IF Malthael needs a buff it’s a numbers issue, the base kit is fine and so are most of the talents.
For purposes of buffs I would like them lean a little bit more into his identity as a tank killer. First step would be to see trait damage increased from 1.75% to 2% max health. Against a full health and souls Diablo, this would take full 4 seconds of trait from 257 damage to 293.
I would also increase soul rip healing from 4% to 4.5%. So again, using Diablo as a metric, healing would go from 146 to 165.
Against low health heroes like Ming, these changes would be much less noticable. With Ming’s health damage would go from 22 to 25, and healing would go from 50 to 57.
They changed several Lvl 20 heroics specifically because they didn’t feel exciting. So I think it’s a valid reason.
When a call is made to push as five. I’m not going to leave to kill minions. God knows I played with enough people doing that.
If you’re suggesting that we have to wait for everyone to agree on a hero’s state to change something. Nothing would ever get done. Completely disagree.
I’m not against changes to his lvl 20 (tho I don’t mind them and think they’re not useless).
What I tried to say there that just because someone dislikes a Hero that doesn’t mean the Hero needs changes. By Hero I mean their playstyle. You say you’re bored of it, while others don’t, so play those you enjoy and everyone else will do the same.
Then you won’t do much unless the enemy comes to defend. That’s part of Matlhael’s balance. You do the lowest Structure dmg possible. Happens. You still help tho and it’s not like doing more dmg makes just AAing Structures more interesting.
I didn’t say that.
The things I said:
Malthael has a healthy winrate
Malthael has a healthy popularity
Malthael has a healthy talent tree
So just because you don’t enjoy Malthael that doesn’t mean he needs changes or buffs.
Malthael isn’t hard to use. But he’s 4th from last in popularity. So a majority of players don’t feel like playing him.
I’m not helping much usually. When you’re as five, there won’t be any minions for me to kill, they get burned by the group. And engaging an enemy hero is risky, even with my team there, because the structure will start attacking me, and I don’t have an escape to avoid it.
There’s a difference between interesting and meaningful. I’m still attacking the structure, but I know it makes little difference. With any other bruiser, it would feel like I’m doing something of value. WIth Malthael, it feels pointless.
The list doesn’t show Gazlowe, Sonya, Hogger and D.Va, who are the top 4. Malthael is 4th from last. And he’s over Dehaka by less than a percent. He’s less popular than most of the bruisers who are not popular.
Chen, Yrel , Dehaka and Rexxar are harder to play than he is. And yet he’s still at the bottom. How can you define that as healthy popularity?
Well, at least it’s as easy as playing Lili. Hold Q.
With that in mind and this filter, Dehaka and Rexxar are easier to master.
With the filters, if Blizzard somehow finally cuts 4% win rate from the 5 top bruisers, the average win rate becomes 52.04%, which is close to Malthael’s 51.88% win rate from good players. (53.22 * 17 - 5 * 4) / 17
So yeah, Malthael is in a balanced spot.
You can say malthael is in a balanced spot but it’s all relative. The holy trinity still isn’t nerfed. Now apparently sonya is coming up too? GG bruisers yet everyone poo-pooed my idea of double bruiser comps.
Based on how many ppl can’t 1v1 certain Heroes with him and being useless in ARAM and stuff I think Malthael is just seemingly easy and actually a hard Hero.
With what filters?
The filters I checked showed him to be around the 40th-50th “least popular”. Be it SL or QM. 3 latest patches or just the recent.
The only time the results were similar is using only current patch and QM with no Rank filter but even that was 9th.
FtR, start using it folks, it’s escape and engage, helps you catch hard prey ans negates ganks.
Oh so only checking Bruisers in the current patch, Masters (or maybe Diamond+) QM.
I still think that the problem is that we have multiple overtuned Bruisers atm which makes Malthael less desired for the masses.
Hitting minions as Tracer isn’t something I would call it hard.
Meanwhile, Sami and Dynouh are dishing out around 60k Hero dmg in high elo games, that’s impressive.
Oh, and TLV in a nutshell.
4, Move command, Z, AA, AA, Q, AA, W if she W, AA. Dead.