechanic relies on having enough mana to afford Desperation when necessary. Since she can’t recover mana anymore, she should’ve at least been able to save her mana for actual desperate times. Except Clemency is gone and base Q now costs (50%!) more, so now she can’t really save mana either.

They need to revert the Q change, and probably should’ve added some other mana return to her kit. I think mana return on E would be ideal.


No you’d still pick armor… Since that ult has a better interaction with her AA build, as it spreads zeal to the entire team, which is a lot better than a mana refund once you hit level 13 and get that power spike from AA healing. Seriously you’ll be able to out heal most stuff with this, provided people aren’t too suicidal. You honestly, don’t need that much mana at that point since you start spamming your AAs heavily due to the buff of Saintly Greatstaff at 13… Whitemane is pretty much a mid-late game hero at this point, the free permanent zeal is quite a kicker to boot. This is only compounded by her level 1 infinite quest really… Like I keep saying its become more feast or famine.

“…its become more feast or famine.”

Great description (fully agree), but also a very weird situation to place a healer. I haven’t had a decent match to full try out the AA build, but other build attempts have been rough going since patch. Not for lack of healing, I can still pump out the numbers… but the mana is a huge problem. I’ve had to retrain myself not to hit Clemency, 75 mana is a ridiculous cost for the ability to heal outside of combat.

I’ll press F tomorrow once Asia gets the official patch up. I need to sleep.

Clemency is currently bugged with one added functionality of removing exactly one stack of desperation. While this isn’t much it does somewhat matter when you reach level 16 as this more or less allows you to burst heal with being able to do two rounds of radiance quick. This is the bug:


I like the new talents and how they work, however the mana is rough to play and the amount of healing is low in comparison to heroes like Ana/Lili/Rehgar. I think she just need more tweeking and that talent to get 3 hp/2mana per hit is a trap talent that doesn’t really help her in the end game with mana issues. Not having a rset is just too rough or her damage to increase healing isn’t making up for the lack of mana.

I really really wanted to like this rework… I thought the AA talents looked cool when reading them, but having tried the hero today it was just… beyond dissapointing. What were they thinking?! Did any of the people they had testing this rework come back with ANY positive feedback? My dream now would be, that they would just apologize for this disaster of a rework, and then remake the old WM :frowning: